Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

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A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

Free Ebook A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

How can a seer paint ‘Truth’ when she’s lived a life of lies? Will she allow a man who has twice deceived her to open her heart to the truth? In the Highlands of Glen Affric, years after The Forty-Five—the Jacobite rising led by Bonnie Prince Charlie—Celia Rose lives happily in Faeries’ Haven, where the lies that protect her from the past keep the magic and the faeries away. She finds her only magic when she paints, and “sees” things she cannot possibly know. When a stranger comes on a mysterious errand, he threatens those who want to keep her safe at home. Little by little, he shows her new colors, new worlds and, most compelling—new passions. But he also brings danger, for he, too, lives a lie and is not what he seems. Still, danger comes in many forms, and the truth he offers leaves Celia with a difficult choice: to believe in those who loved and raised her; or trust this man, and learn the dark secret that could both destroy her innocence and forge in her a woman’s heart.

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #464105 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-21
  • Released on: 2015-05-21
  • Format: Kindle eBook
A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

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Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. An enjoyable and safisfying Highland read! By Amazon Customer (April Renn/AprilR ) *Originally published in the "Highland Scrolls of Cridhl,Volume 1" Anthology*, which is were I read this story of magic, Highland love and passion. A quick read and a Novella! This is a complex tale, filled with magic and love. I enjoyed this tale a lot. As with the others in this amazing authors in this Anthrology, Ms. Davis, is a very talented author. Fans of Highland magic, passion, romance and love will enjoy, "A Tear for Memory". Well done! Strongly recommended. Another wonderful Historical romance. An enjoyable and satisfying read!Rating: 4Heat rating: MildReviewed by: AprilR

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Spectacular read that will pull your heart strings! I absolutely loved it! By Barb Massabrook A Tear for Memory by Kathryn Lynn DavisThis is a beautiful written story by the multi talented author Kathryn Lynn Davis whose solo books include the fabulous Too Deep For Tears and her trilogy of the same name. What a fabulous trilogy that I highly recommend as well if you haven't read.In this story again this is a lengthy novella another big plus for this set. This is about an artist and seer Caelia Rose as she paints with her beloved pastels and sees thing of what have been and what will come to be. This lass born in the aftermath of the Rising or as some all it the '45 and the battle of Culloden that changed Scotland forever. Anyone with a bit of Scottish blood like myself and knows this history knows this was horrible and sad time for the Scottish people after loosing this war to the English.Anyhow Caelia whose mother had died also in the aftermath and has been raised in Fairie's Haven by her Aunt Clare MacKinley and affectionately calls her Ma-Clare who is every a loving mother as any. Besides her Aunt Clare, Caelia Rose is also being raised by her father Malcolm Rose who loves his daughter and only wants to protect her and keep her safe. Caelia was always happy and content well until a stranger by the name of Robert Hamilton starts spying on her and asking all kinds of suspicious questions.This makes Caelia Rose perfect world turn upside down and finds out some hidden truths and betrayals about herself and her family. Yet they were truths that she would of found out soon or later as well. Of course then there is the attraction between Robert and this proud Scottish lass Caelia Rose, well that is until she realizes he is her enemy, an English soldier!Another betrayal for Caelia who turns from a happy girl to an uncertain woman overnight.A really fabulous and entertaining read I am certain anyone would enjoy. I know I loved it.Kathryn Lynn Davis write such an a beautiful story I know anyone would love and her vivid imagination is just amazing. I really enjoy her unique style of writing as it really brings you in the story and had me totally mesmerized and captivated as I couldn't put this book down wondering what would happen next.I absolutely recommend this marvelous book as I totally loved A tear for memory.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A story of fairy magic and love. :) By Leah Weller This story is full of beautiful descriptions so vibrant I can feel them in my heart. The people, places, sounds, and Caelia's paintings....everything is so clear and all it came together and became a moving experience for me... the reading of this story. Caelia is this young woman full of trust and happiness who has been given the gift of sight. Everything she believes is true is put to the test and she's rocked to her core. Robert is a man full of secrets who isn't who he seems to be. His is a very complex tale. They came together in a story of fairy magic and love.

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A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis
A Tear for Memory, by Kathryn Lynn Davis

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

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Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

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In post–Civil War San Francisco, a forward-thinking female physician falls in love with a man who may have murdered his wife Jake Parrish is Dr. Hallie Gardiner’s last hope. She needs a wealthy and powerful benefactor to save her foundering mission hospital in Philadelphia, and Jake, known as Young Midas, is just the kind of person she’s looking for. At Parrish’s magnificent San Francisco mansion, Hallie is stunned to discover that his pregnant wife, Serena, is suffering from a severe emotional disturbance that has caused her to lose touch with reality. At times, she is violent and incoherent; at others, she is frighteningly lucid. Drawn into Serena’s bizarre world, Hallie does her best to help. But not long after Serena has her baby, she is found dead.   Is Jake Parrish a cold-blooded murderer? Or a grieving widower haunted by terrible memories of war? As she falls dangerously in love with the handsome ex-soldier, Hallie tries to ignore the whispers. Her efforts to heal Jake—and uncover the truth about his wife’s death—backfire when someone threatens her life and her chance for future happiness.

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #643892 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Released on: 2015-05-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

Where to Download Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Lots of action and a little romance By Melissa Jake Parrish is known as King Midas in San Francisco. He has a terrible injury from the war and a terrible wife who is pregnant and in labor. Hallie is a doctor recently from Philadelphia who just happens to be at the Parrish mansion and delivers the baby.Hallie finds Jake rude and unpleasantly arrogant. However, after seeing how patient he is with his completely mad wife, she softens toward him. Jake is taken with Hallie and admires her sympathetic nature toward his mentally unbalanced wife and her tolerance of his bad moods.When Jake's wife is murdered, Hallie rushes to Jake's defense and realizes that she has fallen in love with him. Jake is aware of Hallie's feelings but unable to come to grips with his past.The story here is good, the plot line well developed and the characters too. Hallie is wary of falling in love with a handsome man since her attractive father was a philanderer. Jake's character development is well done. His turmoil over the war, his injury, his wife's madness and his own impotency are heartfelt. This would be a four star book except for one missing element, the romance. There were times I almost forgot I was reading a romance. Jake and Callie did have chemistry but the other plot lines overshadowed their romantic story.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. love to read By lover of books this is one of the best books i have ever read. it had action romance intrigue mystery. everything a good book should have this book kept me wanting more each time ipicked it up.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Quite wonderful By Linda This light book was engaging and thoughtfully written. The characters were well drawn, and the humor was just right.I recommend it for escape, it's pretty riveting!

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Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman
Yesterday's Roses (The Parrish Novels), by Heather Cullman

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

It's no any sort of mistakes when others with their phone on their hand, as well as you're as well. The distinction may last on the product to open up Russian Wolves, By Jim Musgrave When others open up the phone for chatting as well as speaking all things, you can occasionally open up and review the soft data of the Russian Wolves, By Jim Musgrave Certainly, it's unless your phone is available. You could also make or save it in your laptop or computer system that reduces you to check out Russian Wolves, By Jim Musgrave.

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

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eBook of the Year. This riveting story traces the creation of a serial killer and how one man's desire to get his family to America causes him to use this killer as a paid assassin for the Russian Mafia. Can CIA agent Dr. Abigail Soloman convince her country of her discovery? Based on the story of true-life serial killer Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo.

