Thursday, May 30, 2013

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

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An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

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Shocking family news forces Madeline Wetherby to abandon her plans to marry an earl and settle for upstart Manchester merchant Nash Quinn. When she discovers that her birth father is one of the weavers her husband is putting out of work--and a radical leader--Maddie must decide which family she truly desires, the man of her heart or the people of her blood.An earl's second son, Nash chose a life of Trade over Society. When protest marches spread across Lancashire, the pressure on him grows. If he can't make both workers and manufacturers see reason he stands to lose everything: his business, his town, and his marriage. As Manchester simmers under the summer sun, the choices grow more stark for Maddie and Nash: Family or justice. Love or money. Life or death.Historical fiction with strong romantic elements. Includes scenes of violence and loss.First published in 2013

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #6789284 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.09" w x 6.00" l, 1.39 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 434 pages
An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila


  • "The social turmoil in Manchester leading to the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 is the unusual setting for Penttila's quietly stunning, memorable debut novel. A very highly recommended book."--Historical Novel Society
  • "Penttila shows a deft hand with complex, believable characterizations that accurately reflect the historical period."--Publishers Weekly
  • "Powerful. Disturbing. Heartbreaking. Smart. Occasionally gentle, often brutal. And always enthralling. An atypical setting, an actual historical event, masterfully layered characters and a sophisticated, seamless narrative -- An Untitled Lady is a standout, gripping historical romance, unlike any Regency you've ever read."--USA Today
  • "An artful blend of history and romance."--Kirkus Reviews
  • "This book was amazing. It was like reading North & South by Gaskell all over again. The characters, the ambience, the fear, it all has that wonderful feeling that I thought I'd never experience again outside of Gaskell's work, but Nicky Penttila has just blown me away. It moved me to tears, and frustrated me, and scared me. And I loved every minute of it!"--Maggi Hesseling, Goodreads

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

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Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. A picky reviewer loved this very different, rather unique historical romance based on solid history By Ruth Very, very occasionally I stumble across a book which simply takes my breath away. I'm pretty careful about the books I choose. I don't have a whole lot of time to devote to reading, so I don't like wasting the time I do have. I guess I'm usually happy with most I pick up, but even so, there's only a small number of books which I really treasure. This one, which was provided to me by netgalley, is absolutely one of the best historical romances I've read in a long time.To start with, it doesn't read like even a really good historical romance. It's thick with the political and social undercurrents which lead up to the Peterloo Massacre in Manchester in 1819, one of the most clearly defining moments in British industrial history, women's rights and British democracy. And yet, the plot, the setting and the characters are so carefully woven together, it doesn't lecture you, isn't dry, but grabs you and sucks you in until you can't put it down. I love both history and romance but I often feel there is just not enough real history in historical romances. There's too many fancy-schmanzy clothes, or silly manners, and not enough of the richness of real events. I find it incredibly frustrating that there aren't enough books out there that satisfy both my romance and history urges at the same time. This one does just that.Where to start?..- The setting feels completely unique. How many historicals (romances or other) are set in Manchester at the time when the Industrial Revolution began to really pick up steam? It doesn't have the shiny luster of London, which means it's not as easy for an author to research at a distance, and some readers wouldn't have a clue where it is, nor its importance to industrial history, but it has a grittiness as a setting that is absolutely compelling.- The characters are all multi-dimensional and develop at totally different rates. At times, it honestly felt a bit like reading a Thomas Hardy novel instead of a historical romance, but an altogether easier read! While I couldn't describe any of the characters as likeable, most of them have redeeming features, and they are all just incredibly interesting. It really is a cast of many characters, including one dead one orchestrating events from the past, and one purely evil one, who are both somewhat enigmatic (you are left wanting to know what made them that way). The heroine is essentially a tragic figure and her story is heart-wrenchingly sad, and yet she has backbone, and determination, without coming across as fake. Watching her story evolve is the main thread in the book. The hero is also a fascinating figure. He has to confront his own issues, but unlike so many historical romances, he doesn't become perfect as a result of his mistakes. He's human and real, and as for most characters in the book, nothing comes easily to either of them.- Both the hero and the heroine make mistakes, but they are not the usual TSTL mistakes which pass for plot devices in a lot of historical romances. The plot for this one is really well planned and it doesn't need that rubbish.- The writing is wonderful. Great descriptions, great dialogue and a lot of real people and places sprinkled in to bring it alive.The only negative thing I can honestly think of is the cover, which doesn't do the book justice IMO, but quite frankly, who cares when something is this good?5 stars. Absolutely amazing. I'm never deleting this one from my kindle. Ever.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Very fulfilling historical romance By diana silva *received from Historical Fiction Virtual Tours for an honest opinionI really enjoy Regency Romances so "An Untitled Lady" by Nicky Penttila was an easy win for me. Having said that I thought Ms. Penttila really presented an amazing story. She blended romance, history and intrigue perfectly not giving too much attention to any one of these elements and making them all work well together. Most of the novels that I have read have taken place in London or around it was refreshing to read about Manchester. It was heart-breaking to read about Madeline Wetherby or Maddie as she is known. Nash Quinn was also very interesting. As the second born son he basically is not of any use unless something happens to his brother. He was industrious enough to join the navy and become a very successful merchant. Although I don't know much about the Industrial Revolution in England I thought that the author provided enough information to give the readers insight to what a struggle it was for the working class and what it meant to them! I thought that the author really provided emotional integrity to the struggles of the mill workers. The author also portrayed the reality that most women faced if they were not born into high society and did not marry well. On the emotional side, Deacon (the earl and Maddie's original intended husband) was not the most likeable character and seemed to reflect many of the stereotypes of the higher class. Nash and Maddie have a lot to come up against. They have to learn to be married and when they finally come to terms with their feelings their love for each other is once again tested.The twist that followed Maddie was very clever and I thought the author was very brilliant for mixing the "secret" into the story. It was heartbreaking to see how Nash and Maddie's relationship became impacted by the social movements of the time. I thought this was very clever of the author as well. I highly recommend this story, it is an emotional ride throughout history with two very strong characters and an equally strong historical background. This was the first novel I have read by Nicky Penttila but it won't be the last.

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Good historical fiction book but boring romance By AnneB This book was not what I was expecting. I love Regency romance books so I was really looking forward to reading this one. While there is some romance in the book, it is really more of a historical one. There are lots of interesting historical parts to this book that deal with the Peterloo Massacre, what led up to it, the brutality of the actual incident, and the shock and despair of the days following. I knew nothing about this part of England's history and the author does a wonderful job of bringing it all to life. The one problem I had with the book was the romance part of it. Nash and Madeline were likable enough and I cared about both of them while reading the book, but they had zero chemistry. They were not even talking to one another through most of the book. I liked both of the characters, I just didn't like them together. My favorite character in the book ended up being Nash's older brother Deacon. He was full of life and very entertaining, I wish there would have been more of him in the book. If you are looking for a romance book, I do not think you will enjoy this one. If you are a historical fiction fan I think you will find this to be a very interesting read. I really learned a lot about the problems England faced during this volatile time.

