Monday, April 30, 2012

The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

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The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

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Duty with Honor…Above All Else. The year is 1971. With Cold War tensions at their peak, the U.S.S. Farnley has been selected to take part in Operation Marathon, the brainchild of ambitious and unscrupulous one-star Admiral Eickhoff, who sees the dangerous experiment as his stepping stone to greater power and national prestige. The World War Two-era destroyer—with her outdated technology, low crew morale, and mentally unstable captain—would be an ideal component of the Admiral’s experiment due to her chief characteristic: her expendability. Failure, however, is not an option for the new Engineering Officer Lee. His enthusiastic faith in the viability of the aged vessel and his dedication to duty with honor puts him at immediate odds with soon-to-retire Chief Petty Officer Ross, while ultimately inspiring his fellow crewmen to help return the Farnley to fighting form. But their dedicated efforts are creating a powerful and unforgiving enemy—and when unexpected catastrophe befalls the Farnley, those manning the old destroyer will suddenly be forced to choose between duty and disobedience, between life and death. Larry Laswell’s The Marathon Watch is a gripping, authentically detailed naval adventure that harkens back to the heyday of the late, great storyteller Tom Clancy. Based in part on the author’s actual military experiences, it provides a fascinating inside look at the shadowy intricacies of U.S. Navy politics wrapped around an enthralling story of honor, determination, and grave peril during the dark days of America’s Cold War. Featuring a richly developed cast of officers and crewmen, Laswell’s thrilling chronicle transports the reader aboard the aging World War Two-era destroyer, U.S.S. Farnley, into the perilous heart of an ill-conceived experiment. There the frailties of human nature, the ambitions of unscrupulous men, and the terrible vicissitudes of nature will combine to create a disaster at sea that only courage, ingenuity, and a devotion to duty can possibly overcome.

The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #297307 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Released on: 2015-05-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

Review "A Vietnam-era naval thriller pits a destroyer's crew against a scheming admiral. Dialogue and action are vivid, and the machinations of the naval hierarchy are completely believable. Scenes aboard the ship are palpably real, especially the breathtakingly intense rescue scene. A riveting, realistic tale of Navy seamen and their pride in their ship." -- Kirkus Reviews"Excellent book; It's as good as the military novels from Follett or Clancy . . . The Marathon Watchwas a 'can't put it down' book from the word go." -- Gerald Pall"A portrayal of integrity versus malevolence wrapped inside a spellbinding story that takes you inside a world of adventure and intrigue . . . a must read." -- Mike Hannigan"Treachery and greed are up against honor, loyalty and ingenuity in this rousing tale of a ship and crew placed at risk by those who should have had their best interests at heart. The author spins a gripping yarn whose climax will have you on the edge of your seat. A great read!" -- Lindsay Ziegler"Leadership insights from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy AND an inside / outside view of each character--fascinating." - Jeanette Shallop"I knew someday I would find a gripping contemporary book about the United States Navy...It was great to read a book able to make the traditions and culture of the US Navy come to life and have meaning."  -- Andrea Luhmanon"This is a book about power, control, military politics, friendship, loyalty, hard work, seamanship, all held together by the writing skills and imagination of Larry Laswell." -- Roger D. Thomeon

About the Author LARRY LASWELL served in the US Navy eight years. In navy parlance, he was a mustang, someone who rose from the enlisted ranks to receive an officer's commission. While in the navy, he served as Main Engines officer aboard the USS Intrepid CV-11, and as Submarine Warfare Officer aboard the USS William M Wood DD-715.Now retired, he fills his spare time with woodworking and furniture design. He continues to work on The Marathon Watch series, an upcoming Science Fiction series, and an anthology of over eighty humorous sea stories. Find out more at:

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Most helpful customer reviews

23 of 24 people found the following review helpful. A great read well worth the cost of admission. By Roger D. Thome Where do I start? First let me say that I'm an avid reader. I have read over a thousand books in 10 years. I say that not to brag, but to give you a measurement of my sense of comparison when I say that this book was very very good. Military fiction has not been my favorite genre. Tom Clancy goes into way too much detail. Somehow Laswell goes into a lot of detail, but he does it in a way that keeps your interest. His character construct was excellent. I feel as though I personally met and knew each individual in this book. His knowledge of the Navy is thorough and complete. Laswell has complete mastery of the English language. His sentences are perfectly constructed and punctuated. What I enjoyed most of all is his colorful scene descriptions. Here is a quote from a night scene aboard the Farnley:" The hot humid day had followed the sun westward, leaving a cool midnight breeze. The sky, God’s special gift to the sailor, was free of city lights and urban pollution. Placed on display, all of creation was set on the night’s canopy of blue-black velvet adorned with the glistening diamond dust of billions of lesser stars and the sparkling one-point diamonds of the major stars.A deep golden harvest moon hung low on the eastern horizon. Its glow cut a pewter path from moon to ship across shifting liquid swells rolling forward to meet the Farnley’s bow. The bow, rocking gently, rose, then floated gently down to embrace the next swell."Wow, I wish I could write like that.This is a book about power, control, military politics, friendship, loyalty, hard work, seamanship, all held together by the writing skills and imagination of Larry Laswell.Great Read.

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful. Gripping Navy Sea Story By Bill Stein, CAPT, USNR (ret) ]] I was a young naval officer in the early 70's aboard a similar destroyer like the USS Farnley in Larry Laswell's book. The book captures the real relationships between Admirals, Commodores and ship Commanding Officers, down to the new Division Officer and his relationship with the experienced Master Chief Petty Officer in his division. This book is more in line with "Mr. Roberts", not a shoot 'em up, it tells the story of a ship at war with it's own destructive navy Admiral. This is a book about leadership and how to overcome adversity while keeping a sense of humor. This book should be on the bookshelf of every new Naval Officer. It's difficult to put down until you finish it. Caution, you may lose sleep reading this book when you have a full day of work ahead of you!