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1667987 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Released on: 2015-05-12
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

Review absolutely stunning novel... Musgrave competently weaves in enough reality to give the book ... bite. -- US Times Bestseller List & Review RUSSIAN WOLVES is a frightening tale of transformation from victim to destroyer. -- Word Weaving The work is engrossing and very intensive in its glimpse into the seedy world of international spy tactics. -- Tamara McHatton

About the Author Dr. Abigail Solomon is a pseudonym for Jim Musgrave, the widely acclaimed author of Sins of Darkness and Lucifer's Wedding. A native of San Diego, Jim graduated from San Diego State University with a Masters Degree in English. An award-winning writer and journalist, he has been both a semi-finalist and a finalist in the Heekin Foundation Award for Short Fiction, a panel member at the San Diego State Annual Writer's Conference, a Panel Member at the First Annual ReBA-Con 2000 in San Francisco. An expert in systems and network architecture, he is also the author of 'XML For Dummies' and has worked extensively as a consultant and technical writer within the information technology sector.

Currently, Jim is an English lecturer at San Diego State University, Grossmont College and San Diego Mesa College. He maintains a website, where Sins of Darkness and other novels by Jim Musgrave are available in paperback. His previous novels include Lucifer's Wedding and Sins of Darkness. He is presently working on Iron Maiden, a serial novel about the American Civil War.

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. We are taken in the dark mind of this man who thoughts are so demented it's like a train wreck that has you frozen right that .. By tricia " "I began to worry that the line between the hunted and the hunter might often become blurred"- Inspector Boris Sukurev" "(page 46)Now that was a very interesting statement that I found in another dark story that I just finished up the other night. This book is called "Russian Wolves" by Jim Musgrave. Published by Bookbooters Press (October 2002). I won this one from the author in a give-away on This book has all the things make you coward under the covers, jump at every thing that goes bump in the night and at that moment ... you can't remember if you locked all the doors and windows. It's beyond the realm of dark but how does someone write darker that dark? But I know that is the only way to describe it. It grabs you by the throat and that little pulse in your neck grows louder and louder as your life is slipping away. Mr. Jim writes in a style that has me think of a very demented Stephen King mashed up with the likes of Jack the Ripper on the literary world.In my opinion the story line is dark, demented and dangerously addicting to be a eyes wide open read. The blood lust starts at a fast pace frenzy that sent shivers down my spine but I could not put it down and was reading so fast that my e-reader had problems keeping up with me. The development of the characters was so vivid that I could see in front of me. I could almost smell the sweat of desperation of famine as it opens up in Southern Ukraine in February 1932, in the village that hasn't seen food for 6 weeks in cold of the Russian air, and the despair of those who live there. Here's a word to think about - cannibalism.Enter Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo - a loyal man to the cause who follows the Communist Party Rules to the bitter end. We walk along with him has his mental break. The man who has a job as a teacher, is a patriot, partisan, husband to Pauline, who is expecting their 3rd child; and there is one more thing that this mild mannered father is above all else ... a serial killer.We are taken in the dark mind of this man who thoughts are so demented it's like a train wreck that has you frozen right that on the tracks as the 2 behemoths are barreling down on you. Your brain sees it but you just can't look or get away no matter how hard you try.Now we can add it government corruption that goes all the way up to the Attorney General's Office, the Russian Mafia, and people won't be missed and things really get interesting. But let us add an element we that we all know racism. That becomes a bone of contention between Commander Kanowsky and a description provided by the Commander as "an Ingus college boy" Inspector Boris Aukurev. As you can guess "Ingus" is not a kind word.The inspector is a man who has the ability to get inside the criminal brain. We can't help to root for him throughout the book as the hunt begins with brick walls at every turn. We can see how it takes over is the Inspector's life. This chase continues for 12 years against all odds. The suspense and the terror of the hunt and the hunt has my heart beating fast like I, too; is running against the darkest that is surrounding us. It has me thinking about that line from the poem by Robert Frost, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening“These woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.”The twist and turns will have you dodging like you are also running with the pack. Yes ... I did say pack. The line between the hunted & hunter indeed get blurred. But without giving more a way, I admit that I spent several nights glued to the e-reader long into the wee hours of the morning. The e-reader smacks me in the forehead as I'm reluctantly fighting to keep my eyes open for I must continue the chase.Mr. Musgrave - I salute you for writing a story so dark that literally scared me to mental death!!! And that takes quite a bit of doing for a reader who cut her middle-school literary teeth on Stephen King's "IT"!!I'm more than happy to give this book a Horrifying 4.75 of 5 stars out. And that is my honest opinion that I freely offer up as a winner of this book. I will be looking for more of your books with out any doubts!And this my friends is my review tonight. I will be back with another tempting tidbit of literature for you to read. But until then...Toodles,Tricia

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Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave
Russian Wolves, by Jim Musgrave

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

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Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

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Singapore 1823. The East India Company is in full pursuit of wealth and glory expanding the dominance of the United Kingdom around the world. Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles saw the potential in a tiny settlement on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula and knew it would be ideal for a free port. It would soon become one of the busiest and most lucrative ports in the East India Company’s portfolio, attracting merchants and pirates to its wharves. Nathaniel Hawk arrives just before Christmas in order to spend the holidays with his father, Captain Sebastian Hawk, a famous East India Company Captain. Trained to captain his own ship, Nathaniel turned away from a life at sea in order to chase a life of gambling and adventure on land. He arrives in the East India Company’s latest free port intent on continuing his hedonistic pursuits. When word reaches Singapore Captain Sebastian Hawk has finally been bested in a battle at sea with a ghost ship, none is more shocked that his son. Nathaniel will look for answers in the newly built colonial houses of the rich merchants as well as the opium dens of the slums looking for answers to his father’s disappearance. Only a return to sea will lead to the truth, but does he have the skill to seek out the ghost ship and learn its secrets?

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3240869 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-03
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .97" w x 5.25" l, .94 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 386 pages
Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Where to Download Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Explosive foray into the early, heady days of Singapore! By eyes.2c Mad dogs and Englishman go out in the noon day sun!Ah! Cricket, in Singapore, I can't even contemplate it. Even the thought of the heat makes me feel faint. Apparently cricket is part of the expat life in Singapore at the time of Sir Stamford Raffles and the First Resident, William Farquhar. Singapore in 1823 was the new trading frontier on the Malay Peninsula--a clearing house for rare spices, silks and porcelains from China. A place where the quest for riches vies with the unruliness of fortune seekers, trade ships and their crews, the Chinese secret organizations, and the Dutch threat.Nathaniel Hawk has come to Singapore at his fathers request, only to find him gone, out testing a new ship. His father, Captain Sebastian Hawk, a renowned captain for the East India company is due back soon.Only Captain Hawk doesn't return! From a handful of survivors it's determined that his ship was sunk by a rumoured 'ghost' ship, a will-o'-the-wisp, all black and terrible, hard to see against the twilight seas, with multiple and terrible guns that wreak havoc on its unsuspecting prey. It seems Captain Hawk has joined the litany of other victims.Then there's the mad Dutch captain, Collaart who wants Nate's head at any cost, and First Resident Farquhar seems just the man to hand Nate over, especially when trade is being threatened.So how much does cricket have to do with sailing ships, trade in the East Indies and this book. Perhaps it's the code, perhaps it's the not giving up, of playing the game out. Or perhaps for the English, it's a touch of home. I like the following explanation. Charlotte Carstairs asks her father's headman, 'Why do all trading metaphors come from cricket?" Bingham replies, "I imagine because it's we Brits are great at both.'Put together the steamy, seamy sides of Singapore, the quarrels at the very top of society, questions about the safety of trade ships that could make and break fortunes, and the deteriorating personal relations that develop between Nate and his friends and there's plenty of grist for an explosive story. Add to the mix the charming and headstrong Charlotte Carstairs who will do anything to ensure her father's trading house succeeds, rather than unravel into bankruptcy and poverty; include the lure of opium, and the threat of cholera, and the recipe for mystery and intrigue deepens.Nathaniel is a reluctant hero, of strong opinions and loyalties, an able fighter and seaman, who has turned his back on the sea. He only wants to hie back to England but finds himself thwarted by fate at every turn.I enjoyed Garland's 'Markinch ' series immensely, and if this first book of the Hawk Legacy series is anything to go by, then this latest series will certainly live up to the same high standard previously set by Garland.ARC from author