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An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila
An Untitled Lady: A Novel, by Nicky Penttila

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

How if your day is started by reading a publication The Voice In The Fog, By Harold MacGrath However, it is in your device? Everyone will consistently touch and us their gadget when waking up and in morning tasks. This is why, we suppose you to also review a publication The Voice In The Fog, By Harold MacGrath If you still confused how to obtain the book for your gadget, you could follow the way right here. As right here, we provide The Voice In The Fog, By Harold MacGrath in this site.

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

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About MacGrath: Harold MacGrath (September 4, 1871 - October 30, 1932) was a bestselling American novelist, short story writer, and screenwriter. Also known occasionally as Harold McGrath, he was born in Syracuse, New York. As a young man, he worked as a reporter and columnist on the Syracuse Herald newspaper until the late 1890s when he published his first novel, a romance titled Arms and the Woman. According to the New York Times, his next book, The Puppet Crown, was the No.7 bestselling book in the United States for all of 1901. From that point on, MacGrath never looked back, writing novels for the mass market about love, adventure, mystery, spies, and the like at an average rate of more than one a year. He would have three more of his books that were among the top ten bestselling books of the year. At the same time, he penned a number of short stories for major American magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies Home Journal, and Red Book magazine. Several of MacGrath's novels were serialized in these magazines and contributing to them was something he would continue to do until his death in 1932. In 1912, Harold MacGrath became one of the first nationally-known authors to write directly for the movies when he was hired by the Americ-an Film Company to do the screenplay for a short film in the Western genre titled The Vengeance That Failed. MacGrath had eighteen of his forty novels and three of his short stories made into films plus he wrote the story for another four motion pictures. And, three of his books were also made into Broad-way plays. One of the many films made from MacGrath's writings was the 1913 serial The Adventures of Kathlyn starring Kathlyn Williams. While writing the thirteen episodes he simultaneously wrote the book that was published immediately after the December 29, 1913, premiere of the first episode of the serial so as to be in book stores during the screening of the entire thirteen episodes. Among MacGrath's short stories made into film was the 1920 Douglas Fairbanks Production Company's feature-length adventure film The Mollycoddle based on MacGrath's short story with the same title that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post in 1913. Directed by Victor Fleming, it starred Fairbanks, Ruth Renick, and Wallace Beery and was distributed through the newly created United Artists. It is said that during this same time, a young Boris Kar-loff, who previously had a few uncredited film roles, chose his stage name for his first screen credit in 1920 from the MacGrath novel The Drums of Jeopardy, which had also been published by The Saturday Evening Post in January of that year and which featured a Russian mad scientist character named Boris Karlov. The name Boris Karlov was used from MacGrath's book for the 1922 Broadway play, but by 1923 with actor Boris Karloff using the similar sounding variation, the film version renamed the character Gregor Karlov. Harold MacGrath's success made him a wealthy man and, although he traveled the world extensively, Syracuse, New York, was his home, and it was there in 1912 that he built an English country-style mansion renowned for its landscaped gardens. In an article in the April 23, 1932, issue of The Saturday Evening Post written under the title "The Short Autobiography of a Deaf Man", MacGrath told the public how he had struggled early in life as a result of a hearing impairment. At a time in history when deaf people were almost automatically considered as lacking intellectual acuity, he had hid this from his employer and others. Harold MacGrath died at his home in Syracuse a few months after the article was published.

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2374115 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-19
  • Released on: 2015-05-19
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Another unjustly forgotten storyteller By Khirul McGrath writes beautifully and spins a complex story full of likeable characters. It's all very unlikely but it's most enjoyable.

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The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath
The Voice in the Fog, by Harold MacGrath

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

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Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

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Wealth is a Mindset by Shynna Key Empowering you to build your empire… "Wealth is a Mindset!" Shynna Key says these days—as she pens this empowering resource journal about “keeping it real” with your current financial position, identifying challenges and taking responsibility for changing the way you view wealth. In a world of economic ups & downs we must begin by examining financial culture and what we have been taught as it relates to money and wealth. Though finances are a very private area for most to discuss, it is a crucial topic that will help us to understand the root of our financial ‘woes’ as well as the fruit of our financial ‘favor’; which is essential to our overall growth of wealth. —We must educate ourselves and organically retrain our brains about how we think about wealth. To book Shynna Key for speaking engagements, community events or other outreach opportunities log onto Email: Phone: (203) 871-1KEY

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2551533 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-10
  • Released on: 2015-09-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

About the Author SHYNNA KEY Shynna Key is a financial realist who has always had the knack for encouraging others. With well over 14 years of financial experience within the Real Estate and Mortgage industries, Corporate America and having Operated and Owned a Commercial Cleaning business she brings much to the table to digest when it comes to empowering and educating individuals regarding a mindset of wealth building. Shynna Key’s mission as ‘The Financial Fanatic/Speaker/Strategist is to empower the ‘Now & Ready’ to become aware and educated as they travel along the road to long-term Financial Freedom. Shynna is also a member of the Atlanta's Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), Atlanta's Urban Professional and shares her time/resources through volunteerism, philanthropic efforts and support of community financial literacy initiatives. Shynna [a proud mother and wife] currently resides in Atlanta, GA with her family. To book Shynna Key for speaking engagements, community events or other outreach opportunities log onto Email: Phone: (203) 871-1KEY

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

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Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Excellent book and definitely worth buying By Amazon Customer This book is written with a step by step approach on how to achieve financial peace of mind!!! Excellent book and definitely worth buying!!! Kudos to Ms Key!!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This book is awesome it even has a financial budget page where you ... By Amazon Customer This book is awesome it even has a financial budget page where you can write and budget your income and expenses. It is very helpful.This is a book you can read over and over!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I love this book By Amazon Customer This is a must read! I love this book!

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Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key
Wealth is a Mindset, by Shynna Key

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummie

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

The Golf: Golf For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting To Play Golf Like A Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf Like A Pro), By Steve Rogers has the tendency to be great reading book that is understandable. This is why this book Golf: Golf For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting To Play Golf Like A Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf Like A Pro), By Steve Rogers comes to be a preferred book to review. Why do not you desire turned into one of them? You could delight in checking out Golf: Golf For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting To Play Golf Like A Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf Like A Pro), By Steve Rogers while doing various other activities. The visibility of the soft documents of this book Golf: Golf For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting To Play Golf Like A Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf Like A Pro), By Steve Rogers is sort of getting experience effortlessly. It consists of just how you need to save guide Golf: Golf For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting To Play Golf Like A Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf Like A Pro), By Steve Rogers, not in racks naturally. You might save it in your computer device and also device.