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful. In Tom Clancy Fashion By Michael Carrier “The Marathon Watch” takes place in the early 1970s. This was during one of the most tumultuous periods in US history—not only was the nation’s involvement in the Vietnam War at its height, but the Nixon Administration was dealing with the ever-growing nuclear threat posed by the Soviet Union. Year after year the US produced and deployed more and more Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, and so did the Soviet Union. Because neither power had any ability to defend against incoming missiles, the only plausible strategic approach that the US could come up with was that of “Mutual Assured Destruction,” known best by the apt acronym “MAD.” According to MAD, once the volley of one-hundred megaton nuclear-tipped missiles had virtually destroyed the infrastructures of both the US and the Soviet Union, along with their land-based air capabilities, all that would be left was their respective navies.Survival following such a war would depend on sea power alone. And survival is the right word. While prior to such a catastrophic exchange of blows both powers sought supremacy; but with the magnitude of destruction wrought to both of them, it was feared that even a second or third-world nation, sensing a power vacuum, might be tempted to swoop in and take advantage. Therefore, US military strategy, developed under the umbrella of MAD turned its attention to a rapidly deployable and self-sustaining navy—one capable of picking up the pieces left after the missiles had done their damage, and to thereby ensure some sort of military, political and maritime order. That’s where Rear Admiral Eickhoff enters the story.Admiral Eickhoff, while a brilliant military strategist, was driven as much by hubris as he was by any desire to protect US interests. It was he who came up with the Operation Marathon naval exercise. He convinced the Senate Armed Forces Committee of the merits of such an endeavor. If the exercise proved as successful as he claimed it would, it would provide the committee with all the ammunition it needed to fund the procurement process necessary for the development of a more durable navy, one that could survive for a long period without land-based support. Plus, it would propel his career to the next level.It is with this backdrop that Laswell, in Tom Clancy fashion, develops his intricately involved narrative. I hesitate to give away any of the salient aspects of the story, as they are best left for the reader to discover on his own. But I will include in my review this humorous exchange: “Did you hear about the maple syrup?” Meyers interrupted. “Hell, that’s not maple syrup; that’s my paint.” Meyers looked at the pile of shiny, square metal tins stacked on the aft part of the fantail and asked, “What the hell were you going to do with six-hundred gallons of gray paint?” “I only ordered a hundred gallons,” Biron began, “but that was six months ago. When it didn’t come in, I reordered it the first of the next month. I’ve been doing that for six months. Now the great navy supply eagle gets diarrhea and delivers all six hundred gallons at one time, but instead of paint, I get maple syrup. The only similarity is that they both come in five-gallon containers. What the hell am I going to do with one hundred and twenty tins of maple syrup?”I thoroughly enjoyed “The Marathon Watch.” I think that any reader who appreciates Tom Clancy’s body of work, particularly his “The Hunt for Red October,” will be able to get into this book. While the plots are quite different, the military milieu is similar, as is Laswell’s attention to detail and descriptive language. In fact, as I sit here completing my review I can still smell bearing-burnt oil from the engine room, and taste salt water on my lips.As far as the end of the book is concerned: Without a doubt Laswell’s dramatic closing scene is one of the most powerful I have experienced in a very long time. I will not go into it because I would not want to spoil the experience for readers.“The Marathon Watch” is a very good read. I would love to see this book make it to the big screen.

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The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell
The Marathon Watch: Second Edition "Ross", by Larry Laswell

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

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The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

Read Online and Download Ebook The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

A New York Times Bestselling AuthorBritish pilots James Teasdale and Bryan Young are chosen for a photo-reconnaissance mission looking for new Nazi factories that could turn the tide of the war. Shot down, James and Bryan know they will be executed if captured. They manage to jump aboard a train of wounded senior SS soldiers, throwing two patients off to take their places. But their act is too convincing: they end up in the Alphabet House, a mental hospital located far behind enemy lines.

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #4362991 in Books
  • Brand: Adler-Olsen, Jussi
  • Published on: 2015-05-06
  • Format: Large Print
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.10" h x 5.60" w x 8.60" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 789 pages
The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

Review Praise for THE ALPHABET HOUSE“Adler-Olsen meticulously constructs the Alphabet House…and the stomach-turning evils of Nazi culture to create a pitch-perfect thriller atmosphere.” -- Booklist"This is a suspense/thriller to beat them all. Not only does it offer action, but readers will start waiting for the rabbit to jump out of the hat and change everything."-- Suspense MagazinePraise for Jussi Adler-Olsen and the Department Q novels:"Adler-Olsen merges story lines...with ingenious aplomb, effortlessly mixing hilarities with horrors...This crime fiction tour de force could only have been devised by an author who can even turn stomach flu into a belly laugh."— Publishers Weekly (starred review) on The Purity of Vengeance“[A] sordid tale… inspired by actual events during a dark period of Danish history. Ah, but there is more, so much more in this frenzied thriller…”— The New York Times Book Review on The Purity of Vengeance“When your series relies on cold cases, it’s not always easy to craft plots that have both historical interest and an air of urgency, but it’s something Adler-Olsen is very good at.”— Booklist on The Purity of Vengeance“This series has enough twists to captivate contemporary mystery readers and enough substance and background to entertain readers with historical and literary tastes."—Library Journal (starred review)"Plan on putting everything else in your life on hold if you pick up this book.”— The Oregonian on The Keeper of Lost Causes 

About the Author Jussi Adler-Olsen is Denmark's #1 crime writer and  New York Times bestseller with his Department Q series. His books have sold more than fifteen million copies around the world and have many prestigious crime-writing awards, including the Glass Key Award, also won by Henning Mankell, Jo Nesbo, Stieg Larsson, and Peter Hoeg.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. ***This excerpt is from an advance uncorrected proof***Copyright © 2015 Jussi Adler-Olsen


This book is not a war novel.

The Alphabet House is an elementary story about breaches that canarise in all types of personal relationships, from daily life in a marriage or at the workplace to extreme settings like the Korean War, the Boer War, the Iran-Iraq War, or in this case the Second World War.

There are several reasons why I chose this war to provide the novel’s framework. Primarily because I am the son of a psychiatrist and grew up in the surroundings of “insane asylums,” as they were called in Denmark in the late ?fties and early sixties; and although my father was extremely progressive and a new thinker in his ?eld, I couldn’t avoid witnessing ?rst-hand how the mentally ill were treated in those days. Many of them had been in the system since the thirties and I was interested in the methods of treatment and the doctors and hospitals during that period, and especially during the war. I got to know a few patients who—through the eyes of a naïve, alert child—I suspected of simulating their mental illness.

One of these chronically mentally ill patients basically coped with life in the hospitals by uttering only two sentences. “Yes, you’ve got a point there!” was the one he used the most. He wasn’t sticking his neck out here. Then he could enhance and round off practically any situation with a sincerely relieved “Oh, thank God!” He was one of the patients I suspected of having retreated from society into the calm and peaceful world of medical treatment facilities by using some obscure form of simulation.

But is it possible to preserve oneself and one’s mind in a situation like this if one isn’t really ill? It’s hard to believe, especially considering some of the hefty methods of treatment used at the time. Wouldn’t our verbally limited patient become ill sooner or later?

