Monday, April 22, 2013

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

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Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

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No man is closer to a woman than her confessor, not her father, not her brother, not her husband. -Spanish saying Vicente de Rocamora, the epitome of a young renaissance man in 17th century Spain, questions the goals of the Inquisition and the brutal means used by King Philip IV and the Roman Church to achieve them. Spain vows to eliminate the heretical influences attributed to Jews, Moors, and others who would taint the limpieza de sangre, purity of Spanish blood. At the insistence of his family, the handsome and charismatic Vicente enters the Dominican Order and is soon thrust into the scheming political hierarchy that rules Spain. As confessor to the king’s sister, the Infanta Doña María, and assistant to Philip’s chief minister, Olivares, Vicente ascends through the ranks and before long finds himself poised to attain not only the ambitious dreams of the Rocamora family but also—if named Spain’s Inquisitor General—to bring about an end to the atrocities committed in the name of the blood purity laws. The resourceful young man must survive assassination attempts from a growing list of ruthless foes in both Church and court, solve a centuries-old riddle to quell rumors of his own impurity of blood, and above all, suppress his love for the seemingly unattainable Doña María.

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1774184 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-03
  • Released on: 2015-05-03
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

About the Author Donald Michael Platt is an award wining author of five published novels: "Rocamora,"an International Book Awards Finalist, and its sequel "House of Rocamora" set in 17th century Spain and Amsterdam during their Golden Ages. "Close to the Sun," a WWII novel about USAAF and Luftwaffe fighter aces has garnered three Indie Book Award Finalist Awards. The Historical Novel Society named his novel "Bodo the Apostate" an Editor's Choice title, calling it "a masterfully-controlled narrative" of the Carolingian Empire. "A Gathering of Vultures," a contemporary horror novel set in Florianópolis, Brazil, was also selected as an Indie Book Award Finalist in Horror. Donald and his wife Ellen currently reside in Winter Haven Florida along with his cat, Bodo, a loquacious tyrant

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

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Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. First-Rate His­tor­i­cal Novel By Man of La Book Rocamora by Don­ald Michael Platt is a his­tor­i­cal fic­tion book tak­ing place in 17th Cen­tury Spain. This book was the 2012 final­ist in the Inter­na­tional Book Awards for His­tor­i­cal Fiction.Rocamora by Don­ald Michael Platt is based on the life of Vicente de Rocamora a poet, fighter and Domini­can priest who was thrust into the schem­ing court of King Philip IV. Rocamora became the con­fes­sor for the king's younger sis­ter, the beau­ti­ful Infanta Doña María and was con­sid­ered as a strong can­di­date for Inquisi­tor General.I found this book to be a first-rate his­tor­i­cal novel; I learned a lot of his­tory from the book, about life in Spain and the Inqui­si­tion, as well as fol­low­ing the story in vivid detail. Mr. Platt weaves his story around the his­tory and doesn't change the facts to fit his story (at least I couldn't find any glar­ing cases of such).The novel cer­tainly let's the reader feel the glory of Spain fad­ing dur­ing the reign of Philip IV, while Count Duke Oli­vares act­ing as prime min­is­ter (in today's terms). The author also weaves in the con­se­quences which Spain suf­fered under reli­gious fanat­ics, anti-Semitism and cor­rup­tion of the aristocracy.This is a solid, well writ­ten his­tor­i­cal novel with plenty of his­tor­i­cal back­ground, the dia­logue is believ­able with Span­ish words and phrases pep­pered through­out (the author always man­ages to trans­late them or let you know what they mean based on fur­ther read­ing). The nar­ra­tive keeps the reader turn­ing the pages with. The author describes each out­fit, room, weapon and char­ac­ters to extreme detail, while it some­times weighed down the story I found them to be inter­est­ing as well as part of the charm and authen­tic­ity of the book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Fascinating Look at A Man and a Country By P. Woodland My knowledge of the history of Spain is lacking in comparison to my knowledge of the history of England and France. Therefore any time I find a book that can educate me about Spanish history I jump all over it. When that book also keeps me enthralled and turning the pages it's a bonus.Rocamora is the first of two books based in fact. While little is left to history of the real Rocamora Mr. Platt builds a tale from can be found. This first book takes through Vicente Rocoamora's adolescence - where his learning is more "of the street" than the typical training path of a young noble. A vendetta of sorts has left him, a second son, on the outside of the family holdings as his father is killed and his addled older brother is under the control of the family enemy. Vicente is forced into the priesthood but little do they know the levels to which he will climb.The book does take place during the last years of the Spanish Inquisition - which is not one of Spain's shining moments in history. It does not shy away from the horrors that were visited upon the poor souls who fell into its keeping. These passages are not easy to read but any book that covers difficult subjects such as these are difficult - much evil has been perpetrated throughout history in the name of God.This is a history lover's book. There is lots of (at least to me) fascinating detail about all facets of life during this time. Vicente as a character is very fleshed out and despite his stand offishness I rather liked him. I'm already 3/4s of the way through the second book and it's just as good as this one. This is a book jam packed with fascinating historical information and written in such a way as to draw the reader in from page one. It is one of those books where I was tapping, tapping, tapping to turn the pages of my Nexus. I've learned a bit more about the history of Spain and about a very interesting man who played a role in that history.4.5

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Historical Fiction at its finest By Barry Webb Probably one of the best historical novels published recently. As an historian myself, I am turned off by novelists who pretend to write historical fiction without doing adequate research into the time period and culture they are writing about. That is not the case here. Mr. Platt's research on this book more than satisfies even the crankiest critics such as myself. Add to that a collection of interesting and believable characters, a gripping plot, and superb writing, and its easy to see why this book was an International Book Awards finalist. In my view it ranks with the best of Colleen McCullough, James Michener, and Edward Rutherfurd. Highly recommended.

See all 16 customer reviews... Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

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Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt
Rocamora (Vincente de Rocamora Book 1), by Donald Michael Platt

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