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Historical Action Book All Explorer-Souls Will Have Trouble Putting Down By Dawn Dolly Webb This adventurous tale follows the story of Nathaniel Hawk- a young and daring explorer who is faced with the task of finding answers to his father's mysterious disappearence. Nathaniel has lived an interesting life to say the least. Set in the early 1800's in Singapore, this historical tale is one that encaptures the essence of the true adventurous spirit that was held in pirates, adventurers, merchants, and political leaders during that era. Nathaniel Hawk is no different, and his embodiment of the famous exploring leaders of that time holds true in every chapter of this tale.The story begins with Nathaniel traveling to the free port on the tip of the Malay Peninsula where he plans to spend the holidays with his father, Sebastian Hawk. Sebastian is a famous captian in the area for the East India Company. Although Nathaniel was presumed to follow in his fathers footsteps, and holds the skills to captain his own ship- he chose a different walk of life and embarked on his path, on land rather than seas. With that being said, when Nathaniel discovers that his father, the infamous Singapore captian, has fallen in a fight in the ocean with a ghost ship- he must search everywhere he knows to find the answers behind his father's passing. Although he's determined to stay on land, Nathaniel discovers that the only way he may be able to discover the truth behind his father's story is to seek out the ghost ship on his own, by captaining his own ship and making his own way in the frightful and feirce seas.The plot of this book flows perfectly. Although it's filled with the many twists and turns you expect in an action read, everything comes together in a smooth manner. Some action books, especially historic-inspired ones tend to feel choppy and miss peices. This book didn't have that feel. I sat down and from the first page to the last understood every aspect of Nathaniel's story. I kept wanting to delve deeper and deeper into his gripping tale and found time passing quicker than I thought it had. I'd sit down to read this book each night and hours would pass without me realizing. When I'd look up to my clock I'd realize that it was much further past my bedtime than I intended to read. And yet the story kept me coming back for me. I couldn't put it down until I'd finished it. And it's rare that you will hear me say that in a book review. I'm a slow-paced reader at best, but this book made me into a fast-paced 'must get to the next page' reader.Nathaniel's story captured every corner of my imagination. The settings and sceneries were brought to life in such vivid detail that I found myself completely engrossed in the world around me. The author made every place come to visual detail so easily. I could clearly see every character, every action scene, every area as if I were watching a movie. Speaking of which- I have a feeling this book will be made into a movie some day. With it's action-packed, unique, 1800s tale and likable characters I can not only see this as a best selling book, but a record breaking movie someday. I'm beyond excited that I'm the first person to review it, and give it five stars. Just a genuinely awesome read that an explorer-soul will have trouble putting down.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Swashbuckling adventure with some interestings twists and without the so predictable pirates By kratzy The captain in the title role of this book is Nathaniel Hawk and if you like swashbucklers in stories and movies, this book is definitely for you. It immediately saw images of Horatio Hornblower and Richard Sharpe. Men, who know what is important to them and are willing to fight to reach their goal, sometimes against seemingly insurmountable odds.But let's start at the beginning. Nathaniel has a famous father, Sebastian Hawk, who works as a captain for the East India Company. And while son and father have differences of opinion more than they seem to agree, in the end, they are very similar in character. This comes out as the story evolves and young Nathaniel is for the first time in the life truly tested in terms of bravery and perseverance.We are in Singapore in the early 1800's and Sebastian Hawk does not return from one of his frequent oceanic excursions. Rumor has it that Sebastian Hawk was killed in a battle with a ghost ship, myserious ships that seemingly come out of nowhere and destroyed his father's ship. Ghost ships and their tales have haunted sailors for centuries and continue their mystery until modern times. So what was supposed to be a simple holiday spend with his father, Nathanial now finds himself trying to solve the mystery that surrounds his father's death. Nathaniel, although predestined to join his father at sea as a captain, had chosen a career on land. But Nathaniel still can captain a shop and so he sets out to pursue the ghost ship and the question of how his father died.Set during an exciting time for Singapore because of the burgeoning trade and written in great detail for historical developments, such as the fate of English traders in Singapore, this book will please everyone who loves historical novels. What helps this book is the ability of the author to capture the attention of the reader early on and never, and I mean absolutely never, let go. As an Anglophile, the very English character of the location and the people was extremely pleasing to me and I kept reading longer than I wanted each night just to get ahead and find out whether Nathaniel will be successful in his mission.Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. The opinion expressed in this post is solely my own and has not been influenced by any third parties.

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Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland
Captain Hawk (Hawk Legacy) (Volume 1), by S J Garland

Friday, July 25, 2014

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Book fans, when you need a new book to read, discover guide Nightlife: Hazardous Material, By Matthew Quinn Martin here. Never ever fret not to find just what you require. Is the Nightlife: Hazardous Material, By Matthew Quinn Martin your needed book now? That's true; you are actually an excellent visitor. This is an excellent book Nightlife: Hazardous Material, By Matthew Quinn Martin that comes from excellent writer to show you. The book Nightlife: Hazardous Material, By Matthew Quinn Martin provides the very best experience and also lesson to take, not just take, however also find out.

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

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The story of monster hunter Jack and his partner Beth continues in Nightlife: As the Worm Turns…but first, take a short stroll down one of Nightlife's darkest streets in this horror e-novella praised as “thrilling, edgy, and scary as hell” (Jason Starr, internationally bestselling author of The Pack).Twenty-seven-year-old Jarrod Foster has hit a dead end. He spends his days disposing of hazardous waste and his nights wondering where it all went wrong. While gutting an abandoned roller rink, Jarrod discovers a bricked up video arcade still stocked with vintage games…which, three decades ago, was the site of the largest mass shooting in New York history. Jarrod’s boss lets him keep one of the arcade games—an oddity called Polybius that no one seems to have ever heard of. Jarrod hopes to sell it and start a new life, but one grim night, he drops a quarter into the game…and the game drops Jarrod right into a nightmare. As his life spirals into darkness, and his actions begin to mirror those of the long-dead spree killer, only one question remains…is Jarrod playing a game, or is the game playing him?