My father met the patient again after a period of many years. It was in the seventies, by which point the world had become freer in many ways. This had also had its effect on our man. He’d added a third sentence to his repertoire: “Up yours!” He’d kept up with the times.

And again I found myself wondering: Is he ill or is he well?

My desire to combine these two objects of my fascination—the possibly mentally ill individual and World War II—was enhanced by a conversation I had with one of my mother’s friends named Karna Bruun. She had worked as a nurse in Bad Kreuznach under Professor Ferdinand Sauerbruch and was able to con?rm and expand upon some theories I’d developed.

In the summer of 1987, under the starry Italian skies of Terracina, I outlined my ?edgling story for my wife. Then, as now, I had the greatest admiration for authors for whom research and literary expertise were inseparable. She believed my story would be worth this kind of effort.

It took me almost eight years to realize.

In the course of this period I’ve been grateful to Det Treschowske Fideikommis for their assistance in the form of a travel grant to Freiburg im Breisgau, where a large portion of the story unfolds; to the military library in Freiburg; and to Oberarchivrat Dr. Ecker from Stadtarchiv Freiburg.

Since then, my wife, Hanne Adler-Olsen, has been my tireless muse and critic, constantly nurturing my faithfulness to my original ambitions.

In the perusal of my manuscript by my capable and wise friends— Henning Kure, Jesper Helbo, Tomas Stender, Eddie Kiran, Carl Rosschou, and not least of all my sister, Elsebeth Wæhrens, and my mother, Karen-Margrethe Olsen—the story underwent a multilayered process that made it both shorter and more profound. All elements were assessed and pondered over until the story came to fruition as I’d hoped.

Jussi Adler-Olsen



It wasn’t the best weather in the world.

Cold and windy, with poor visibility.

An exceptionally bleak January day, even for England.

The American crews had already been sitting on the landing strips for some time when the tall Englishman approached. He was still not quite awake.

Behind the group a shape rose halfway to its feet and waved to him. TheEnglishman waved back, yawning loudly. Functioning in daytime was dif?cult after such a long period with nothing but night raids.

It was going to be a long day.

At the far end of the air?eld the planes were taxiing slowly toward the southern end of the landing strips. Soon the air would be full of them

The feeling was both exhilarating and oppressive.The orders regarding the mission came from Major General Lewis H. Brereton’s office in Sunninghill Park. He was requesting British assistance from Sir Arthur Harris, marshal in the Royal Air Force. The Americans were still impressed by the British Mosquitoes’ discovery, during their November nighttime bombing of Berlin, of the Germans’ most closely guarded secret, the V-1 missile sites at Zemplín.

The choice of British personnel had been left to Group Captain Hadley-Jones, who entrusted the practical work to his next-in-command, Wing Commander John Wood.

The latter’s task was to select twelve British ?ight crews. Eight of them were to function as instructors and four as supporting crews with special photo-reconnaissance duties under the 8th and 9th American Air Forces.

Two-seater P-51D Mustang ?ghters had been equipped for this task with radar and sensitive optical instruments.

Only two weeks had passed since James Teasdale and Bryan Young had been chosen as the ?rst crew to try out this equipment under so-called “normal conditions.”

In short, they could expect to go into action again.

The raid was planned for the eleventh of January, 1944. The targets were the airplane factories at Oschersleben, Braunschweig, Magdeburg, and Halberstadt.

Both men had protested about having their Christmas leave curtailed. They were still suffering from combat fatigue.

“Two weeks to ?gure out this bloody machine!” Bryan shook his head. “I don’t know a thing about all those gadgets. Why doesn’t Uncle Sam do his own dirty work?”

John Wood was standing with his back to them both, bowed over the document ?les. “Because Uncle Sam wants you!”

“That’s no argument, is it?”

“You’ll live up to the Americans’ expectations and come out alive.”

“Is that a guarantee?”


“Say something, James!” Bryan turned toward his friend.

James ?ngered his silk scarf and shrugged. Bryan sat down heavily.

It was hopeless. They had to go.The entire operation was calculated to take a good six hours. A total of about 650 four-engine bombers from the 8th American Air Force were to bomb airplane factories, escorted by the P-51 long-distance ?ghters.

Bryan and James were to break away from the other P-51s during the attack.

During the past couple of months, there had been persistent rumors of an increased in?ux of building craftsmen, engineers, and highly specialized technicians—as well as hordes of Polish and Soviet slave laborers—into the region of Lauenstein, south of Dresden.

Intelligence had learned that some kind of construction was going on in the area, but not what kind. They had a hunch it might be factories for producing synthetic fuel. If this were the case, it would be a dangerous development that could lend impetus to new German V-bomb projects.

Bryan and James’s job, therefore, was to thoroughly photograph and map out the area, including the railway network around Dresden, so Intelligence could update its information. After completing their mission they were to rejoin the formation on its way back to England.Many of the Americans who were to take part in the raid were already seasoned air warriors. Despite the cold and the impending takeoff, they were lying half stretched out on the uneven, frostbitten earth some people called a landing strip. Most of them were chatting away as though they were on their way to a dance or relaxing at home on the family sofa. Here and there a few sat hugging their knees, staring dully into space. These were the new and inexperienced airmen who had not yet learned how to forget their dreams and control their anxiety.

The Englishman strode between the sitting ?gures toward his partner, who lay stretched out on the ground with his arms behind his head.

Bryan gave a start when he felt the gentle kick in his side.

Snow?akes drifted above them, settling on nose and brow as the sky became more and more overcast. This expedition would differ very little from one of their night raids.Bryan’s seat vibrated gently under him.

The radar screen showed the surrounding air space to be thick with signals from the planes in the formation. Each echo that signaled a plane’s position was clearly distinguishable.

Several times during training they’d joked about painting the windows over and ?ying on instruments alone. The equipment was that precise. It was a joke they could just as well have taken seriously on this ?ight. According to James, the visibility was “as clear as a symphony by Béla Bartók.” The windshield wipers and nose of the plane penetrating the snow clouds—that was all they could see.

They’d been arguing. Not about the crazy idea of changing duties and equipment at such short notice, but about John Wood’s motives. According to Wood they had been chosen because they were the best, which James was willing to accept.

But Bryan blamed his friend. There was scarcely any doubt in his mind that John Wood had picked them because James never protested while on active duty. And on this operation there had certainly been no time for questioning orders.

