Friday, June 13, 2014

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

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Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Best Ebook Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Terror. Hope. Vengeance.   Space can be ruthless. Katrice Wylde, an ex-Earth Empire soldier, knows this more than most. She was all but killed in an explosion caused by her double crossing lover, Ryker Mallory. She is revived only to discover that to her horror she is still in his clutches. With her limbs and much of her face now cybernetic, thanks to Ryker’s medical team, she breaks free of his grasp. Racing away with the last thing he compelled her to retrieve. An experimental spaceship and two highly illegal artificial intelligences. Trying to come to grips that she is now half technology, she yearns for nothing more than good old fashioned revenge!   But Ryker is a powerful, merciless mogul. He owns a planet and heads the Conglomerate, one of the three ruling powers in the universe. She knows that sooner rather than later he will demand the return of his property, which now includes herself. Ryker is a man that gets what he wants.   Should she reclaim her freedom, starting a new life and leaving the past behind? Can she live with the fear that Ryker might find her at any moment? Or will she take vengeance, cost be damned?   Whisper and Fury is book one of seven in the epic space fantasy series, Eydulan. If you love space westerns like Firefly, Cowboy Bebop, or Outlaw star, filled with mind-bending technology and eye-popping magic, then start reading here. Make sure you aren't the only one missing out.   Buy Whisper and Fury today!

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1507679 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .43" w x 5.00" l, .36 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 170 pages
Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

From the Author This first book to the Eydulan Series is something that I have really enjoyed writing. The villain, the artificial intelligence, just about every character has been a blast. I wanted this to have more slapstick or sarcastic style humor it than my previous books. Then there is always my want to push magic and technology together. If you have any questions about the book or for me, just email me and I will be happy to talk to you.

About the Author Welcome to my author page, and thank you for coming!My whole life I had a large imagination. When I played, with my Legos or running around outside with my friends, it wasn't just playing. I was in a different place, I was making worlds. I would dream up stories and settings, where I would normally be the lead, or at least be looking through their eyes. Playing video games was a normalcy for the escape into some uncharted and untold world where adventure awaited, which fueled my own creations.Insomnia had been a problem for me most of my life. This was another area that I was able to fill the space with waking dreams, praying that I would be able to get to sleep. It wasn't till I met my wife in July 2011 that I really started to contemplate what I wanted to do with my life. She was able to show me how happy I could be, just by coming into my life. So I figured that I could, and should, do that for my professional life.I started to read more books. I had been a visual entertainment consumer for much of my life, even though most of my gaming consisted of role playing games, of a heavily text base nature. Not having the visual feedback was a different feel. I liked it.It wasn't until after reading a few self-help books that I started contemplating what made me happy and how I might be able to turn that into a career. In August of 2012 I had a long conversation with my wife, who was supportive of the idea, and I started to write.Want to see more, come to my website for more at markbrandonpowell.comWant to get emailed instead, sign up now and I will email updates to you!Just copy and past in to a

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Where to Download Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. I really enjoyed the story By Phillip G. Martin I really enjoyed the story. It had some very interesting ideas and moved very well. I would love to see more about Whisper and Fury, not to MENTION Wrath. The introduction of MAGES in the mix was VERY interesting. I'd like to hear more about how they came to be, how they figure in the overall scheme of this universe and where they will go from here.About the only criticism I have for it is the use of present tense. in my mind, present tense is extremely hard to use without some tense confusion. There were some typos here and there, but nothing that detracted from the story.Overall, I look forward to the next installment. This series has some GREAT potential!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A Very Long Review For a Rather Short Book By Pheel I am sorry to say that this book was practically unreadable. Structurally, thematically and grammatically, it is an absolute mess. Normally I would give examples of the issues I mention, but in this case they are so numerous my review would be nearly as long as his book, and I came close enough to that anyway.The author chooses to write in present tense, which can be a challenge. However, he is horribly inconsistent with his tenses, switching to past tense quite often, even within a sentence. Another thing is that he has a large problem with homonyms. This is a common problem in self-published works, but he has a bigger problem than most. Then he has an issue with singular versus plural agreement between nouns and verbs; it makes reading an awkward experience. Also he seems to ignore the rules of possessives at random. Spelling is one area where he seems to be about average, though it is still a medium-level challenge. Then there are the dropped or missing words in a sentence, which tend to make the reader stop and back up in order to try to understand what seemed to be the point being made.Finally, as part of the author's writing style, he uses sentence fragments with abandon. As an occasional writing tool, it can be effective in portraying immediacy and seriousness. The problem is that the author uses the concept in almost every paragraph, and quite often more than once in a paragraph. The upshot of all these issues, along with several more I have just forgotten to mention, it is a battle for the reader to move on with the story and still be able to make sense out of what it seems the author is trying to say.As to his writing style, for this book it seems to break into two parts. For about the first third of the book, He jumps between time periods quite often. Now, some of them are titled as such, and I can understand his reasons for using it an expository method for the backstory. However, there are many other scenes where there is just a section marker, followed by something completely different. Two characters might be talking about where or when they should travel, and then after the section marker, they are in the midst of a battle with unknown adversaries where there had been no lead-up to it at all. For some reason, this seems to be a favorite style choice for him in the first part. As the book goes on, though, things seem to even out, and the reader does not get metaphorical whiplash from quick, unexplained scene changes.For the story itself, because of all the challenges I have mentioned, it was difficult to get much from the story arc. Katryce whined about the cybernetics that were forced upon her to the point of annoyance. Yes, we get that she was not happy about being forced into having them. We don't need another soliloquy on it. Then there is Whisper, one of the AIs. We get that she does not like humans, but she only has two basic insults, and they get very old far before the book ends. The joke is funny a couple of times, but several horses gave their lives being beaten to death by the repetition.In reading about the author, he seems so sincere in wanting to be a writer. Because of my review and general displeasure with this story, I decided to at least read a sample of his book "The Zero Class". I noticed from reading some reviews of that book, that others had similar issues to a similar extent with that book's contents that I do with "Whisper and Fury". The sample I read was from a major edit that the author did in answer to those concerns. While I still found all the issues I have mentioned, I noticed that there was a sincere attempt at improvement. At least for the sample, I was also able to follow and enjoy the story line; it was quite a bit more interesting.I abhor giving out one-star reviews because a writer puts a lot of work into their product, and especially if the author is willing to try to learn and improve. Also, they are putting themselves out in the public arena with more guts than I have; I would love to write, but time and fear prevent me. Because of all that, and what I saw in his other book sample, I put "Whisper and Fury" at two stars, though with no interest in reading further in that series.Good Luck, Mr. Powell. I hope you continue to learn and improve. You have a lot of room to grow.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Amazing ,slightly confusing though By Drolic Will It's a good mix of sci-fi and fantasy. It does skip around a bit in the beginning which is slightly confusing but it's still an amazing read! This is a must have!

See all 13 customer reviews... Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

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Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell
Whisper & Fury (Eydulan) (Volume 1), by Mark Brandon Powell

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