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #702497 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-11
  • Released on: 2015-05-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Review Praise for Nightlife: Hazardous Material"The last novella I liked this much was Stephen King's The Mist. Great stuff! Martin has fabulous chops, command of the craft, and wonderful instincts. Nightlife: Hazardous Material pulled me into his world from page one. His prose packs a real punch, and the eerie images he conjured lasts a lot longer than any quarter powered arcade game I ever played. Creepy as heck and utterly delightful." - Daniel Palmer, critically-acclaimed author of Constant Fear and Desperate"A taut, mesmerizing tale of horror, madness and video games. It's as if Stephen King penned Ready Player One. I've never read any novella like it. SO. GOOD." - T L Costa, critically-acclaimed author of Playing Tyler"Impossible to put down, with a level of tension that is truly terrifying. He possesses a true gift with horror, reminiscent of a young Stephen King. This story will keep you up at night!"  - Melissa Macgregor, author of The Curious Steambox AffairPraise for Nightlife"Thrilling, edgy, and scary as hell, Nightlife is an outstanding debut and one of the most original takes on the vampire novel I've ever read." - Jason Starr, International Bestselling Author of The Pack"Nightlife completely creeped me out. Martin is a master of suspense. Keep me up all night again soon!" -Nancy Holder, New York Times Bestselling Author of Buffy: The Making of a Slayer"Doesn't get any darker than this; you can actually feel the blood spatter. Nightlife is the gutsiest debut I've read in a long time." - James Patrick Kelly, Hugo and Nebula Award-winning Science Fiction Legend"I don't think I've actually read anything like it!" - Bibliosanctum

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I loved how cleverly the author took the Polybius urban legend and folded it into his Nightlife universe By Tiffany Michele (BookAndCoffeeAddict) If you’ve never heard the real life urban legend of the Polybius arcade games, I highly recommend Googling it before reading this novella – I really think it will increase your enjoyment of the story. According to the legend, which may or may not have some basis in reality, in the early 80’s a handful of Polybius game cabinets were placed in a select few arcades in Portland, Oregon. Apparently, the game was highly addictive, to the point of long lines forming and fights breaking out over who got to play next game, and reports were made of players exhibiting symptoms such as blackouts, amnesia, and night terrors. Periodically “men in black” came and extracted some kind of unknown data from the machines, and then, suddenly, one day all the Polybius game cabinets disappeared without a trace.It is one of these game cabinets that Jarrod Foster stumbles upon in Nightlife: Hazardous Material.I loved how cleverly the author took the Polybius urban legend and folded it into his Nightlife universe. And the writing is fantastic – it’s the kind of writing that melts away as the story, short as it is, takes on a life of its own. In just a few short pages, the reader gets to know and really empathize with down-on-his-luck Jarrod Foster and the tension and suspense is perfectly gripping as his luck gets a whole heck of a lot worse and his world, and sanity, slowly slips out of his control. Did I mention the great twist ending? Or the scattered chapters that briefly detoured from the story timeline to mimic news reports and interviews with those close to Jarrod, adding dashes of dread about what was to come? Brilliant.I've never read this author before, nor have I had a chance to read the first book in the Nightlife series, but the little taste I got with this novella has me excited to read more.*I received an ARC of this book to review. You can find this review and others like it at, along with recommendations for a fantastic cup of coffee.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Gamers be ware... By Wendy B I recently ready Harlan Ellison's I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream. It's a book about a crazy AI that traps a small group of humans within a chaotic, psychotic world, driving them all kinds of crazy with its mind games. I tried the video game based on the book, but quickly decided it wasn't my cup of tea. Other video games from books that I will avoid at all costs: Polybius.Nightlife: Hazardous Materials is a novella set in Martin's supernatural horror world that we first saw in Nightlife (reviewed by Mogsy and I here). A prequel of sorts, and though seemingly unrelated beyond the title, there is at least one name readers of Nightlife might recognize. I had thought we'd see some of the scary monsters from Nightlife, but Hazardous Materials offers something far more frightening by subtly expanding his world well beyond monsters in the sewers.It introduces the main protagonist, Jarrod Foster, a down on his luck young man scraping for cash with a job clearing out abandoned buildings no one else will touch. As he and his boss make their way through one such place, they discover a vintage arcade--the site of a mass shooting decades before. Martin intersperses news stories of other such shootings, grounding his work in reality, while slowly letting the creepy factor in, even before Jarrod finds the mysterious game called Polybius and falls under its spell.I've always wanted to have an actual arcade system, but Hazardous Materials has made me think twice about that thanks to Martin's ability to tease out a spine-tingling mystery that leaves me very much wanting to know how deeply the darkness of Martin's urban horror world

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Read this fun book, then do a search for the video game featured for extra chills By Wayne A McCoy 'Nightlife: Hazardous Material' is a short novel from part of another series. It works fine as a standalone novel and isn't too bad.Jarrod Foster is a struggling graphic artist. Meaning he is out of money and desperate to take any kind of job, including demolition of old buildings. On one job, he discovers a hidden treasure of old arcade games. But why are they hidden and boarded up in a wall, and why has someone written 'Die demon, die' near one called Polybius?Jarrod ignores all the rules of horror and takes the weird video game home and puts it in his house. He thinks he can sell it and make money, but not before the game attempts to consume him by making him play the game and do dangerous stuff.It all might tie in to events from years ago, and the articles and reports strewn between some chapters give glimpses of what has happened, and what might happen to Jarrod.It's a creepy story that's not so much grotesque and surprising, as it is subtle and frightening. Jarrod seems to be aware of what is happening, and seems to be powerless to battle against it. A lot happens in a short page count, and I had fun looking up the game Polybius after I finished reading the book. Strange and creepy fun.I received a review copy of this ebook from Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books, Pocket Star, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin
Nightlife: Hazardous Material, by Matthew Quinn Martin

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Why need to be reading Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, By Timothy Diamond Once more, it will rely on how you feel as well as think about it. It is surely that a person of the benefit to take when reading this Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, By Timothy Diamond; you can take much more lessons directly. Also you have not undergone it in your life; you could obtain the experience by reading Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, By Timothy Diamond And also now, we will present you with the online publication Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, By Timothy Diamond in this web site.

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

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“Catalyst” is a three volume, epic fictional story of Tom Davis’s extraordinary life that spans time, historical events, and multiple continents. From initially meeting, his first love in a quiet country town in the sixties, to quitting his adventurous life at the turn of the new Millennium. Book One introduces Tom, our main character as he tells us of his life, starting with a love affair, and culminating with the end of his first tour of duty in Vietnam. The narrative of this novel is rich in colour and action. The life of young hero Tom Davis moves spontaneously through the pages, with author Timothy Diamond’s unique style of writing and creative presentation. The author gives us food for thought between war and peacetime activities. The book is suitable for both genders, and especially Ex-Military personnel will enjoy this novel. F.E.Louttit - BBAdmin - CWRRSM Chief WRAN Radio Supervisor (Retired). The author’s style is unique in the way the story flows with humour and action, yet still moves at a good pace. Books one and two were great, and I am looking forward to reviewing number three. J.L.Galloway - Correspondent, US Military Affairs Consultant, Co-author ‘We Were Soldiers’ A fine read, I like your style. C.E.Moore - Director US Military Archives, Washington DC.

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.02" w x 6.00" l, 1.33 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 452 pages
Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Best book you will read this year! By Diane Elizabeth Well written book that is a real "page turner". Full of exciting wartime action from the perspective of a soldier who gives the reader a first hand, personal account of what war is really like. It is also full of the history and culture of the time, romance and wartime lovers. I loved it!

See all 1 customer reviews... Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

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Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond
Playing With Fire: Catalyst Trilogy Book 1, by Timothy Diamond

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery),

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

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Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Best Ebook PDF Online Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Crime writer sleuth Donald Langham is faced with the classic locked-room conundrum in this engaging historical mysteryJuly, 1955. Donald Langham has interrupted his romantic break in rural Suffolk with the delectable Maria Dupre to assist a fellow writer. Alastair Endicott has requested Langham’s help in discovering what’s happened to his father, Edward, who seems to have disappeared without trace from inside his locked study. Before he vanished, the elder Endicott had been researching a book on the notorious Satanist Vivian Stafford. Could the proposed biography have something to do with his disappearance? Does local resident Stafford really possess supernatural powers, as some believe?As Langham and Dupre question those around them, it becomes clear that there have been strange goings-on in the sleepy village of Humble Barton. But is the village really haunted – or does someone merely want it to look that way? With a further shocking discovery, the case takes a disturbing new twist.