Bryan’s reproaches irritated James. There were worries enough already. It was a long trip and they were handling new equipment. The weather was terrible and there was no one to support them once they left the rest of the formation. If Intelligence was correct in assuming that important factories were under construction, the target area would be very heavily guarded. Finally, it was going to be an extremely difficult task getting the photos back to England.

But James was right. Someone had to do it. Besides, it couldn’t be much different from the bombing raids on Berlin.

They’d made it this far.

Bryan sat silently in his seat behind James, doing his job irreproachably, as always. The vibrations gradually shook loose his combed-back hair. Bryan’s hairstyle was his most distinguishing feature. Freshly combed, he looked almost as tall as James.

Between Bryan’s map and measuring instruments hung the photo of aWAC by the name of Madge Donat. In her eyes, Bryan was an Adonis.

He’d stuck with her for a long time.As if responding to the authoritative cue of a conductor’s baton, the Germans began greeting the arriving planes with an antiaircraft overture. James had foreseen the barrage a few seconds previously and given Bryan the signal, so they managed to change course. From that moment until some unpredictable time in the future their fate was out of their hands.

Unprotected and on their own.

“We’ll be scraping the ass off this machine if you want us to ?y any lower,” Bryan grunted twenty minutes later.

“If we stay up at two hundred feet, your pictures won’t come out,” came the reply.

James was right. It was snowing over the target area, but the wind was constantly forcing the ?akes to whirl upward, creating holes through which it was possible to photograph. Assuming they were close enough.

No one had been interested in their presence since they’d turned away from the barrage over Magdeburg. Apparently they hadn’t been observed. Bryan would do his utmost to see they weren’t.

Many planes had crashed behind them. Far too many. In the midst of all the noise, James shouted back to Bryan that he’d seen German ?ghters?ring rocketlike things. A short ?ash followed by a totally devastating explosion.

“The Luftwaffe isn’t worth a shit,” an American pilot had bellowed out the previous evening, a broad Kentucky grin on his face. Perhaps experience had taught him something different now.

“And then 138 degrees to the south!” Bryan was following the sea of snow beneath him. “You should be able to get a glimpse of the main road out of Heidenau. Can you see the crossroads now? Good. Then follow the turning toward the ridge.”

Their speed was down to scarcely two hundred kilometers per hour, which in that weather made the entire fuselage complain audibly.

“You’ve got to zigzag over the road here, James, but watch out! Some of the southern slopes could be steep. Can you see anything? You should have a good chance between here and Geising.”

“All I can see is that the road seems quite wide. Why would that be, in such a deserted place?”

“That’s what I was wondering. Can’t you swing southward now? Look at those trees! Can you see how dense they are?”

“Camou?age netting, you mean?”

“Possibly.” If there were any factories here, they must have been dug into the hillside. Bryan doubted that. Once such a building was discovered, the earthworks wouldn’t provide sufficient protection against intense precision bombing. “This is a wild-goose chase, James! There’s nothing in the vicinity to suggest recent building.”

If possible, they were to follow the railway line northward toward Heidenau, turn west toward Freital and follow the railway line to Chemnitz, then turn north and later northeast along the railway line to Waldheim. The entire network was to be photographed in detail. By Russian request. Soviet troops were exerting heavy pressure near Leningrad and were threatening to roll up the entire German front. According to the Russians, the railway junction at Dresden was the Germans’ umbilical cord. Once severed, the German divisions on the Eastern Front would soon be lacking supplies. It was merely a question of how many cuts were necessary in order to be effective.

Bryan looked down at the railway line beneath him. There would be nothing to see in his photos but snow-covered rails.

The ?rst explosion came without warning and with incredible force, only a half meter behind Bryan’s seat. Before he could turn around, James was already forcing the plane into a fast vertical climb. Bryan fastened the snap hook in his seat and felt the cockpit’s tepid air being sucked out from under him.

The jagged hole in the fuselage was about the size of a ?st; the exit hole in the roof, like a dinner plate. A single round from a small-caliber antiaircraft gun had hit them.

So there was something they’d overlooked after all.The engine screeched so loudly during the steep ascent that they couldn’t tell if they were still being shot at.

“Is it serious back there?” James screamed. He appeared satis?ed with the answer. “Then here we go!” Almost instantly James had looped the loop, tipped the plane on one side, and put it into a vertical dive. After a few seconds the Mustang’s machine guns began ticking away. Several antiaircraft muzzle ?ames pointed directly up at them, showing them the way.

In the midst of that deadly blaze there had to be something the Germans were extremely reluctant to have outsiders know about.

James swung the plane from side to side in order to confuse the enemy while the German gunners on the ground tried to get them in their sights. They never saw the guns, but there was no mistaking the sound. The Flakzwilling 40 made a bloodcurdling noise all of its own.

When they were close to the ground, James leveled the plane with a jerk. They would only have this one chance. The entire area was two to three kilometers wide. The camera needed a steady hand.

The landscape whipped along beneath them. Gray patches and white swirls alternated with treetops and buildings. Tall fences encircled the area they were ?ying over. Several watchtowers ?red machine-gun salvos at them. Slave laborers were kept in camps like these. Tracer-bullet ?re from a forest thicket in front of them made James instinctively dive still lower, straight toward the trees. Several rounds from his machine gun made it past the tree trunks, silencing all resistance from that quarter.

Then, grazing the tops of the ?r trees, James ?ew the plane right over a gigantic grayish mass of camou?age netting, walls, railway cars, and scattered heaps of materials. Bryan had plenty to photograph. A few seconds later they again banked upward, and away.


Bryan nodded, patted James’s shoulder, and prayed that the guns below them were their only opponents.

They weren’t.

“Something funny’s going on here, Bryan! You can just see it if you sit up straight. It’s the engine cowling! Can you see it?”

It wasn’t difficult. A triangular bit of cowling was sticking straight up into the air. Whether it was caused by the dive, a hit, or blast waves was immaterial. It wasn’t good under any circumstances.

“We’re going to have to really slow down, Bryan. You know that, don’t you? There’s not much hope of getting back to the bomber formation now.”

“Do what you think is best!”

“We’ll follow the railway line. If they send ?ghters after us, they’re probably thinking we’ll make off due west. You keep an eye on the air around us, okay?”

The trip back was going to be endless.

The countryside beneath them gradually became ?atter. On a clear day they would have been able to see the horizon to all sides. Had it not been for the snowstorm, they would have been audible kilometers away.

“How the hell do you imagine we’ll get home, James?” asked Bryan quietly. Looking at the map was useless. Their chances were slim.

