Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

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Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

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This book started out with the most innocent of intentions until it acquired a life of it's own which left me with the impression that it had become something out of the movie, National Treasure.My 98 year old father of whom I love dearly is my oldest friend on the earth has requested I be his courier for this book.Throughout the years my father has told me many stories in detail of yesteryear and one story in particular stood out since about 1990.That story of which this book is about was an event my father witnessed around 1932 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.My father witnessed certain pieces of fabric upholstery being torn and taken from the original Abraham Lincoln's chair in which he was assassinated in on April 14, 1865.My father further read at that time certain original Abraham Lincoln papers that were also there that were taken, of which the contents that were described to me I found to be disturbing.The problem is, the original Abraham Lincoln's assassination chair is believed for the last 85 years since 1929 to be at the Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan.It is stated that Henry Ford, the automobile magnate, bought the original chair in 1929 and brought it up to Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, Michigan to be put on display and kept there ever since.Yet my 98-year-old father told me over and over again that he and his friends had seen and made contact with the original Abraham Lincoln chair in 1932 at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.Upon my investigation, I was told from someone in the know, that the records at Independence Hall at that time, "of those that survived" were "spotty at best".So on one side of the equation stands Henry Ford's empire with all its resources and influential expert historians making claim that their chair is original while on the other side stand just my 98 year old father and myself who disagree.To begin with, I am not an historian and I say upfront that I can't compete with them nor is it my intentions to discredit them or anyone.What I am is a state licensed private investigator/private eye and a state licensed polygraph interrogator/examiner along with being a retired 25-year lawman.This is what I am and all that I make claim too.With this in mind I could not help but wonder that on one hand an automotive giant, Henry Ford, has claimed with 100% certainty since 1929, that the chair, which Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in, is in his possession and is the original assassination chair.By claiming such has allowed Henry Ford to draw millions of people to his museum to pay $20 to $45 dollars a head, at present prices, to look upon and gaze at this perceived original antique with star struck eyes.Yet my father on the other hand I know as an honest man both sane and with clear mind has never lied to me and has nothing to gain by stating, "The original chair cannot be at two places at the same time, Richard. It cannot be at Independence Hall around 1932 and at the Henry Ford Museum-Greenfield Village since 1929!"With this statement, my investigative journey began.

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2829647 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-08
  • Released on: 2015-09-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