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3979049 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.40" h x .50" w x 5.50" l, .64 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages
Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Review “Brown’s charming English locked-room mystery features a well-crafted and exciting plot and two attractive protagonists. For readers who enjoy classic Golden Age mysteries.” (Library Journal)"Donald's second mystery takes place in 1955 but reads like a country-house whodunit from the golden age, packed with fascinating characters, each boasting a motive for murder" (Kirkus Reviews)“Plenty of unexpected twists. Agatha Christie fans will find a lot to like.” (Publishers Weekly)“A ripping-good period piece” (Booklist)

About the Author Twice winner of the British Science Fiction Award, Eric Brown is the author of more than twenty SF novels and several short story collections. Murder by the Book marks his crime writing debut. Born in Haworth, West Yorkshire, he now lives in Scotland.

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Where to Download Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Murder at the Chase By S Riaz This is the second book in the series featuring mystery writer Donald Langham and the lovely Maria Dupre, who works with his agent Charles Elder. Following on from “Murder by the Book,” Donald and Maria are most definitely an item and, in fact, Donald is trying to gather the courage to propose. He intends to do so during a trip to the countryside, but their holiday idyll is disturbed by an intriguing phone call.Alasdair Endicott is a young author and son of Donald’s friend and fellow writer, Edward Endicott. Having travelled to visit his father in the village of Humble Barton, Alasdair finds his study locked, but the room – and house – empty. His father, a previous Hollywood screenwriter, was writing a book about Satanist Vivian Stafford. Stafford had apparently organised a séance, which many people in the village had also attended, but Donald’s sensible and down to earth demeanour immediately make him intrigued. Were Vivian Stafford still alive, he would be about 130 years old and people do not simply vanish from locked rooms in real life…This series is set in the 1950’s and the author does a great job of recreating the era. Both Donald and Maria are excellent characters and the interplay between them is entertaining. I enjoyed the English village setting, complete with ageing Hollywood actresses, blackmail, secrets and unrequited love. The mystery itself is interesting and the themes of the supernatural are perfectly balanced by the sceptical Donald. I hope there will be more books in this series and look forward to following the adventures of Langham and Dupre. Lastly, I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley, for review.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Spiritualism and crime in 1955. By J. Lesley Mystery novelist Donald Langham and his girlfriend Maria Dupre were off on their way to an idyllic weekend in the countryside anyway so making a stop at Endicott's Chase in the small Suffolk village of Humble Barton north of Bury St. Edmunds was not much of a hardship. Alasdair Endicott phoned Langham to say that he arrived at the Chase only to find that his father, Edward, appears to have disappeared and asks for help in locating him. Since Endicott's Chase is close to their final destination, Maria and Donald set off to try to help solve the mystery. When they arrive they find themselves involved with a Satanist from the Victorian era who would have to be at least 120 years old to be alive in July of 1955. No matter how ridiculous it may sound to Donald, the Endicotts and their friends and neighbors believe the spirits conjured up by Vivian Stafford are real and he is having a profound affect on people he comes in contact with.Sometimes I think an author has a harder time with descriptions of time periods such as this one, 1955, than having a novel set in Roman, Victorian, or medieval times because those time periods can be so easily distinguished with living conditions for the characters. Eric Brown was very much up to the challenge in this novel and I'm glad to say it actually did "feel" as if the time was right. Both Donald Langham and Maria Dupre are credible characters and their differences in personality work well when they are used to play off each other in recapping evidence or speculating on circumstances of the crimes which take place. I enjoyed reading this novel and becoming acquainted with this investigative duo. While the story talks about spiritualism and ghosts, the main focus of the novel is character development and solving the crimes which take place in this rural area.I received an ARC of this novel through NetGalley.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Three Stars By Chass A little sloppy in details. I wouldn't hurry to look for another by the same author.

See all 3 customer reviews... Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown PDF
Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown iBooks
Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown ePub
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Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown AZW
Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown Kindle

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown
Murder at the Chase: A locked room mystery set in 1950s England (A Langham and Dupre Mystery), by Eric Brown

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series),

Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Curious? Obviously, this is why, we mean you to click the link web page to check out, and after that you could take pleasure in the book Learn C The Hard Way: Practical Exercises On The Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), By Zed A. Shaw downloaded and install until finished. You can conserve the soft data of this Learn C The Hard Way: Practical Exercises On The Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), By Zed A. Shaw in your gizmo. Certainly, you will bring the gizmo all over, will not you? This is why, every single time you have leisure, each time you can delight in reading by soft duplicate book Learn C The Hard Way: Practical Exercises On The Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), By Zed A. Shaw

Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Download Ebook Online Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

You Will Learn C!

Zed Shaw has crafted the perfect course for the beginning C programmer eager to advance their skills in any language. Follow it and you will learn the many skills early and junior programmers need to succeed–just like the hundreds of thousands of programmers Zed has taught to date! You bring discipline, commitment, persistence, and experience with any programming language; the author supplies everything else.


In Learn C the Hard Way , you’ll learn C by working through 52 brilliantly crafted exercises. Watch Zed Shaw’s teaching video and read the exercise. Type his code precisely. (No copying and pasting!) Fix your mistakes. Watch the programs run. As you do, you’ll learn what good, modern C programs look like; how to think more effectively about code; and how to find and fix mistakes far more efficiently. Most importantly, you’ll master rigorous defensive programming techniques, so you can use any language to create software that protects itself from malicious activity and defects.


Through practical projects you’ll apply what you learn to build confidence in your new skills. Shaw teaches the key skills you need to start writing excellent C software, including


  • Setting up a C environment
  • Basic syntax and idioms
  • Compilation, make files, and linkers
  • Operators, variables, and data types
  • Program control
  • Arrays and strings
  • Functions, pointers, and structs
  • Memory allocation
  • I/O and files
  • Libraries
  • Data structures, including linked lists, sort, and search
  • Stacks and queues
  • Debugging, defensive coding, and automated testing
  • Fixing stack overflows, illegal memory access, and more
  • Breaking and hacking your own C code


It’ll Be Hard at First. But Soon, You’ll Just Get It–And That Will Feel Great!

This tutorial will reward you for every minute you put into it. Soon, you’ll know one of the world’s most powerful programming languages. You’ll be a C programmer.


Watch Zed, too! The accompanying DVD contains 5+ hours of passionate, powerful teaching: a complete C video course! If you purchase the digital edition, be sure to read "Where Are the Companion Content Files" at the end of the eBook to learn how to access the videos. 


Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #94612 in Books
  • Brand: Shaw, Zed
  • Published on: 2015-09-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.90" h x 1.00" w x 7.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 384 pages
Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

About the Author

Zed Sha w is an avid guitar player, programmer, and writer whose books teach people all over the world how to write software. His books Learn Python the Hard Way and Learn Ruby the Hard Way (both now in their third editions) have been read by millions of people around the world. His software has been used by many large and small companies. His essays are often quoted and read by members of many geek communities. An entertaining and lively writer, he will keep you laughing and make you think.


Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Where to Download Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Most helpful customer reviews

24 of 25 people found the following review helpful. Needs a new editor By M. F. Watson I find it very difficult to give this anything other than 5 stars, as I have found all of Zed's work to be immensely helpful. This book, taken with the beta website and the companion videos, is probably one of the best and quickest crash courses in C available. This book is the quick-and-dirty, yet somehow very clean, way to get you programming in C in an expedited fashion.However, the one glaring problem with this book is the editing. There are exercises in the book where the program examples have been updated from the beta website, yet the program output examples have been left the same. Added on top of that, some parts of the text will talk about the book version of the program, while others will reference the website version. It's as if whoever was responsible for editing the book got halfway through and then decided to take an early vacation.I was able to get through with very little problem because I had already used the website extensively before purchasing the book, but I can imagine that this would pose some difficulty for someone new to the language. This urgently needs a reediting and a second edition to iron out the flaws.Despite the three stars, I still strongly recommend this book, but only when taken along with the videos and the beta website, and only if the reader is willing to take the extra time to go back and forth between the three. I would only ask Zed to take another pass at making the the solid, standalone, programming book that it obviously has the potential to be.