“Just keep your eye on that little screen,” came the reply. “You can’t do much else. I think the cowling will stay put so long as we stick to this marching pace.”

“Then we’ll take the shortest way back.”

“North of Chemnitz. Yes, please, Bryan!”

“We’re crazy!”

“Not us! The situation!”

. . .

The railway line below them was no minor branch line. Sooner or later an ammunition train or troop transport would turn up. Small, easily aimed twin cannons or Flak 38 twenty-millimeter antiaircraft guns would be able to ?nish them off quickly. And then there were the Messerschmitts. For them, the Mustang was easy prey. Close combat. Shot down. That’s how brief the report would be.

Bryan thought of suggesting they land the plane before the enemy did it for them. His philosophy was simple and practical. Captivity was preferable to death.

He took hold of James’s upper arm and shook it slightly. “They’ve spot- ted us,” he said quietly.

Without further comment James let the plane lose altitude.

“Naundorf ahead. Here you go north of . . .” Bryan saw the enemy only as a shadow above them. “There he is, James, straight above us!” James tore the plane away from low altitude with a violent wrench of the controls.

The whole plane was vibrating with protest as he accelerated. During the sudden ascent the hole behind Bryan practically sucked the cabin empty of air. James’s machine guns started rattling even before Bryan had seen their target. A merciless salvo into its belly paralyzed the Messerschmitt instantly. The explosion that followed proved fatal. The pilot never knew what hit him.

There were several bangs that Bryan couldn’t quite place, and suddenly they were lying level in the air. Bryan glanced at James’s neck as if he expected to see it react in some special way. The draft blasting through the shattered front windscreen meant the triangular bit of cowling had been torn off during their brutal ascent.

James shook his head without making a sound.

Then he slumped forward with his face turned to one side.

The roar of the engine increased. All the airplane’s joints rattled in time with the fuselage’s descent through the air strata. Loosening his harness, Bryan threw himself over James, got hold of the control stick, and forced it toward the lifeless body.

A delta of small blood streams trickled down James’s cheek, emanating from two long super?cial gashes above and in front of his ear. The piece of metal had hit him in the temple, taking most of his earlobe with it.

Without warning, another piece of cowling came loose with a bang and tumbled over the left wing. Creaking sounds told Bryan there was more to come. Then he made a decision for them both and pulled James free.

The cockpit canopy almost exploded off, sucking Bryan out of his seat. In spite of the howling, icy wind, he grabbed James under the armpits and pulled him out onto the wing in the lacerating air. At the same moment the plane disappeared from under them. Jerked out into space, Bryan lost his grip on James, who plunged downward like dead weight, but he still felt the life-redeeming tug of James’s rip cord. For a second James lay poised in midair with arms hanging limp as a rag doll’s. Then his chute opened with a sudden jerk. His ?apping arms made him look like a ?edgling just out of the nest, tumbling through the air for the ?rst time.

Bryan’s ?ngers were like ice as he tugged at his own parachute rip cord. He heard the crack of the chute opening above him as shots began rattling toward him from the ground, sending faint, treacherous ?ashes of light up through the snowy haze.

The plane banked and plunged slowly earthward behind them. Anyone searching for them would have to do a thorough job. Until then, Bryan had to make sure that James, the small ?uttering gray ball, did not disappear from sight.The ground rose to meet Bryan with unexpected brutality. Hard plow furrows were like concrete gutters in the severe frost. As he lay moaning, the wind ?lled his chute again and dragged him over the earthen ridges, ripping his ?ying suit to pieces. The powdery snow froze any bloody scrapes to ice before he could register the pain.

Bryan had seen James hit the ground. It seemed violent, as if his body had been crushed from the waist down.

Contrary to all regulations Bryan let his chute blow away from him as he hobbled over the furrows. Isolated fence posts marked an old corral. The horses were gone, slaughtered long ago. James’s parachute had wedged itself between the bark and wood of one of the posts. Bryan glanced around. There wasn’t a sound. Amid cascades of whirling newly fallen snow he took hold of the dancing parachute with both hands and with even tugs guided himself along the seams and straps toward James.

It took three shoves before James slid onto his side. The zipper of his?ight jacket gave way reluctantly. Bryan’s icy ?ngertips dug down under the rough clothing. The warmth he found there was almost painful to the touch.

Bryan held his breath until he felt a faint pulse.The wind ?nally subsided and the snow stopped drifting. All was quiet for the moment.

James began panting feebly as Bryan dragged him toward a thicket. Sky could be seen through the treetops. Alongside the trunks lay debris from generations of storms, offering shelter and cover. “With so much unutilized fuel around, there’s not much chance of any people living here,” Bryan said to himself.

“What’d you say?” came a voice from the limp body as it was being dragged through the carpet of snow.

Bryan dropped to his knees and carefully pulled James’s head toward his lap.

“James! What happened?”

“Did something happen?” His eyes were still not focusing. He stared up at Bryan, his gaze wandering the air above him. Then he turned his head and surveyed the black-and-white landscape. “Where are we?”

“We crashed, James. Are you hurt bad?”

“I don’t know.”

“Can you feel your legs?”

“They’re cold as hell!”

“But can you feel them, James?”

“You bloody well bet I can. They’re cold as hell, I told you! What’s this godforsaken place you’ve dropped me into?”

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

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30 of 31 people found the following review helpful. "From here on there was no return to innocence." By E. Bukowsky Jussi Adler-Olsen's "The Alphabet House," translated from the Danish by Steve Schein, is set during World War II. Two Englishmen, James Teasdale and Bryan Young, bail out when their plane is shot down over Germany during a reconnaissance mission. In desperation, they assume the identities of German soldiers who are too shell-shocked to speak. Subsequently, James and Bryan are confined to a mental hospital (the aforementioned "Alphabet House") behind enemy lines. How long will it take for their captors to realize that James and Bryan are imposters? What effect will the pills and shock treatments that the doctors administer to their patients have on the British soldiers' minds? Can either or both of these unfortunate individuals escape from this hellhole? The situation spirals out of control when three fellow inmates viciously turn on James and Bryan.This work of fiction requires a substantial suspension of disbelief on the part of its readers. What are the odds that two young soldiers, only one of whom speaks German, would, for a period of months, successfully pretend to be high-ranking Nazis suffering from severe psychiatric disorders? Adler-Olsen inserts many other far-fetched elements into the mix, culminating with an over-the-top conclusion that borders on the surreal.The first half of "The Alphabet House" is mind-numblingly monotonous and dour. The second part is more lively and suspenseful, with violent confrontations, a touch of romance, and an effort to exact retribution from a trio of monstrous villains. Adler-Olsen touches on such universal themes as the horrors of war, man's inhumanity to man, the corrosiveness of guilt, and the cleansing nature of forgiveness. It is too bad that the characters are thinly drawn, the dialogue lacks subtlety, and the author fails to develop his story coherently and satisfyingly. It is surprising that Adler-Olsen decided to release a stand-alone, written back in 1997, that is markedly inferior to his later books.