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

PDF Ebook Download : Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

A Complete Beginners Guide to Golf

Today only, get this Amazon book for just $0.99 for a limited time. Regularly priced at $5.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. Golf has seen an incredible climb and changes over the past decade, and that continues to improve. From the days when golf was seen as a side dish of a picked few, it was revolved around old individuals who walked the greens in their checked pants.  The redirection today has a colossal following. It can, in light of current circumstances, be credited to players like Tiger Woods - charming players who got the eye of everyone, including the individuals who have never held a golf club. Added to this, is Hollywood's thinking of movies that have defined golfers as favored people.  While the additional things have changed into a very basic level, so has the game. There are resorts, trek resorts and lodgings that are found around dazzling fairways.  Finding a mind boggling spot has never been less demanding with the number of courses broadening yearly and those managing the classes set to get by as the new clubs open.  There is no real blue approach to explaining genuinely the reason that has given rise to what incited the rising of this unmistakable game of golf.  Nevertheless, the chances are that you can look at the number of adolescents walking the greens with people and grandparents, and the number of schools with a golf program for its understudy. Let’s get started….. Download your copy today! Take action right away by downloading this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99! Hurry Up!! Tags: Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, Golf Fundamentals, Golf for beginners, Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro, Golf tips, Game, Golf Execution, Golf Instructions, Golf Putting, Golf Lessons, Golf Fitness

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #709622 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-09
  • Released on: 2015-09-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Where to Download Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great book for beginners. Explains the clubs and everything else you need to know! By Lori Welch Golf has been a sport that has sort of eluded me for a long time. Everyone I know plays it, but I have never tried. I bought this book and it is excellent! Just what a beginner needs to read. The author begins with what kind of equipment you will need, like shoes and clubs and then moves into the other things that golfers have, like golf club covers. If you are left-handed there is a section in here for you too! The author covers how to warm up, your form, swing, along with what the different clubs are used for. Now that I have read the book, I feel like I can fully understand how the game is played and try my luck at it!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Could not finish By Philip VanDyke I don't know who the author is supposed to be, but this book seems to have been written by a non-English speaker who is attempting to copy the style of Mark Twain. I have seldom had the displeasure of having to force my way through so much stilted grammar and obtuse narrative in my life. This book gets one star only because I can't give it zero. If I could erase the book and get my money back I would.

See all 2 customer reviews... Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers PDF
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Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers
Golf: Golf for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Golf Basics, Fundamentals & Putting to Play Golf Like a Pro (Golf, Golf Swing, Golf For Dummies, Golf Basics, ... Golf Etiquettes, Golf like a pro), by Steve Rogers

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Manners And More For Boys, By Gail Reed. Learning to have reading practice resembles learning to try for consuming something that you really do not want. It will need even more times to aid. In addition, it will likewise little bit make to serve the food to your mouth and also swallow it. Well, as checking out a publication Manners And More For Boys, By Gail Reed, in some cases, if you must check out something for your new works, you will certainly feel so dizzy of it. Also it is a book like Manners And More For Boys, By Gail Reed; it will make you really feel so bad.

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Read and Download Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Boys who learn good manners at an early age develop self-control, make better choices, and become better people as adults.

They need perpetual guidance from adults in order to develop these values. There are certain skills that must be taught, practiced, and reinforced in order for young boys to grow into honorable young men.

This fun, illustrated guide will help you teach the special young boys in your life how to:

  • start the morning off right by brushing teeth, combing hair, and showering if needed;
  • greet friends, parents, and teachers in a friendly manner;
  • make introductions using a firm handshake and direct eye contact;
  • exhibit good body language and a positive attitude;
  • show good sportsmanship at all times;
  • behave appropriately with members of the opposite sex.

Having good manners is much more than simply saying “please” and ‘thank you.” Help your young man become an Extraordinary Gentleman with, “Manners and More for Boys.”

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

  • Published on: 2015-09-07
  • Released on: 2015-09-07
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

From the Author Teaching children good manners must begin at an early age and these behaviors reinforced until they become second nature.  Instilling good manners in a child is one of the most important responsibilities a parent will ever have.  This book is meant to grow with your child, because teaching manners is an ongoing process.  It is also meant to encourage dialogue in learning proper social behavior.

From the Back Cover Boys who learn good manners at an early age develop self-control, make better choices, and become better people as adults.They need perpetual guidance from adults in order to develop these values.  There are certain skills that must be taught, practiced, and reinforced in order for young boys to grow into honorable young men.This fun, illustrated guide will help you teach the special young boys in your life how to:*  start the morning off right by brushing teeth, combing hair, and showering if needed;*  greet friends, parents, and teachers in a friendly manner;*  make introductions using a firm handshake and direct eye contact;*  exhibit good body language and a positive attitude;*  show good sportsmanship at all times;*  behave appropriately with members of the opposite sex.Having good manners is much more than simply saying "please" and "thank you."  Help your young man become an Extraordinary Gentleman with, "Manners and More for Boys."

About the Author Gail Reed grew up spending summers with her grandparents in the Lowcountry at Lands End, South Carolina, fishing, crabbing, and skiing in the waters of St. Helena Sound.  Gail is a retired educator of forty-two years and currently lives in Evans, Georgia, with her husband, Travis. She has two adult daughters, Shelli and Whitney, and five grandchildren.  They all still go to the family owned beach house at Lands End.  The artwork in this book has a Lowcountry theme because of her love and fond memories of this area.

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Where to Download Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. She did such a wonderful job of teaching manners to fifth graders for many ... By maceves When I heard that Gail Reed had a new book on Manners for Boys I just had to get it for my grandchildren. She did such a wonderful job of teaching manners to fifth graders for many years, and she addressed those things that boys need to hear the most. I think it will make a nice reference for parents that need a backup for teaching good behavior; it's good for parents to have a backup. The colorful illustrations showing children in low country scenes are also very appropriate.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. "Manners and More for Boys" is beautifully written and illustrated By Jerry Dalton "Manners and More for Boys" is beautifully written and illustrated. The book's content captures the essences developing appropriate social skills in childhood and adolescence. The author skillfully weaves the importance of good manner in boys to building a solid foundation for men in adulthood. "Manners and More for Boys" is an excellent resource for parents to follow as a guide for development of appropriate social and emotional adjustment in boys. As a clinician who specializes in the treatment of psychological and emotional issues in children, I heartily recommend this book to parents, grandparents, and teachers.

See all 2 customer reviews... Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

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Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed
Manners and More for Boys, by Gail Reed

Thursday, May 16, 2013

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

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GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

Best Ebook Online GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

The G.A.B (Goals Action Brag) Journal was created for college students and other aspiring young adults to have a quick place to jot down their goals, dreams, ideas, action reminders and brag about their accomplishments. By keeping these ambitions ‘Top of Mind', they increase their probability of success!

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #8653124 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x .46" w x 7.50" l, .78 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 200 pages
GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

About the Author MABLE L. CANNINGS is the CEO of Mable Cannings International, a personal development and marketing communications company dedicated to empowering, educating and promoting others. Through the unique prism of her academic, professional and life experiences, Cannings personal mission is “to help others succeed”! Cannings is an International Speaker, Best-Selling Inspirational Author “Heart & Soul of Business: One Woman’s Journey”, Publisher and Entrepreneur with over 30 years experience in marketing, public relations and tourism. Other book titles now available in the Empowerment Series include: Success Journal Mining Your P’s & Q’s: 101 Thoughts to Help You Succeed Every Day, Empowered Woman: Power Thoughts to Fuel Your Journey, and Aha! Moments Teen Journal.

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

Where to Download GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Breeding Success By Amazon Customer This Journal is perfect for self reflection and watching yourself grow. I personally can't keep up with writing daily but when I do manage to write I enjoy the prompts and layout, very easy to write in. The layout makes it easy to also track growth. This Journal has been a joy and is an awesome release, especially for my most inner thoughts.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. My 16-year old grandson will soon be a college-student; ... By Amazon Customer My 16-year old grandson will soon be a college-student; he's already motivated, but I want his motivation to be God-centered. I believe this will help him with goals and a purpose-centered life.