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful. [resolved] Missing important accompanying material. By Amazon Customer Interesting concept. I am a big fan of Zed Shaw's Learn Python the Hard Way. It's a great method that fits well with how I like to learn.So I purchased the Kindle version of the "Learn C the Hard Way". But right of the start the author emphasises the importance of "accompanying videos" which are integral to the book, and they are nowhere to be found.There is a section in later chapters of the book with a procedure on how to get the videos but after registering and following the procedure on the Informit website the book links to, I did not get a download link.I opened a support ticket with Informit and 2 days later got a response with a suggestion I contact Amazon. Pretty poor experience if you ask me.I just needed a quick refresher since I hadn't used C in some years, so I opted for a different book instead due to the issues of missing accompanying material of this book.EDIT**: The curse of the "early adopter" strikes back! Read the comment bellow this review. It's from the editor herself. They remedied the issue and now I'm a happy camper! Highly recommend this book. Zed Shaw's method is unique and a very fun way to learn.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Good exercises, poor explanations By ZC First, a disclosure: I was mailed a free copy of this book by the publisher.I have very mixed feelings about this book. As a bit of background on me, I am a CS student who worked through most of K.N. King's "C Programming: A Modern Approach" last year as my formal introduction to both C and programming in general. So I'm not a total beginner at C, but I'm certainly not an expert, by any means.Let me start with the good points about this book:+ You will be exposed to a lot of code. And not just "textbook" code where everything is reduced and condensed to show off some facet of programming (e.g. "class Cat extends Animal"), but real code, the kind of thing you might see in an actual C project on Github. You will have to work through the code and understand what it does with relatively little handholding.+ You will be exposed to a lot of data structures. Linked lists of several varieties, databases, structures, search trees, hash maps, and more are all used in various exercises.+ You will gain insight from a very experienced programmer--the author! It's clear from reading this book that Zed Shaw has a lot of experience writing C professionally. He has a lot of pointers (heh) on writing code.+ The videos are very good. There's an included DVD with lectures related to each exercise. They add a lot to the value of the book.+ You will be exposed to other useful ideas: testing, defensive programming, etc. These are useful no matter what language you're writing in.Now, the bad points:- Poor copy editing. One example: in the writeup of exercise 17, in the "how to break it" section Zed writes, "For example, remove the check on line 160..." In the code, line 160 is a blank line.- Vague, incomplete, or totally missing explanations. This was the worst part of the book in my opinion. If you're the kind of person who likes to more or less completely understand how some feature or mechanism of a programming language works before using it yourself, you may find this book frustrating. I was often referring back to K.N. King's book to review things that Zed Shaw was introducing in his code and then explaining in one or two sentences, if at all. Sometimes I was reading entire chapters of K.N. King's book before being able to dive back in to Learn C the Hard Way. You may often finding yourself searching online for definitions of standard library or other functions to get an idea of how they're fitting into the code examples. Which makes me wonder, if I have to read another textbook to understand Learn C the Hard Way, why don't I just stick with that other textbook?Here's one example off the top of my head. Mr. Shaw says of the "register" keyword: "Forces the compiler to keep this variable in a register, and the compiler can just ignore you." Isn't that self-contradictory? How can the compiler ignore something it is "forced" to do? K.N. King's explanation was longer but much more explanatory, including the sentence: "Specifying the storage class of a variable to be register is a request, not a command. The compiler is free to store a register variable in memory if it chooses." Mr. Shaw's use of the word "force" is misleading and sloppy, and his explanation confused more than clarified.If the example code in the exercises had had a few more pages of explanation each, I could probably have really enjoyed this book. As it is, I found it tedious, as I was spending most of my time with other sources just to understand what was written. For most concepts, I couldn't understand Mr. Shaw's super terse explanations until I had already understood some other source's explanations of that concept.So, would I recommend this book? Well, it depends. If you don't anything about C, then I'd suggest K.N. King's C book, which is much more thorough and precise with explanations. If you have already studied C, then this might be useful as a review.

See all 19 customer reviews... Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw PDF
Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw iBooks
Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw ePub
Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw rtf
Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw AZW
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Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

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Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw
Learn C the Hard Way: Practical Exercises on the Computational Subjects You Keep Avoiding (Like C) (Zed Shaw's Hard Way Series), by Zed A. Shaw

Thursday, July 17, 2014

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

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The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

Best Ebook Online The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

Includes: Biography Description: The Lily of the Valley is an 1835 novel about love and society by French novelist. It concerns the affection — emotionally vibrant but never consummated — between Felix de Vandenesse and Henriette de Mortsauf.

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3240702 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

About the Author Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. His magnum opus was a sequence of short stories and novels collectively entitled La Comédie humaine, which presents a panorama of French life in the years after the 1815 fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Nice Story! By Esteban This book is a classic. One of the best books of the author, Honore de Balzac, whom I admire greatly. He has written several other books I have read, such as Lost Illusions, Pere Goriot, Eugenia Grandet. They are all excellent books together with this one.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Who should you trust? By Andrea L. Stoeckel Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Macbeth (Act V, Scene V)"Love, my dear comte, can only live on trustfulness"I was intrigued by the offhand mention of this book in one of The Winemaker Dectective tomes: Grand Cru Heist by Jean-Pierre Alaux and Noël Balen as a book that cheered the protaganist, Benjamin Cooker, while he is recovering from a trauma. When I first started this, it felt very much like "...sound and fury, signifying nothing", and was wondering exactly what I had gotten myself into.What I found was a book of contridiction. A young man, abandoned at birth by a family loathe to have another son, he seeks the love he's missing because he believes that nature made us love. He sees love as unattainable as power in a world where both are worshipped. He "loves", almost worshipping, a French woman married to a man traumatized by war,with children she sees as sickly, almost to death. Her physical rejection of him is reborn to the power he is given by who she is and who she knows as she and her children are mentally abused by the man she was married to, an ineffectual bully that she filters towards his tenants and society, while his maudlin attitude drives everyone away.And with that power comes glory with the French throne, and, eventually, a dalliance with an English noblewoman, who is jealous of the chaste French love. And, by his report, the laughingstock of both royal courts: French and English.This is all reported in hindsight to yet another woman, whose response is: grow up because I pity your next conquest. Haven't you learned anything? In that response to the close of his tale, this third woman really takes him to task, and leaves one wonder the final outcome of this comedy of errors. Simply stated: who do YOU trust?.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Captivating read By Ana-Maria Avadanei Balzac never disappoints, this book make for a brilliant read, however descriptions as usual are bit too long and most of them can be skipped, but the book as a whole is good.