24 of 26 people found the following review helpful. Haunting yet fascinating. By Liz Barnsley The first thing I have to say is that this must have been extremely well researched, the detail is magnificent, horrifying and yet strangely fascinating. Set in two parts, the first following two friends, trying to evade capture, who end up in a mental institution in Germay, the second portion of the novel deals with the fallout many years later.I thought this was cleverly done – the first half is fairly slow moving, allowing the story to unfold at a pace that truly allows you to take in what these two friends are going through – descriptively speaking it is very disturbing but absolutely compelling, you can’t look away. The second half is faster moving, also difficult to review properly without spoilers, but for me it made a tale of two halves if you like – and the ending was unexpected.Very different from the “Department Q” series but still with the author’s unique style – this is not a war story as much as it is a story of friendship under extreme circumstances, character driven throughout, often violent but always engaging and thought provoking. I can see that it will not be for everyone, but I found it to be an excellent and moving story, haunting and evocative, with some truly edge of the seat moments.Overall a very good read indeed.Happy Reading Folks!**Source: Publisher review copy UK**

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. The only good thing about the Alphabet House is that it was written back in 1997 By Ihor The only advantage of this book is that it was written back in 1997, prior to Department Q. Only for the respect for the Author, I managed to pull it through. Otherwise I would have stopped at this side of the middle. This is also kind of the book for which an author, knowing in hindsight how amaterish his early performance were, should pay translators and publishers NOT TO translate and publish it.Eight reasons why I found this book an outlandish waste of time and money.1. The plot itself is a patchwork of action and lengthy non-actions molded into the prefabricated preposterous hypothesis.Scenes of fight (Rhine, winery) are written like scenes for Grade B movies.2. Characters are waxy symbols devoid of a livelihood attached to Dept Q protagonists.3. German malingers are too many, with a chance for a reader to be lost in their particular roles in the story.4. Too slow, too predictable, too hard to believe what the author tries to sell us.5. The end is totally artificial.6. Along the story, no bonds are developed with the reader as the story eventually starts dragging its feet until coming to a horrendous Movie B scenes at the winery.7. Second-tier characters are assigned zero roles, and it is incomprehensible why Brian's spouse follows him secretly into Olympic Germany. Another character whom Brian hired for James's search is simply cut out of the story. At least we hope he got paid. And what the hell Laureen's sister was doing in Germany?8. Three dead bodies back in Freigburg, half a million pounds of ransom paid to housekeeper of sanatorium, James's stealth transportation into UK with the fake passport, faked as well Leonardo da Vinci's drawings - all those segments make you wonder if they indeed occurred to the author who would later create Dep Q fascinating storiesAgain, it would have been better for this book to continue being buried on long shelves of Danish libraries than trying to resuscitate it with English translation exposing immature early works of Great Jussi Adler-Olsen

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The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen
The Alphabet House (Thorndike Press Large Print Core Series), by Jussi Adler-Olsen

The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

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The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

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What if your future was the past? Miranda Wellborn takes a trip of a lifetime to Norway to explore visions given her by recurring dreams. Never in her life does she imagine touching a real Viking ship will send her one thousand years into the past. She is soon claimed by a Viking warrior, the man from her visions. But her dreams are nothing like the reality of living in a time that is not her own, and she struggles to learn how to survive until she can return home. Agnar Eiricksson hates the Danes. Bent on exacting revenge against them for killing his lady wife, he forges plans to attack their shores and enslave men, women and children. So why would he rather possess one spoil of war than keep her chained with the rest of the thralls? When Agnar accepts the truth of where she's from, he must decide if keeping her with him is the right choice. Miranda must use every ounce of self-preservation to keep her heart concealed from her fierce warrior. Where is her destiny meant to be? Back in Florida, or will love win out and keep her with the man of her dreams?

The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #6588976 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .72" w x 5.51" l, .90 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages
The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Must Read for all Time Travel Lovers! By Susan Sweet I read to forget the present for awhile and experience a new adventure. Mrs. Burrough's new time travel " Man Of Her Dreams" not only fulfilled my need to escape but took me to an Era and Country I'd never imagined. Through her extensive research and excellent storytelling ability, I lived the entire story as if I actually was a part of that long ago time. "Man of Her Dreams" has it all, adventure, a little mystery and a lot of real life drama and romance set in the time when Vikings roamed the earth. Sit back, relax and expect to be taken on an adventure that will leave you wishing time travel was a reality. Loved this story from the first page to the last. "Man of her Dreams" is a five star read for any fiction lover.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. thank you for a fantastic adventure. debi By debra allen first i miss you you gave your fans everything they wanted and more. thank you for a fantastic adventure. debi allen

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The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs
The Man of Her Dreams, by Leanne Burroughs

Friday, April 27, 2012

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard),

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

Maintain your means to be right here and read this resource finished. You could take pleasure in browsing the book Mouse Guard: Legends Of The Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends Of The Guard), By David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot that you actually refer to obtain. Right here, getting the soft file of guide Mouse Guard: Legends Of The Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends Of The Guard), By David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot can be done quickly by downloading in the link resource that we provide here. Of course, the Mouse Guard: Legends Of The Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends Of The Guard), By David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot will be all yours faster. It's no have to get ready for guide Mouse Guard: Legends Of The Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends Of The Guard), By David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot to receive some days later after acquiring. It's no should go outside under the heats up at center day to visit the book establishment.

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

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The mice at the June Alley Inn continue to tell their stories in an attempt to clear their tabs. Featuring inventive mice, haunting cicadas, and other stories from Ram?n K P?rez (Hawkeye), Jake Parker (Rocket Raccoon), and Eric Talbot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #876014 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-13
  • Released on: 2015-05-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

About the Author David Petersen was born in 1977. His artistic career soon followed. A steady diet of cartoons, comics and tree climbing fed his imagination and is what still inspires his work today. He is a three time Eisner Award winner for his work on his Mouse Guard series. David received his BFA in Printmaking from Eastern Michigan University where he met his wife Julia. They continue to reside in Michigan with their dogs Autumn and Bronwyn

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A comic book series for everyone! By Amazon Customer Enjoyable as always! Looking forward to the next one!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. MOUSE GUARD RULES By Kal El this is the best line of books ever!!!