See all 2 customer reviews... GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

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GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings
GAB #Goal #Action #Brag: Success Journal (Empowerment Series) (Volume 2), by Mable L. Cannings

The Storm, by James Whitesell

The Storm, by James Whitesell

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The Storm, by James Whitesell

The Storm, by James Whitesell

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In 1983 the storm of the century inundated the desert state of Arizona. This mystery/suspense novel,The Storm, is set during the few days of what was an actual historical storm. In The Storm a grab bag of disparate groups of people--pot hunters, hikers, illegal immigrants, smugglers and would be hijackers--are stranded in the Huachuca Mountains of southeastern Arizona by flooding washes and creeks. They are trapped in the mountains until the storm waters recede. In an ordinary situation the stranded folk would just wait out the storm until the waters subsided. This was no ordinary situation. In the shadows, watching, lurked an insane man consumed with a lethal blood lust. The man's descent into insanity took him on an internal mental journey that began as a Canadian Métis and ended with him believing he was an Apache warrior akin to those who had lived in these mountains in their free ranging days. He called himself Diablo and he chose the cover of the storm to launch into a classic Apache style bloody hit and run raid at the very moment the flood waters isolated the mountains. The various stranded groups of people in the mountains would soon see everything that seemed important in their lives crumble into insignificance and distill into a single word. Survival.

The Storm, by James Whitesell

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1610684 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-11
  • Released on: 2015-05-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Storm, by James Whitesell

The Storm, by James Whitesell

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Taking place in the area of the country I live ... By Busy reader Taking place in the area of the country I live, near the Arizona southern border, THE STORM is one of the most riveting tales of terror and intrigue I have ever experienced. The narrative is completely believable, and the characters, although fictional, are true to life.

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The Storm, by James Whitesell

The Storm, by James Whitesell

The Storm, by James Whitesell
The Storm, by James Whitesell

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators,

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

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Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

PDF Ebook Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

An ideal step-by-step reference for instructors who have not had specific training in assessing students with special needs, Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process helps educators make the most effective use of available assessment options.

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2127760 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.90" h x .60" w x 7.20" l, 1.02 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 136 pages
Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Review "Short and to the point―a huge advantage! Easy to read and to understand. A must-have for every school building in every district." (Rachel Aherns, Collaborative Resource Teacher 2007-04-20)"This book clearly does just what it promises, providing a step-by-step guide about the special education assessment process." (Renee J. Ponce-Nealon, Third-Grade Teacher)"From understanding basic statistics to understanding the foundations of the MDT, this is a powerful tool that educators need." (California Bookwatch, January 2008 2008-03-06)

About the Author Roger Pierangelo is anassociate professor in the Department of Special Education and Literacy at Long Island University. He has been an administrator of special education programs and served for eighteen years as a permanent member of Committees on Special Education. He has over thirty years of experience in the public school system as a general education classroom teacher and school psychologist, and is a consultant to numerous private and public schools, PTAs, and SEPTA groups. Pierangelo has also been an evaluator for the New York State Office of Vocational and Rehabilitative Services and a director of a private clinic. He is a New York State licensed clinical psychologist, certified school psychologist, and a Board Certified Diplomate Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychology and Forensic Psychology.Pierangelo is currently president of The National Association of Special Education Teachers, executive director of The American Academy of Special Education Professionals, and vice-president of The National Association of Parents with Children in Special Education. Pierangelo earned his BS degree from St. John's University, his MS from Queens College, Professional Diploma from Queens College, PhD from Yeshiva University, and Diplomate Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychology and Forensic Psychology from the International College of Professional Psychology. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, New York State Psychological Association, Nassau County Psychological Association, New York State Union of Teachers, and Phi Delta Kappa. Pierangelo is the coauthor of numerous books, including The Big Book of Special Education Resources and The Step-by-Step Book SeriesforSpecial Educators.

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Where to Download Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Quick read By MrsHarris This book is a quick read, but full of good information. I had to buy it for a graduate class and it is one of the few books I've had to buy that 1) did not hurt my wallet and 2) was fun to read.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. This book came in handy By Cwaters This book was very straight forward and to the point. It was very helpful as I prepared for the COMPS exam - giving me a quick overview of assessment and all aspects pertaining to assessment.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Shanny Awesome purchase. I was please and I love how it was available in an ebook format!

See all 6 customer reviews... Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

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Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani
Understanding Assessment in the Special Education Process: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, by Roger Pierangelo, George Giuliani

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

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The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

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In this provocative fictional account of the most important homicide in 20th century American history, The Camelot Coup leads its listeners into the dangerous world of espionage, political intrigue, and betrayal as powerful and vindictive men in and out of government plot to overthrow President John Kennedy in a murderous coup. Lee Oswald, a young Marine radar operator stationed in Japan where U-2 spy jets are based for missions over the Cold War era Soviet Union and China, is recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency. The somewhat troubled 20-year-old soldier demonstrates during his training an uncanny ability to remain calm under duress and assume cover roles like an accomplished thespian. With great difficulty, he learns the Russian language and is schooled in communist philosophy and practice for his first perilous mission against America's most feared enemy.

After nearly three years of corporate espionage, Lee returns to the States with his Russian bride and infant daughter, is converted to contract agent status by the CIA and relocates to Dallas, TX, to be near family, his mother and a brother. With a new family to provide for, he uses his penetration and surveillance training to join the FBI as an undercover informant to help make ends meet, while infiltrating dissident groups for the CIA. During completion of a contract in New Orleans, Lee overhears a small group of disgruntled agents expressing their hatred for President Kennedy and what they think should be done about it. He discloses this explosive information to the FBI, but is unaware a CIA informant catches him in the act. The intelligence planners discover his betrayal and swear their revenge.

Badly outmanned in resources and influence, the young spy becomes part of a lethal game with sinister and brilliant men who hold his life at the edge of an abyss. Blackmail, bribery, and ruthless assassins are the weapons of choice as the President's political rivals join the conspiracy.

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 753 minutes
The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

Where to Download The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A great read of twists and turns By lgnottingham The plot, as they say, thickened and it's only after I got deeper into the book did I realize the reason why the early chapters were so significant. By the end of the book the author had me hooked and certainly had me thinking about all the twists. A fascinating fiction of this authors imagination.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fascinating take on Kennedy Assassination By Jesse T. Mann The Camelot Coup is a fascinating take on President Kennedy's assassination. The book grabbed my attention from the start with the background and character development of Kennedy, Oswald, LBJ, and Hoover. Although the book is a work of fiction there is much historic and factual information which I found to be revealing, and gave a good, solid start to the book. The actual planning of the assassination in this tale is complex - sometimes a bit challenging to follow for this reader - yet admirable in the attention to detail which the author pays to developing a believable plot. The events just prior to and after the assassination again contain enough historic accuracy to make the reader wonder What if... This last portion of the book is compelling and presents a unique view of events that I had never considered. A very interesting read.

See all 2 customer reviews... The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

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The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately
The Camelot Coup: The Overthrow Our Government Tried to Hide, by Tom Gately

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

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The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

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Rising from her humble beginnings as a lost orphan, Lia is summoned to be Muirwood Abbey’s protector and special guardian for Ellowyn Demont, the lost heir of the fallen kingdom of Pry-Ree. After the death of the ruthless king at the battle of Winterrowd, the great Aldermaston and Abbey leader calls on Lia to use her mystical talents to save Muirwood from two new threats―a vengeful queen accusing the Abbey of her husband’s death and a deadly plague threatening to destroy the land.