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The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac
The Lily of the Valley (Annotated), by Honoré de Balzac

Monday, July 14, 2014

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

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Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

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From the internationally bestselling author of "Nefertiti "and "Cleopatra's Daughter "comes the breathtaking story of Queen Lakshmi--India's Joan of Arc--who against all odds defied the mighty British invasion to defend her beloved kingdom. When the British Empire sets its sights on India in the mid-nineteenth century, it expects a quick and easy conquest. India is fractured and divided into kingdoms, each independent and wary of one another, seemingly no match for the might of the English. But when they arrive in the Kingdom of Jhansi, the British army is met with a surprising challenge. Instead of surrendering, Queen Lakshmi raises two armies--one male and one female--and rides into battle, determined to protect her country and her people. Although her soldiers may not appear at first to be formidable against superior British weaponry and training, Lakshmi refuses to back down from the empire determined to take away the land she loves. Told from the unexpected perspective of Sita--Queen Lakshmi's most favored companion and most trusted soldier in the all-female army--"Rebel Queen "shines a light on a time and place rarely explored in historical fiction. In the tradition of her bestselling novel, "Nefertiti," " "and through her strong, independent heroines fighting to make their way in a male dominated world, Michelle Moran brings nineteenth-century India to rich, vibrant life.

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #6455025 in Books
  • Brand: Moran, Michelle
  • Published on: 2015-05-06
  • Format: Large Print
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.60" h x 1.10" w x 5.80" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 541 pages
Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

Review "Nefertiti is a fascinating window into the past, a heroic story with a very human heart. Compulsively readable!"--Diana Gabaldon, on Nefertiti"Michelle Moran has authentically evoked an era, infusing her narrative with passages of gripping and often horrifying drama, set in one of history's most brutal periods. The scope of the author's research is staggering, but you won't need to get to the notes at the end to realise that. As historical novels go, this is of the first rank--a page-turner that is both vividly and elegantly written. I feel privileged to be able to endorse it."--Alison Weir, author of Innocent Traitor

About the Author Michelle Moran is the internationally bestselling author of seven historical novels, including "Rebel Queen", which was inspired by her travels throughout India. Her books have have been translated into more than twenty languages. A frequent traveler, Michelle currently resides with her husband and two children in the US. Visit her online at

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Rebel Queen Chapter One 1840 Imagine I took you down a long dirt road to the edge of a field, and we entered a farmer’s house built from mud brick and thatch. Now imagine I told you, “This is where I stood with the Rani of Jhansi during our escape from the British. And that corner, there, is where we changed into peasant’s clothes so she could reach the Fortress of Kalpi.” I suppose you would look from me, in my respectable sari and fine gold jewels, to the dirt floor of that one-room home and laugh. Only my eyes would remain serious, and slowly, the realization would dawn on you that all of the stories you heard must be true. The Rani of Jhansi—or Queen Lakshmi, as the British persisted in calling her—really did elude the powerful British army by dressing like a common farmer’s wife. I’m not sure why this is so surprising to people. Didn’t Odysseus manage it when he disguised himself as a beggar? And the Duke of Vienna in Measure for Measure? Perhaps people’s surprise then is that I was the one who suggested she do it, taking inspiration from characters who’d only lived on the page. After all, I was not born to read such texts. In fact, I was not born to read at all. It was Father who insisted on my education. If it had been left to Grandmother, I would never have seen anything beyond the walls of my house. For, as I’m sure you know, women throughout India are nearly all in purdah. When I was seven years old, I asked Father how this concept of secluding women came to be, and he guided me to a cool place in the shade. Our garden was large enough for a peepal tree, and it wasn’t until I was much older that I learned that not every house in Barwa Sagar was so spacious. But we were Kshatriyas, meaning our ancestors had been related to kings, just as their ancestors had been related to kings, and so on, I suppose, since the beginning of time. People have often asked me what these different castes mean, and I explain it like this: Imagine a beehive, which has workers, and breeders, and finally, a queen. Well, our castes are very much the same thing. There are Brahmins, whose job it is to be priests. There are Kshatriyas, who are the warriors and kings. There are the Vaishyas, who are merchants, farmers, and traders. And then there are the Shudras, who serve and clean. Just the same as a worker bee is born a worker bee and will die a worker bee, a person can never change their caste. But that evening, as the setting sun burnished the clouds above us, turning the sky into a wide orange sea, Father explained purdah to me. He patted his knee, and when I climbed onto his lap, I could see the knotty muscles of his arms. They bulged beneath his skin like rocks. I held out my hand, and he used his finger to trace his words onto the flat of my palm. “Do you remember the story of the first Mughal leader in India?” he wrote. I took his hand and drew the words, “He was Muslim, and we are Hindu.” “Yes. He was the one who brought purdah to our land.” “So it’s Emperor Bahadur Shah’s fault that I can’t leave our house?” Father’s arm tensed, and I knew at once that what I wrote must be wrong. “Purdah is no one’s fault,” he traced swiftly. “It’s to keep women safe.” “From what?” “Men, who might otherwise harm them.” I sat very still. Did he mean that for the rest of my life, I would never know what lay beyond the walls of our garden? That I would never be able to climb the coconut trees? I felt a deep agitation growing inside of me. “Well,” Father went on, “what’s troubling you now?” Of course, Father didn’t use words like “well.” That was my addition; the way I imagined he would have spoken if he hadn’t lost his hearing while fighting alongside the British against the Burmese. Although you may wonder what the British were doing in India, and why any of us were fighting against the Burmese at all. It began in 1600, when English sailors first arrived in my country. If you’ve ever heard the story of the camel’s nose and how, on a cold winter’s night, the camel begged its master to allow it to place its nose inside the master’s tent, then you will quickly understand the British East India Company. In the beginning, it was nothing more than a trading company buying up all of our rich spices and silks and shipping them to ­England, where a fortune could be made. But as the Company grew more successful, it needed to protect its profitable warehouses with several hundred armed guards. Then it needed several thousand armed soldiers. And one day, the rulers of India woke up to discover that the British East India Company had a powerful army. They were exactly like the camel, who promised at first it would just be its nose, then its legs, then its back, until finally it was the camel living inside the tent while the master shivered in the cold outside. Soon, when one of our rulers needed military aid, they didn’t turn to other maharajas like themselves; instead they asked the British East India Company. And the more favors they asked, the more powerful the Company grew. Then, in 1824, a group of maharajas in northern India decided they’d had enough. They had been watching the Burmese take over their neighbors’ kingdoms year after year, and they knew that, just like with that cunning camel, it would only end once the Burmese were seated on their thrones as well. I can’t tell you why these same maharajas didn’t see that this story might apply to the British, too. You would think the safest thing would have been to turn to each other for help. But none of those powerful men wanted to be indebted to another maharaja. So instead, they indebted themselves to an outsider. They enlisted the help of the British East India Company, which was more than happy to wage war on Burma for their own, mostly economic, reasons. Father fought in this war. Because of his caste, he was made a commanding officer and the Company paid him one hundred rupees a month for his post. I was only a few months old when he left for Burma, and there was every reason to believe that a glorious future lay ahead of Nihal Bhosale. He sent my sixteen-year-old mother letters from the front telling her that even though British customs were difficult to understand, fighting alongside these foreigners had its advantages. He was learning to speak English, and another officer had introduced him to a writer—a brilliant, unequaled writer—by the name of William Shakespeare. “According to the colonel, if I wish to understand the British, I must first understand this Shakespeare.” Father took this advice to heart. He read everything Shakespeare wrote, from Othello to The Merchant of Venice, and when the war took his hearing two years later, it was Shakespeare who kept him company in his hospital bed. Many years after this, I asked Father which of Shakespeare’s plays had comforted him the most while he was coming to terms with a world in which he’d never know the sound of his child’s voice or hear his wife sing ragas to Lord Shiva again. By that time, I had become a soldier myself in the rani’s Durga Dal—an elite group of the queen’s most trusted female guards. And by then, I, too, had read all of Shakespeare’s works. Father thought for a moment, then told me what I had already guessed. “Henry V. Because there has never been a clearer, more persuasive argument for why we go to war.” But war wasn’t what concerned me on that evening Father explained purdah to me. I was too young to understand about politics. All I knew was that I couldn’t play outside like the boys who drank juice from hairy coconut husks and staged mock battles with broken shoots of bamboo. I looked up at Father, with his bald head gleaming like a polished bowl in the sun, and wrote: “Will I always be in purdah, even when I’m grown?” “If you wish to be a respectable woman with a husband and children—as I hope you shall be—then, yes.” But just as a crow will build its nest in a tree, only to have the sparrow come and tear it apart, the life Father had planned for me was ripped away by a little bird.