From the Author All my life I have been a hunter for the truth, which has led me into the polygraph profession.  As a polygraph examiner for the last 35 years I would have to sort out deception from the truth and then test against that deception and truth to reach a diagnostic evaluation.  As a private investigator I gather facts of a case of which I am investigating to bring closure to the matter.  Many times I had to gather fragmented pieces and place them together to create a composite or picture as if a jig saw puzzle to determine or reconstruct as best as I can what transpired.  As a police officer, as with all police officers, I had to study and observe suspicious characteristics or abnormal behavioral traits of people's behavior that are outside the norm of every day life. For honest people usually act within certain known norms while deviants with their criminal mind usually act in a totally different fashion.  The wolf in sheep clothing is the best analogy of the criminal mind for they are opportunists and predators that prey upon the unsuspecting and the innocent with their secret schemes and webs of deceit. Despite this background by no means is my observation and technique perfect yet it has withstood the test of time and has led me to certain truths.  When I first started to do this book it was my only intention to take my father's information which I found to be, in my opinion, "very important" and present these facts evidentially to worthy historians of the Civil War period which in turn would help them to focus their search of this material if they were looking for it from say seven billion people down to a mere hundred or so. That was my intention in the beginning of this matter, which was to help future historians with clues plus and most importantly lift up the spirit of my father.  Yet as the facts were uncovered and after going over my father's details, this book metamorphosized and took on a life of it's own.  All I did was just follow the facts whether fragmented or complete to where it led me and that was the Abraham Lincoln assassination chair claimed to be held at the Henry Ford Museum with 100% certainty is either deliberately or inadvertently misleading. So all I am doing is telling you another side of the story from my father's perspective about Abraham's Lincoln's assassination chair which appears to be totally contrary to what people are being told by Henry Ford, or the Henry Ford Museum (Greenfield Village Museum).  I will further discuss original critical papers that my father was witnessed too that belonged to Abraham Lincoln which was read and taken and present to you what happened to these critical papers and who was last to be seen with them.  These papers, in my opinion, of what my father claims, is quite different from what I was told or led to believe about Abraham Lincoln. So remember this book is not just about "The Chair" but rather it is a journey into the possible realm of deliberate deception to extract from the innocent their monetary resources and mislead them by setting up a false front of originality to serve one's self serving agenda. That said, my father's story begins sometime around 1932 and according to my 98-year-old father, Edmond Ankony, he and his friends entered Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to look at the exhibits on display.  While visiting this museum they came across the Liberty Bell and studied it's history while touching the bell and it's famous crack.  While they were there and according to my father many of the items on display could be physically touched and handled without the presence of security to prevent it.  As they were enjoying the exhibits they came across the original Lincoln's chair (rocking chair) that Abraham Lincoln was sitting on when he was shot at the Ford Theater on Good Friday, April 14, 1865.  The exhibits had placards next to them stating that they were original so my father sat in the chair while his friends, Sammy and a person whom I must now call, Mr. X, looked and touched the display.  Mr. X took pieces of the upholstery from the back outer side of the chair which had Abraham's Lincoln's blood stains on it (not hair oil as on the back inner side) and put it in his pocket after all of them looked at it. Then according to my father there were original Abraham Lincoln's handwritten papers on a table adjacent to Abraham Lincoln's chair, which they physically picked up to read.  As they went through the letters, documents and open papers they came across three to five pages as told to me by my father that they read and found shocking, so much so, that my father's friend, Mr. X, tore out three to five pages and placed them in his pocket as he left the premise. Fast forward now, to around 1990, when I was starting a family tree of my mother and father's family line I began asking my father questions about the Great Depression and events he witnessed during that time period.  During the many private conversations I had with my father, we would discuss events like the Hindenburg crash, which he claims he witnessed shortly after the explosion.  Furthermore, he would tell me stories about buying moonshine in Kentucky and Tennessee and fishing for sharks off the Atlantic coast.  He further told stories of gangsters, baseball players and driving Ford trucks on just buttermilk.  The stories my father told me I found fascinating and listened to them with great interest because I knew my father, as far as I was aware of, was the last of his family line and he was my last valid source of information regarding the Depression era. It was during these conversations that my father gave spontaneous utterances, without being led, of Abraham Lincoln's assassination chair and his personal papers that my father read and observed his friend take.  As time passed I asked my father why didn't he ever mention these three to five papers to critical historians that he read and were taken by his friend.  The reason being, my father stated, was he feared criminal reprisal for his friends because they were young at the time and should not have done what they did so he remained silent throughout the years. Though I am not an historian, yet my past and present experience has taught me that "the truth" is critical in life for survival and as stated by the greatest of all beings, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." For in my life as a polygraph examiner I have always been in the pursuit of the truth to wherever it may lead me.  Sometimes the truth was free and liberating while other times it was crushing and devastating. So it is my desire that this book will hopefully show that I am just an investigator, whose love of my father and whose curiosity and investigative skills has forced me to delve deeper into this matter. That said, it is also my sincere hopes and intentions by following investigative leads and collecting fragmented pieces which will be drawn into a composite picture as if a crime case which hopefully will lead me to a correct diagnostic evaluation regarding the originality of "The Lincoln Chair" that has been at the Henry Ford Museum since 1929.  To me as a member of, "the working class" who has been controlled and forced to walked the earth beneath the scorching sun, with my father, as a beast of burden for "the powers" truly believe that the only relief to those of us who can face it, is the truth, by whatever form or means it reveals itself to us, for the truth brings change.  To this end, I realized that my father, Edmond Ankony, now 98 years old had witnessed an event long ago that may be critical to historians or academia in general. For my father is the last of "the old ones" and his witnessing to this critical event, which I find relevant to Abraham Lincoln's viewpoint at the time of the Civil War. Therefore, you be my judge but remember, I am but a messenger for my king.

About the Author News paperboy, bowling alley pinsetter, news paper jumper, bakers helper, toll collector, factory worker on" The Line", and, "The Pits". Fireman and ambulance rescue driver. Retired twenty-five year lawman, assigned to"The Arab Corridor", Dearborn, Michigan. State Certified Police S.W.A.T. Officer and Bomb Squad supervisor seven years. After winning a federal judgment by jury as a "whistleblower" against a tainted political "junta", along with a dispatched letter "that turned the heads of the Joint Chiefs of Staff", I was dined and requested "incognito" per a three letter agency to assist and initiate, an intelligent gathering network "via contacts through the Arab Corridor" from the United States to the Middle East. Thirty-five years State of Michigan Licensed and Certified Public/ Private Polygraph Examiner with an A+ Rating Better Business Bureau. Expert Witness. Eighteen years State of Michigan Licensed Private Investigator/Private Eye. Military/Federal/Civilian trained Certified High Explosive Bomb Technician. Trained in part with, C.I.A., F.B.I., A.T.F.,U.S. Navy U.D.T, Israeli's and New York Bomb Squad Technicians. Licensed Aircraft Pilot. N.A.U.I Certified Scuba Diver. Four time Marathon Runner, including Boston. United States Marine Corps Captain with a prior Top Secret Clearance. Brought under armed conditions the "Out of Country" votes and registrations of the newly developing and democratic nation of Iraq to concerned parties in Washington D.C. Bachelor Degree in International Politics, University of Michigan. Masters Degree(s) in Criminal Justice and Correctional Science, University of Detroit. Traveled all of the Continental United States. My books are true, written about adventure and exploration including conspiracies theories that I was directly involved in. My primary books are about real crime that I experienced first hand as a professional examiner/ interrogator in the streets and prisons of America.

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Very interesting read....makes you think what else are they hiding?? By Pat After reading this book, it definitely puts in question the originality of the Lincoln's chair at the Henry Ford Museum. I have to agree with the author, the chair, a National Treasure, is still out there.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Very informative, excellent research by the author. By Static Excellent read, makes one wonder, if our government will lie about something as insignificantas a chair, how can we believe anything else that we are told by them.

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Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony
Lincolns Missing Papers and Chair, by Richard Ankony

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