Amidst the turmoil, a battle ensues, and soon Lia learns the world’s magic has begun to falter. As a blanket of dread envelops the Abbey, hopes are tested, and Lia will be forced to come to terms with a secret that will change her life forever.

The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1523607 in Books
  • Brand: Wheeler, Jeff/ Rudd, Kate (NRT)
  • Published on: 2015-05-26
  • Formats: Audiobook, MP3 Audio, Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 6.75" h x .50" w x 5.25" l, .15 pounds
  • Running time: 14 Hours
  • Binding: MP3 CD
The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

About the Author Jeff Wheeler is a writer from 7-10PM on Wednesday nights. The rest of the time, he works for Intel Corporation, is a husband and the father of five kids, and a leader in his local church. He lives in Rocklin, California. When he isn’t listening to books during his commute, he is dreaming up new stories to write.

The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

Where to Download The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

Most helpful customer reviews

36 of 40 people found the following review helpful. Quit your day job, Jeff! By Alpenglow This is the first review I've written for an "almost free" Kindle book, but I've found myself thinking about the setting, plot and characters every day for a week now, waiting for the moment when I can pick up my Droid and start reading again. This book is far above the usual drivel offered in this price category. I devoured the first book in the trilogy and am about to purchase the third. Honestly, why isn't this writer on the mainstream bestseller lists? His work is equal to or better than some of the best-known writers of the genre out there, some of whom have secured fat contracts and fame despite minimal talent. Not the case here. Go ahead and immerse yourself in the alternate world of Muirwood, savor the subtleties of alien/medieval customs and champion the young heroine, a more complex and less tiresome version of Katniss, as she transforms her destiny from that of a wretched kitchen serf to a ... well, no spoilers here! Mix in battle bravery, moral courage, wisdom, intrigue, enduring magic and a collection of intriguing personalities, good and evil and in-between, and you've got one heckuva fun read!

28 of 32 people found the following review helpful. incredible series! By R. Wood I can't praise this series enough. I'm writing a review about all three books....they really must all be read, not just one, in order to get the full impact.I have become pretty jaded lately about new authors I find on kindle, so I was absolutely NOT expecting something so marvelous...i am really hoping the stories are not over.Aside from a few minor typos, the editing is smooth and professional, the writing is seamless and gorgeous. and I am PICKY. There was not one single moment I would have called superfluous- everything was important, and I was able to get completely caught up and lost in the beautiful world presented, and truly fall in love with the characters. They are wonderfully crafted...each character has facets, so while some make some really bad choices, one is able to have compassion for them. ..yet there are main characters that are focused on; the minor characters are just as wonderfully textured, one just gets the feeling that the "camera" isn't doing close-up shots on them.I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!!!!! I haven't read anything lately that I have kept on my kindle; I delete them (except, of course, for Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings) but these are staying. These are books I will read often.many, many thanks to the author for his fine workmanship. It is wonderful to encounter the work of a true can relax and sink into the story, knowing one is in good hands.try these books!! you will be grateful you found them :o)

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Riveting By hummer I have an issue with this writer ---he has caused me to lose much sleep because I simply COULD NOTput the book down. As this book brings us closer to knowing the truth of Lias parentage it also developed her relationships with others along with her increasing maturity and growth in the medium. I'm glad I am reading this series now and not when it first came out. I would never have been able to wait for the author to finish the next book!

See all 984 customer reviews... The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

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The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler
The Blight of Muirwood (Legends of Muirwood), by Jeff Wheeler

Friday, May 10, 2013

Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

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Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

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Deep in the reed beds, the water shimmered and rippled. After three days’ submersion, the gases inside gently raised the body to the surface. Setting a seventeen-year-old youth on his final journey downstream. When a wealthy horse trainer starts courting her mother-in-law, Claudia knows love has bugger-all to do with it. Especially with the number of hangers-on who’ve moved in. But exactly what is his game? Can it be connected to a string of local misfortunes? At first, Claudia is simply curious. Then a young man is found dead…

Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #535939 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-16
  • Released on: 2015-05-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

From Publishers Weekly Todd's 12th Claudia Seferius Roman historical whodunit (after 2004's Stone Cold) offers more of the same—a fast-paced mystery punctuated by anachronistic colloquialisms that will jar some readers' ears. The perpetually insolvent Claudia involves herself in several puzzles that may relate to her mother-in-law Larentia's fiancé, who's in a position to limit Larentia's financial options. Two young men have turned up dead in Tuscany, and the locals have been plagued by a series of misfortunes suggesting that the region has been afflicted by a curse. Series fans won't be surprised that Claudia's longtime love interest, Marcus Cornelius Orbilio, of the Security Police, resurfaces; newcomers may find their bantering exchanges annoying. Those seeking better ancient Roman period detail and trickier crimes to unravel will be better served by Rosemary Rowe or Steven Saylor. (Jan.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Review "Recommend this to fans of other series set in ancient Rome, by Steven Saylor and Lindsey Davis" Booklist on Stone Cold "Never a dull moment, given Claudia's in-your-face attitude. For all historical mystery collections" Library Journal on Widow's Pique "Claudia's ninth escapade is her liveliest in years, with nonstop drollery and a fun cast of flamboyant characters" Kirkus Reviews on Second Act "Claudia is hard not to love: her exploits are a true guilty pleasure" Kirkus on Dream Boat "The ancient Roman detail clashes hilariously with the catfighting and hunk-worshipping in Marilyn Todd's latest Seferius mystery" Publishers Weekly on Dream Boat"

About the Author Marilyn Todd was born in Harrow, but now lives in West Sussex with her husband and two cats. Dark Horse is the eighth Roman mystery to feature the beautiful but formidable Claudia Seferius.

Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

Where to Download Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A sweet wine By ilmk Todd's latest Claudia Seferius irreverent adventure is an improvement on the last. We find our fiery, wilful, high maintenance sleuth off to visit her mother-in-law, Larentia, who has just announced her intention to marry a man a lot younger than herself. To Claudia's alarm this raises the possibility of her losing her independence and financial security. Not something that can be tolerated! Her journey to Tuscany lands us with a murderer whose fixation on the Etruscan gods has led to the deaths of three teenagers. Possible motives abound with the overly emotional boyfriend of one of the deceased declaring it was he who caused the death. His fiercely military father refuses to believe it, going out of his way to ensure no suspicion falls on his son. In the meantime, Claudia herself is regretting bringing her niece, Flavia, and her latest earthy boyfriend along for fear they are next in line.With the impending celebrations of the local god, Fufluns, the persistent presence of the mysterious Candace who claims to commune with dead and the arrival of a sandal-wood smelling member of the security police, Claudia finds herself trying to unravel the litany of bad events affecting the townsfolk, uncovers an attempt at revenge that goes back years and gives Orbilio's heart strings a nasty tug when he thinks she might want to marry him.I like Todd's series despite the obsession with all her villains being insane and instructed by higher powers to carry out their nefarious deeds. The `will they? won't they?' dance of Marcus and Claudia is also wearing thin. Take their relationship further, Todd! Whilst the series is not akin to Saylor, David or Roberts, it has its place in the pantheon of Roman murder mystery and is a delightful read on that hot sunny afternoon.More, please.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Claudia Has Her Work Cut Out By J. Chippindale Marilyn Todd's fast paced historical murder mysteries set in the time of Ancient Rome and featuring the beautiful Claudia Seferius are growing in popularity and the author is up there with the David Wishart's, Steven Saylor`s, not forgetting the Lindsey Davis's of the book world. Perhaps to have a woman and an alluring one at that, rather than a man as the sleuth and lead character is a stroke of genius on Todd's part.Claudia knows that she is looked upon as easy pickings by some of the men who are eager to try to take advantage of a beautiful widow who has been left a thriving wine business by her late husband.. But nothing could be further from the truth. Behind the beautiful exterior lies an intelligent and shrewd mind and the heart any lion would be proud of.Claudia has some cause for concern. She is in Tuscany visiting the family estate of her stepmother and is more than a little perturbed about the group of hangers on that seem to be surrounding the old lady like a flock of vultures, waiting for their prey to final succumb. There has also bee a spate of murders in the region and so called accidents have befallen a number of the local people.Could the gods be at work in this. The local people are very superstitious and some believe that the local gods are at work. Or are things a lot more sinister than a few local superstitions . . .