0 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Darky I love these books

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Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot
Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard Vol. 3 #3 (Mouse Guard Vol. 3: Legends of the Guard), by David Petersen, Ramon Perez, Jake Parker, Eric Talbot

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lord of War (The Conquest of Kelemir Book 3), by A. F. Dery

Lord of War (The Conquest of Kelemir Book 3), by A. F. Dery

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After usurping Kelemir's Southern Province, Sebastien has his hands full. Raiders from neighboring Lyntara are bleeding his country dry in a brutal game of cat-and-mouse. They're led by a devious captain named Carys who no one seems able to touch...until he captures her himself. The battle to gain the upper hand with his fiery prisoner ignites a war with his long-cold heart.   Lyntaran hostilities are escalating rapidly in the wake of Carys' capture, and the Province is thrown into turmoil. With everything he's fought for in jeopardy, Sebastien finds himself in the battle of his life. This lord of war must put aside his heart and be the conqueror...or become the conquered.

Lord of War (The Conquest of Kelemir Book 3), by A. F. Dery

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #491920 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-11
  • Released on: 2015-05-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Lord of War (The Conquest of Kelemir Book 3), by A. F. Dery

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Will there be more??? By C. Pratt Full novel that leaves you hoping there's another one coming down the pike. I've enjoyed this series seriously, well except the couple of times I actually laughed. Good story, well told. I hope this saga continues.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Amazon Customer As always a good read.

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Lord of War (The Conquest of Kelemir Book 3), by A. F. Dery

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Lord of War (The Conquest of Kelemir Book 3), by A. F. Dery
Lord of War (The Conquest of Kelemir Book 3), by A. F. Dery

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

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Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

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~~~~~~~~~Jewish persecution under Russian Czar!~~~~~~~~~

1899 Russia under the cruel Czarist rule is not a good place to be a Jew!

Russia under the diabolical Czarist rule is a very bad place and a very bad time to be a Jew. Fair game to marauding peasants and government militia alike, the random slaughter of entire Jewish families is commonplace rather than a rare occurrence. It is, however, a time for brave men. And brave women.

Barefoot, wearing only a flimsy nightgown, sixteen-year-old Havah Cohen alone escapes the brutal massacre by the Czarist tyranny that destroys her home and slaughters her family on a frigid November night in 1899.

Love ignited, lost and found, insurmountable struggles and challenges, Kishinev's Jewish pogroms and all odds against them, Havah and her soul mate, Arel, withstand the storms of life in this unforgettable story of a time and place rarely spoken of, and romance and courage so profound as to be rarely experienced.

Scroll up and grab a copy today.

Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #500474 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-06
  • Released on: 2015-05-06
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

About the Author Kansas City native Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is the author of This, That and Sometimes the Other, an anthology of her short stories, which she also illustrated. Her stories have also been featured in several other anthologies, including two editions of Voices. A woman of Jewish descent and the granddaughter of Eastern European immigrants, Rochelle has a close personal connection to Jewish history, which has been a recurring theme throughout much of her writing. Growing up, she was heavily influenced by the Sholom Aleichem stories as well as Fiddler on the Roof. Her novels Please Say Kaddish for Me and From Silt and Ashes were born of her desire to share the darker side of these beloved tales—the history that can be difficult to view, much less embrace. Before becoming an author, Rochelle attended the Kansas City Art Institute, where she studied painting and lithography. Her preferred media are pen and ink, pencil, and watercolor, but her artistic talent serves her well in her temporary career as a cake decorator. She and her husband, Jan, have raised three sons in the Kansas City metro area and now live in Belton, Missouri. When she takes a break from writing and illustrating, Rochelle enjoys swimming and dancing. She also maintains the blog Addicted to Purple.

Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

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Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. I fell in love with Havah Cohen By Dale Rogerson It has been a while since a book captured my attention so deeply. I couldn't put it down and forfeited cleaning house for reading!My Yiddish is so-so (thankfully my father was a "goyim mit a Yiddishe kopf", so I knew quite a few of them though I cannot guarantee my pronunciation ~ in my head ~ was right!) but in most cases, the English translation was given.Horrid time for Jews in Russia under the Tsarist (Czarist) regime. The horrors this people were dealt were beyond appalling and Rochelle describes them in all their gory detail. Kudos to her for shining a light on a most difficult time and not whitewashing it.I fell in love with Havah Cohen, the main heroine of the story. There are a lot of characters and it takes a good bit of concentration to figure out who is who and what their relationships are to each other but Havah's story touches on each one to paint a clear picture.Not for the faint of heart but definitely for anyone who enjoys historical stories. You don't need to be Jewish to appreciate this story but an open mind and heart is definitely a must.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Historical Fiction Relevant Today By TWiz I was spellbound by this book, which surprised me because it is not my normal reading theme. It not only tells in dynamic fashion the history of the Jews in the early 1900’s but does so through the life journey of a character truly brought to life by the author, with a valuable message that is thoroughly relevant today.This story says to me that no matter how things change, they remain the same. Those with the most power or money are given deference to dictate what is right and acceptable. While the history of the treatment of Jews is unspeakably horrific; sadly, in reading the journey of this family I thought how the lessons of the past have not translated into application of those lessons to the treatment of people today. The same barbaric acts are perpetuated today against those with beliefs, preferences, skin color or even language different from others.I anxiously await the next novel by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.TWiz' Miz

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. But it's not all bad. Rochelle portrays the love of family By Alicia Jamtaas Please Say Kaddish For Me is a well written story told through the thoughts and feelings of several unique characters. Rochelle gives the reader a feel for the time of terror for Jews in 1899 Russia. But it's not all bad. Rochelle portrays the love of family, jealousy,forgiveness, and sharing while allowing the reader to peek into the Jewish faith and customs of the time. The character's struggles are a mixture of passion and compassion, acceptance fear and longing.

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Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Please Say Kaddish For Me, by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

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The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

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Miss Callie Grant has hidden her true identity her entire life, but now elements from her past are threatening to destroy England’s future. To save someone she loves, she agrees to a dangerous mission--and to masquerade as the bride of Lord Truitt Russell. Lord Truitt wants only one thing--to restore his honor. Only the capture of the Wicked Lord Marstoke will do the job. But the intimacy of playing husband to the gorgeous, infuriatingly independent Callie Grant proves a temptation difficult to resist. In the end, which will he choose? Honor or Love? Passion and secrets swirl--and the battle between Hestia Wright and her enemies continues--in another delicious installment of the Half Moon House series.