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

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Most helpful customer reviews

86 of 93 people found the following review helpful. Not What Was Promised By Sandra Saidak The writing was good, and the descriptions of life in 19th century India were great.But this book had two very big problems. The first was that almost nothing in the book matched the description found on Amazon and on the inside cover. The "Rebel Queen" of the title, Lakshmi, didn't even appear in the book until P. 88, and was, at best, a secondary character throughout. Far from raising two armies when the British come to take her throne, Lakshmi surrenders without a fight, hoping that letters to Queen Victoria will eventually get her back her throne. When the queen does fight (in the last 40 pages of the book), the only women who fight beside her are her ten female bodyguards. By the way, not one of these women has never fought in battle. And if the narrator, Sita, was actually Lakshmi's most trusted soldier (as described) several tragedies might have been avoided.The second problem, for me at least, was the way Sita, a strong, intelligent character and a highly skilled fighter, spent most of the book being bullied by her abusive grandmother, then later by an obnoxious "mean girl" in the queens guard. While reasons are given for why she never stands up to them, those reasons felt hollow. Sita needed to find a way around the roadblocks and stand up to these villains--but she never does. I don't like reading about victims, and victims who have the skills and incentive to fight back but don't, drive me crazy. And spoil books for me.

17 of 18 people found the following review helpful. Loved "visiting" India - but this is Moran's weakest writing to date By ViolettePen Actual Rating: 2.5 / 5Dumbfounded. That's how I feel as I piece together my opinions on Rebel Queen and hope I can write something coherent. I've read two other Michelle Moran novels in the past (The Heretic Queen and Cleopatra's Daughter) and thoroughly enjoyed the characters, political intrigue, and complete immersion in ancient Egypt and Rome, respectively. So, naturally, I was expecting a similar experience with Moran's first foray into Indian history. In some ways, that's what I got - but in other ways, it wasn't.Rebel Queen is a fictional account of the final years of the Indian kingdom of Jhansi before Britain's conquest and unification of India's separate states. However, the story isn't told from the viewpoint of Rani Lakshmibai, the wife of Jhansi's last maharaja (king) Raja Gangadhar Rao. Instead, readers witness it through the eyes of Sita, a member of the Durga Dal (the rani's all-female bodyguards - not exactly an army, as described in the blurb). It seems like an odd decision, given the assumptions I'd drawn from the title, but it works quite well. The book follows Sita from her childhood through her training for the Durga Dal, to her tenure as a Durgavasi and her companionship with Rani Lakshmi. All the while, readers experience 19th century India to the fullest. Manners, rituals, food, holidays and celebrations - I truly felt like I was there with Sita, smelling camphor and spices, relishing the fabrics and vivid colors of saris and other clothing. Also, India isn't a country I've read about much in historical fiction, so it was a treat to visit someplace new and exciting through a novel.Sita's a good choice as Rebel Queen's narrator for other reasons. Firstly, she's a well-developed character. She's hard-working, educated, deeply principled, and as loyal to her birth family as she is to Rani Lakshmi and the Durga Dal. Her personal journey in Rebel Queen involves adjusting to her new life, developing a thicker skin, and learning who to trust. She doesn't always make the right choices, but she tries valiantly to redeem herself every time - sometimes with success, other times with heartbreak. Also, Sita offers unique insight on cultural differences between India and Great Britain as well as within India. Having lived in a rural village for the first 17 years of her life, she arrives in Jhansi with wide-eyed wonder and childlike naivety. Both qualities help Sita remain grounded in several "worlds" (city and rural, royal and commoner, conservative and liberal) as the conflict with the British escalates and affects everyone she cares about.And when the war finally begins, that's where Rebel Queen began its nosedive for me. By that, I don't mean that the war shouldn't have been included. It's a pivotal part of the story; readers need to understand the atrocities committed on both sides and see how it tests Sita's emotional strength. However, the first hints of war don't come until the last 100 pages of the book. From there, the trot-like pace that had allowed readers to bond with the characters and savor the world-building breaks into a canter. It was a jarring change, and I struggled with it through the novel's frenzied, abrupt ending. I actually felt dizzy at that point. I couldn't wrap my head around how so much was happening in a short amount of time page-wise, especially after a smooth start and steady build-up. That's not a good feeling to have when you finish a book.The other problem I have with Rebel Queen is the weak writing. Moran resorts to a lot of telling when it comes to her characters' emotions. Reading phrases like "I felt" don't help me feel what the character is feeling; I prefer visceral reactions and physical or internal clues. But I got very few of the latter during Rebel Queen, and my enthusiasm for the story waned as the "emotional telling" carried on. I also wasn't thrilled by Sita's tendency to revert from past tense to present tense to explain beliefs or customs to the reader. It interrupts the story-telling flow, and frustrated me more each time it popped up.All of this led to me feeling completely disengaged by the end of Rebel Queen. Even though certain aspects horrified me and should have compelled me to care more about the characters, I found myself reading solely for the hope that the quality of the story itself would improve. And it didn't, which is a shame. If I could give one reason to recommend this book, it would be for the chance to immerse yourself in India's rich, vibrant culture, which Moran captures in spectacular fashion. Otherwise, anyone who's curious to read a Michelle Moran novel should start with The Heretic Queen, Cleopatra's Daughter, or any other work besides Rebel Queen. It's an unfortunate example of what can happen when the research is all there but the quality of the writing isn't.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful. Wonderful By Toni Osborne Also under the title “The Last Queen of India”Once more Ms. Moran has brought to life a moment in history and has transported us back in time when the British Empire was setting its sights on India in the mid-19th century. At the time India was not a country but a collection of kingdoms. This historical fiction is of Rani (Queen) Lakshmi of Jhansi, one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and an epitome of bravery and courage.Told from the perspective of Sita, the Queen’s most trusted female soldier, the story highlights how the Queen resisted the takeover of her kingdom from the invading empire. She was so determined to protect her country and her people she raised two armies, one male and one female to ride with her into battle and defend the land she loved so much.The story mainly depicts both life at the royal court and the everyday life for the women in India who had at the time very little freedom and lived in seclusion. In the first part of the book, Sita tells how she was raised and trained to become a warrior in the Queen’s service. In the second half, Sita finds that freedom comes at a cost and must discover whom she can trust from those she can’t…In “Rebel Queen”, history plays out as the backdrop to Sita personal story and is a deeply moving story that focuses on the characters. Both the Queen and Sita are strong independent characters. This book is beautifully written and the perfect balance between facts and fiction. The author pays a lot of attention to details, especially concerning the colourful sari Indian women wear and their traditional ways of life. Although mostly a fiction this book is an eye opener on how the British took over land, crushed the local culture and set their rules upon the population (at least those still breathing). It also captures the differences with castes and why this still exist to this day.I am a huge fan of Ms. Moran and I have read and enjoyed all of her books to date. I must admit that if history lessons would have been taught in a lively manner such the author does I would have been far more attentive to my classes….The author did not forget to tells us where the fine line between her imagination and the real events stands and has included a list of references and a glossary to orient us.Once more, well- done Ms. Moran

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Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran

Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran
Rebel Queen (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Michelle Moran