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. good reading!! By LAS Reviewer Claudia heads to Mercurium to visit her mother-in-law, Larentia, and quickly finds herself caught up in a series of murders. She also has to fight for her own survival because if Larentia marries, as she is threatening to do, Claudia will lose control of her own affairs. Ancient Rome was not a friendly place for single women and if there is a man in the household and Claudia is unmarried, then Larentia’s new husband will assume control over everything.Claudia is a very likeable and believable protagonist. She is a complex character who is very intelligent, curious, and capable. She is certain that Darius is not what he seems, and she can not believe that he really wants to marry Larentia. But what about the bad luck that is plaguing a number of families in Mercurium? Is it really bad luck?Sour Grapes is set in Ancient Rome and the setting certainly enhances the story. It seems very authentic and I really felt as if I had been taken back in time to a very different world. The sights and sounds, smells and tastes, all come alive in amazing ways.This is the twelfth novel in the Claudia Seferius series and I have read several of the earlier ones. I find them to be extremely engaging and the mysteries are complex and challenging. I thought I’d pegged the villain in Sour Grapes, believing, as Claudia did, only to be caught unawares as Claudia fights for her very life against a most worth adversary. The finale of the novel is bone-chilling in its intensity.I think that historical mysteries, when written as well as this one is, bring the past to life and add a level of depth and interest to any mystery. Fans of this genre are sure to enjoy traveling back in time and meeting Claudia Seferius.originally posted at long and short reviews

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Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd
Sour Grapes (A Claudia Seferius Mystery Book 12), by Marilyn Todd

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

As one of the window to open up the brand-new world, this Molina: The Story Of The Father Who Raised An Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, By Bengie Molina supplies its incredible writing from the writer. Released in one of the popular publishers, this publication Molina: The Story Of The Father Who Raised An Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, By Bengie Molina becomes one of one of the most wanted publications just recently. Really, guide will certainly not matter if that Molina: The Story Of The Father Who Raised An Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, By Bengie Molina is a best seller or not. Every publication will certainly constantly offer best resources to obtain the visitor all finest.

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

PDF Ebook Download : Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

New York Times Bestseller “It’s this year’s baseball book most likely to be made into a terrific movie.” —The Chicago Tribune “Affecting...A simply told, deeply moving story, quite unlike the usual baseball book.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)A baseball rules book. A tape measure. A lottery ticket. These were in the pocket of Bengie Molina’s father when he died of a heart attack on the rutted Little League field in his Puerto Rican barrio. The items serve as thematic guideposts in Molina’s beautiful memoir about his father, who through baseball taught his three sons about loyalty, humility, courage, and the true meaning of success. Bengie and his two brothers—Jose and six-time All-Star Yadier—became famous catchers in the Major Leagues and have six World Series championships among them. Only the DiMaggio brothers can rival the Molinas as the most accomplished siblings in baseball history. Bengie was the least likely to reach the Majors. He was too slow, too sensitive, and too small. But craving his beloved father’s respect, Bengie weathered failure after deflating failure until one day he was hoisting a World Series trophy in a champagne-soaked clubhouse. All along he thought he was fulfilling his father’s own failed dream of baseball glory—only to discover it had not been his father’s dream at all. Written with the emotional power of sports classics such as Field of Dreams and Friday Night Lights, Molina is a love story between a formidable but flawed father and a son who, in unearthing answers about his father’s life, comes to understand his own.

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #31175 in Books
  • Brand: Molina, Bengie/ Ryan, Joan (CON)
  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Released on: 2015-05-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.20" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 272 pages
Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

Review "For three brothers to make it to the big leagues, to all play the same demanding position, and to appear, between them, in eight World Series to date is remarkable enough. What is just as remarkable is the backstory—the family, especially the parents, who made Yadier, Bengie, and José Molina the ballplayers and men they became." —Bob Costas"If Molina was just a baseball book explaining how a small town in Puerto Rico produced a historic set of three brothers who became Major League catchers and earned six World Series championships, it would still be a terrific read. The reality is that Molina is that and much more: it is a great book. Bengie honors his family, especially his Pai and Mai, by describing how their love and support carried him and his brothers through difficult beginnings into legendary careers—Mai taking care of the home front and Pai coaching their physical and mental baseball skills. Throughout the book, wonderful stories are combined with fascinating insights. I have read Molina three times to fully appreciate its many important messages. Molina will touch you on many levels. You will love it." —Tony La Russa"I've always believed that it takes a village of people to love and nurture a professional athlete into being. The Molinas are the perfect example. They will go down with the Alous, the Boones, the Bells, and others as baseball family royalty. This book is a must-read for all parents who want to teach their children the skills of the game while making sure they know that their skills away from the diamond are just as important." —Ron Darling“An affecting memoir about a remarkable man who raised three sons to become baseball champions. . . . A simply told, deeply moving story, quite unlike the usual baseball book.” —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)"A good baseball story, but an even better story of fathers, sons, and the importance of family.” —Booklist (starred review)“It's this year's baseball book most likely to be made into a terrific movie. … An ideal Father's Day present." —The Chicago Tribune

About the Author Benjamin José "Bengie" Molina is a former Major League Baseball catcher who has played for the Anaheim Angels, the Toronto Blue Jays, and the San Francisco Giants. His brothers, Yadier and José, are also major league catchers. Bengie holds two World Championship rings, and two Gold Glove Awards. He is now the first base coach and catching instructor for the Texas Rangers.Joan Ryan is an award-winning journalist and author. She was one of the first female sports columnists in the country, and has covered every major sporting event, from the Super Bowl to the Olympics and championship fights. Her work has earned her thirteen Associated Press Sports Editors Awards, the National Headliner Award and the Women's Sports Foundation's Journalism Award by the San Francisco chapter of the National Organization for Women. Her book Little Girls in Pretty Boxes: The Making and Breaking of Elite Gymnasts and Figure Skaters was named one of the Top 100 Sports Books of All Time by Sports Illustrated (the only one to be authored by a woman), and one of the Top 50 Sports Books of All Time by the Guardian. Joan now works as a media consultant to the San Francisco Giants.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Molina


LA VIDA QUE reconocemos como singularmente propia comienza con nuestro primer recuerdo. Seguramente este recuerdo no es casual. Tiene que haber una razón para que nuestras mentes, muchos años después, recuperen este momento particular y nos lo presenten como la escena inicial de nuestras vidas. Constituye el punto de referencia desde el que medimos todo lo demás. Este es mi primer recuerdo. Tengo cuatro o cinco años. Mi padre juega segunda base de un equipo de béisbol semiprofesional en el pueblo de Utuado. Lo llamo Pai, una versión corta de Papi. Su estatura es más bien pequeña comparada con la de los otros jugadores, pero para mí es como un gigante. Usa ropa de superhéroes como los que veo en mis libros de historietas ilustradas: camisa apretada y pantalones que muestran sus músculos. Usa zapatos especiales que dejan marcas en el terreno cuando camina. Sus brazos y hombros parecen capaces de arrancar una palma de raíz. Su cara es tan dura como los ladrillos que sostienen nuestra casa. Estoy en el banco de los jugadores. Estoy seguro de que es la primera vez que Pai me deja estar con él y los otros hombres. Me gusta cómo huelen los hombres en el banco. Muy diferente de Mai —mi madre— que huele a jabón y a aceite de cocinar. Es incluso diferente del olor rancio y metálico que trae Pai de la fábrica. Los hombres en el banco huelen a hierba, a Winston y a sudor. Me gusta también cómo hablan unos con otros, como si todo fuera un chiste, y me gusta cómo se ponen serios cuando se calzan el casco en la cabeza y sacan un bate del estante al final del banco. Estoy agarrado de la cerca de alambre que separa el banco de los jugadores del terreno, mirándolo todo. El juego está extendiéndose a la décima entrada. Los hombres han dejado de hacer chistes. Todos están exhaustos y enojados. Pai escoge un bate. Es su turno. —Voy a batear un jonrón hacia el jardín izquierdo —dice—. Y nos vamos, cada uno a su casa. Estoy cansado de este juego. Miro hacia el jardín izquierdo. La cerca parece estar a un millón de millas de distancia. —No, no —dice uno de los hombres—. ¡Batea por la derecha! Es más corto el tramo. La cerca del jardín derecho está más cerca. Hasta yo puedo verla. —Me está lanzando afuera —dice mi padre—. Tengo que batear por la izquierda. Se acerca al plato y escarba con los pies en el cajón de bateo. Oigo al público aplaudiendo y gritando el nombre de mi padre, que es también el mío: “¡Bengie! ¡Vamos, Bengie!” El lanzador hace sus movimientos y lanza. Pai le hace swing. La pelota navega hacia el jardín izquierdo. Sigue elevándose. El jardinero izquierdo corre hacia atrás. La pelota comienza a caer mientras el jardinero izquierdo acelera. Estira el brazo y tal parece que va a atrapar la pelota. Entonces la ve golpear el borde de la cerca y caer del otro lado. Un jonrón. Veo a Pai corriendo las bases con una enorme sonrisa en el rostro. Los hombres corren del banco hacia el home para recibirlo. Van gritando y saltando. Yo corro con ellos, también gritando y saltando. —¡Agárrenlo! ¡Que alguien lo agarre! —oigo a Mai gritando desde las gradas refiriéndose a mí, horrorizada de que me atropellen. Pai atraviesa el plato y, en medio de la celebración, grita: ¿Dónde está? Finalmente me ve y se le ilumina el rostro. Me alza en sus brazos y de un tirón me encarama sobre sus anchos hombros. Oigo a la gente coreando: “¡Bengie!, ¡Bengie!” Pienso que los hurras son para mí. Siento los hombros de Pai bajo mis piernas. Me agarra por los tobillos con una fuerte mano de obrero. Los hombres lo abrazan a él y a mí, a sus hombros y mis piernas. Somos como una sola persona. Un solo gran pelotero. Estoy muy contento. Quisiera quedarme allí para siempre. Esa es la primera escena de mi vida. Un estadio de béisbol. Un banco de jugadores. Y mi padre. No sé si alguien es capaz de decidir el curso de su vida a la edad de cuatro o cinco años. Pero creo que yo lo hice. Quería vestir esos uniformes. Jugar en un terreno como ése. Saber lo que esos hombres sabían. Quería oír a Pai hablar conmigo como lo hacía con ellos. Oí historias de que Pai había soñado con llegar a las Grandes Ligas. En su tiempo, había sido un gran jugador de béisbol. Uno de los mejores en Puerto Rico. Famoso incluso. La gente contaba que jugaba segunda base como un alacrán, moviéndose de un lado a otro en un pestañar. Contaban que agarraba el bate en una posición tan alta que uno pensaba que el extremo del bate le golpearía el estómago cuando bateara, y cómo aun con este agarre bateaba jonrones. Nuestra casa estaba llena de sus trofeos. Todos pensaban que llegaría a las Grandes Ligas como Roberto Clemente, el héroe nacional de Puerto Rico. Pero nunca llegó. Ni siquiera llegó a las ligas menores. Lo que hizo fue pasarse casi cuarenta años trabajando en una fábrica. No recuerdo exactamente cuando, pero yo decidí llegar a las Grandes Ligas. Como el hijo mayor que llevaba su mismo nombre, yo haría realidad el sueño de Pai. Con mi triunfo, yo borraría su fracaso. Yo era un niño, con pensamientos mágicos propios de un niño. No sabía que millones de niños sueñan con llegar a las Grandes Ligas y casi nadie lo logra. Piensa cuántos de tus amigos de la infancia llegaron a vestir un uniforme de Grandes Ligas. Probablemente ninguno. Las probabilidades de llegar son astronómicas. Y mis probabilidades resultaron ser particularmente escasas. Yo no era un atleta natural como mi padre. Él era puro y flexible y estaba lleno de confianza en sí mismo. Mientras que yo tenía un talento natural mínimo; apenas una caja de piezas que necesitaban armarse. Tampoco era fuerte como Pai. Era pequeño, flaco y, al menos en esa época, carecía de sus agallas. Cualquier crítica me molestaba. Así y todo, seguí imaginando que un día Pai se lanzaría al campo de algún estadio de Grandes Ligas después de yo batear un jonrón que ganara el juego. En mi mente, sería un momento en home muy parecido al día en que Pai me alzó y me encaramó sobre sus hombros. Un pelotero grande. Me pasé la vida tratando de captar otra vez ese momento, la perfecta conexión con mi padre. Era lo que me impulsaba. Quizá sea la necesidad que cada hijo tiene de ganarse el respeto de su padre. Para mí, creo que era más que eso. Mi padre era el mejor hombre que yo conocía. A veces no me parecía real. Era algo más. Pregúntenle a cualquiera en el barrio. Le dirán muchísimas cosas sobre lo que él era en un terreno de béisbol. Le dirán también que tenía tres hijos. Y que él les enseñó a esos hijos todo lo que sabía de béisbol. Le dirán que José, Yadier y yo, los tres, fuimos receptores. Y que contra toda lógica, los tres llegamos a las Grandes Ligas. Y que contra una lógica aún mayor —nunca tres hermanos han logrado esto en la historia del béisbol— cada uno de los hijos de Benjamín ganó dos anillos de Serie Mundial. También le dirán que nuestro padre era un mejor pelotero que cualquiera de nosotros tres. Cada vecino del barrio tiene una historia que contar acerca de Benjamín Molina Santana. Ahora les contaré la mía. Y comenzaré con el final. Mi padre murió a la edad de cincuenta y ocho años en el terreno de béisbol junto a las matas de tamarindo frente a nuestra casa. Ese era su terreno. Medía la distancia de una base a otra y las alineaba con puñados de cal blanca que sacaba de una bolsa que mantenía en el estacionamiento de su automóvil. Rastrillaba la tierra del diamante. Echaba arena en los charcos de fango cuando llovía. Mis hermanos y yo crecimos en ese terreno. Nuestras vidas están enmarcadas por las líneas entre las bases. Hasta años después yo era capaz de caminar cada pulgada de ese terreno en la oscuridad y saber exactamente en qué punto estaba. Sabía cuántos pasos había desde el borde del terreno hasta el poste de luz en el jardín izquierdo, que si uno se descuidaba podía frenar dolorosa y súbitamente una corrida para atrapar un batazo elevado. Sabía cómo deslizarme en home asegurándome de no lastimarme las piernas con las puntas expuestas de la cerca detrás del home. La historia de mi padre es, en muchas maneras, la historia del béisbol puertorriqueño. Nuestros mejores jugadores surgieron de terrenos surcados donde se había cultivado caña de azúcar. Fabricaban bates con ramas de árbol y en su niñez habían usado bolsas de papel en lugar de guantes. Agudizaban la vista bateando semillas secas. Escuchaban en la radio las trasmisiones de los juegos de Grandes Ligas y la mención de Hiram Bithorn y El Divino Loco y Roberto Clemente. El amor de mi padre por el béisbol creció también de esas raíces profundas. Nuestro amor por el juego creció del suyo. Pero para nosotros el béisbol era mucho más que un juego, aunque no comprendí esto hasta algún tiempo después. El béisbol era el medio que utilizaba mi callado, tímido y macho padre para demostrarnos lo profundo que era su amor hacia nosotros. Si alguien hubiera tropezado con el funeral de mi padre en el pequeñísimo pueblo de Kuilan, habría pensado que había muerto un gobernador, no el obrero de una fábrica. Miles de personas acudieron. Se clausuraron calles. Las demostraciones de afecto y duelo y respeto ese día fueron lo más increíble que yo he visto en mi vida. Después del funeral, cuando los amigos de mi padre recordaban su extraordinario talento, me contaron sus aspiraciones de Grandes Ligas y la impactante decisión que había tomado, algo que ni Mai ni él nos había contado a mis hermanos y a mí. Me di cuenta entonces que no conocía a mi padre. Al menos, no lo conocía más allá del hecho de que era mi padre. En el funeral y durante muchos meses y años más tarde, hablé con mis tías y tíos, con sus viejos compañeros de equipo, con los jóvenes que entrenaba y con sus compañeros de la fábrica donde trabajó durante más de treinta años. Supe entonces lo que le había impedido jugar en Estados Unidos. Supe lo que realmente nos había estado enseñando a mis hermanos y a mí todas esas horas y años en el terreno de béisbol. Y finalmente comprendí que haber logrado que sus tres hijos jugaran en las Grandes Ligas fue el menor de los legados de mi padre. En una de mis visitas a Puerto Rico después de la muerte de Pai, su amigo Vitín me dijo que a él le habían asignado la tarea de recoger las pertenencias del cuerpo de mi padre en el hospital. En los bolsillos encontró tres cosas. Un reglamento de las Pequeñas Ligas. Una cinta de medir. Y un boleto de la lotería. No lo sabía entonces, pero estas cosas se convertirían en mi guía para contarles la historia del pobre obrero de fábrica responsable por la más improbable dinastía del béisbol.

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

Where to Download Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Love Story Between a Son and His Father reviewed by Bill Pence of By Bill Pence This book tells of the love story between father Pai, and oldest son Bengie Molina. It is also the incredible story of a family that produced three major league baseball catchers (José, Yadier and Bengie), who each have earned two World Series championships, as well as an autobiography of Bengie.Pai was a very talented baseball player who had the potential, but never made it to the major leagues. In fact, Bengie writes that people will tell you that Pai was a better player than any of his sons. Bengie does not reveal until late in the book why Pai didn’t play in the major leagues.Pai taught and coached youth baseball, which was his passion. His rules were about the same thing: respect—for coaches, umpires, teammates, teachers, parents, the game, yourself. In addition to baseball, Pai enjoyed drinking beer and playing dominoes with his friends.Mai (Bengie’s mother) was a good fit for Pai. She was lively and gregarious enough to fill Pai’s silences. And what luck to find a girl who loved baseball as much as he did.As far as his faith, Bengie writes “My baptism and communion were pretty much the extent of my church experience. My parents weren’t even married in a church. Church weddings cost too much. As a child, on the few occasions I found myself in the Vega Alta church, I didn’t feel that God would live in such a place. The door was thick and heavy, and when it closed behind me, I imagined being sealed inside an enormous crypt, cut off from everything alive.”I’m a St. Louis Cardinals fan and my favorite player is Yadier Molina. Bengie tells the story that Yadier was the only five-year-old in the history of Little League to infuriate an umpire enough to get tossed from a game (for calling the umpire an obscene name).Bengie started his major league career with the California Angels, later playing for the Toronto Blue Jays, San Francisco Giants and Texas Rangers, retiring in 2010. He has stayed in the game as a coach.Bengie writes of not being happy in his marriage, indicating that they were two unhappy strangers who shared two beautiful daughters and little else. He writes of being attracted to Jamie while married, who he would later marry. This did not go over well with Pai, who saw him as being disloyal and not putting his family first. That put a strain on Pai and Bengie’s relationship, something that was very painful for Benjie, as Pai would refuse to take Bengie’s phone calls.Sadly, not long after the two were reconciled, Pai died at age 58 of a massive heart attack on his beloved field across the street from their home where he taught and coached baseball. That is where his wake was held, on the spot he had crossed a million times with his bags of balls and bats. Bengie writes that this was where he had lived, in the seam between baseball and family, and this was where he had taken his final steps.Bengie writes about Pai’s wake:“A light rain fell as we carried Pai’s closed casket out of the tent and onto the baseball field. The baselines and batter’s boxes had been carefully chalked. We carried the casket to first base, then second and third. The mayor delivered a play-by-play of the action, as if Pai were rounding the bases. I picked up first base, Cheo second, and Yadier third. The mayor’s voice grew louder and more excited as we carried Pai toward home. His last trip around the diamond. A thousand people leapt to their feet.”Bengie writes that playing in the Major Leagues was not Pai’s dream. His dream was to be a good father and husband and raise good sons. Through baseball, he taught his sons how to be men. That was his life’s work.This is a very well written book and one that I couldn’t put down.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Wonderful insight to the Molina family... By Mrschevyfarm I laughed and a life long member of Cardinal Nation, the Molina family holds a dear spot in my heart. What a loving tribute to a beloved father. The raw emotion, love and respect for family and baseball shine bright in this book. Great read for anyone....

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Awesome!!! By Felix Salazar Could not put the book down!!!! Lot of respect for the Molina brothers. Stay true and never forget where you came from.

See all 131 customer reviews... Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

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Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina

Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina
Molina: The Story of the Father Who Raised an Unlikely Baseball Dynasty, by Bengie Molina