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #290370 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-21
  • Released on: 2015-05-21
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

Review Very good read.  A page turner that I could not put down! --AC, Netgalley reviewer

From the Author The Half Moon House Series:The Novels The Love List The Leading Lady The Lady's Legacy--coming soon The NovellasAn Unexpected EncounterA Slight Miscalculation (Free Short Story)Liberty and the Pursuit of HappinessA Waltz in the Park

About the Author USA Today Bestseller Deb Marlowe adores History, England and Men in Boots. Clearly she was destined to write Regency Historical Romance. A Golden Heart Award winner and Rita nominee, Deb grew up in Pennsylvania with her nose in a book. Luckily, she'd read enough romances to recognize the true modern hero she met at a college Halloween party--even though he wore a tuxedo t-shirt instead of breeches and boots. They married, settled in North Carolina and produced two handsome, intelligent and genuinely amusing boys. Though she spends much of her time with her nose in her laptop, for the sake of her family she does occasionally abandon her inner world for the domestic adventure of laundry, dinner and carpool. Despite her sacrifice, not one of the men in her family is yet willing to don breeches or tall boots. She's working on it. Deb is a Director of the Raleigh/Durham satellite of Lady Jane's Salon. You can talk books, movies, TV, recipes, kids and more with her at her website: on Facebook or Twitter!/DebMarlowe and at RedDoorReads at

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Loved it! By teach4173 This is book 2 in the Half Moon House SeriesMiss Callie Grant is on a mission to find her sister. She is taken aback when she is told she must work with Lord Truitt (Tru) Russell to do so. Callie and Tru had had run-ins before and she doesn't think they can work together, especially when she find out that they are to pose as husband and wife.Tru is determined to restore his honor. The only way he can do so is to help capture the man that destroyed him, Lord Marstoke. Reluctantly agreeing to work with Callie, he soon learns that what he thought about her might not be true. He also does his best to make Callie see him in a new light.Could this faux marriage turn into one in truth?I had hoped that Tru would get his own story and Marlowe didn't disappoint. It was nice to see that under all that troubled exterior, there was a very nice man trying to get out.We discover many hidden depths of both Callie and Tru whom we met in The Love List. It was pure joy watching Callie and Tru pretend to be married and falling in love in the process. Once they let each other in, they were finally able to see the true person behind the facade that each of them had in place.I've really enjoyed the Half Moon House series and can't wait to see what Marlowe has in store for us next.Thanks go out to Night Shift Publishing via NetGalley for a copy of the book in exchange of an honest review.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. AN AWESOME READ! ! A DELICIOUS REGENCY ROMANCE. .. By Amazon Customer (April Renn/AprilR ) "The Leading Lady" by Deb Marlowe is a delicious Regency Historical Romance.Another installment in the highly anticipated "Half Moon House" series, can be read as a stand alone. However, I would highly recommend reading this amazing series by this very talented author. Filled with secrets, passion, a bit of danger and romance. I thoroughly enjoyed this sassy and smart heroine and this sexy hero.Fast paced tale with surprises, charming characters and a unique storyline. Well written with tale. Ms. Marlowe is an amazing storyteller who tells a story with gusto, enthusiasm and charm. I absolutely love this series! Highly recommended! Another hit added to this author's list of hits. Fans of Regency Romance, Historical Romance with sex heroes and sassy heroines, are sure to enjoy "The Leading Lady". Haven't picked up your cooy, hurry and do so, you won't regret tour choice. An awesome rand delicious Regency Romance.Reading order for the Half Moon House Series:An Unexpected EncounterThe Love ListA Slight Miscalculation (Free!)Liberty and the Pursuit of HappinessA Waltz in the ParkThe Leading Lady*Received for an honest review from the author*Rating : 4.5Heat rating : MildReviewed by: AprilR

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. DELIGHTFUL, DEB MARLOWE!!! By Patricia D. In yet another installment of the Half Moon series, Deb Marlowe again proves she is at the top of her craft.Richly built characters, a tight plot, (with a few lovely subplots, and the usual twists and turns that keep you guessing) are typical of this author's books, and this one is not different. A wonderful sub-story is presented as entries from consistently present Hestia Wright's journal...and eventually, the two stories join. The love story is almost secondary to the suspense story - but ends up it's equal.While happy ever after for the hero and heroine does come, the ending brings us to obvious "please, please, please, give us another book." While neatly tying up the ends, Deb inserts enough new threads to assure us that the story of Hestia Wright and her many friends is not yet finished.Masterful, My Lady.

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The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe
The Leading Lady (Half Moon House Series), by Deb Marlowe

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love

Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

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Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

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Love Inspired Historical brings you four new titles for one great price, available now! This Love Inspired Historical bundle includes Wagon Train Sweetheart by Lacy Williams, Second Chance Hero by Winnie Griggs, Love by Design by Christine Johnson and A Family Found by Laura Abbot.

Look for 4 new inspirational suspense stories every month from Love Inspired Historical!

Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #628639 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

Where to Download Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good writing but the stories are done by formula By CS Caviness Good writing but the stories are done by formula, which limits the writers, especially when the settings are so similar. I love the combined format but reading four in a row, the reader begins to see around every corner fairly quickly. Personally, I prefer the Love Inspired Suspense or the historical novels set before 1820.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Westward ho! By Marilyn Osborne I enjoyed this book. I had read a book previously that continued with another character in the family introduced in the first book. Each book stands alone, however and is a reminder of all our foremothers went through in settling the west.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I love these romances because they are clean By Nyoka Anderson I love these romances because they are clean, heart-warming, and have a historical background. A cozy read on a cozy day.

See all 6 customer reviews... Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

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Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot
Love Inspired Historical May 2015 Box Set: Wagon Train Sweetheart\Second Chance Hero\Love by Design\A Family Found, by Lacy Williams, Winnie Griggs, Christine Johnson, Laura Abbot

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition,

NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

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NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

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This 2015 update of this popular NASCAR Chronicle includes the complete history of big-time American Stock car racing, from its moonshine-running roots to today's multibillion-dollar phenomenon.Includes more than 1600 images, many from NASCAR's own archive.A padded leather-like hardcover book including raised NASCAR badge.

NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #51858 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 604 pages
NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Very good condition, prompt delivery By S. Miller Exactly what I was looking for, and made the perfect gift for Christmas

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great price for hardcover coffee table book, perfect for a NASCAR fan. By Mimi M. Miller I ordered this book as a gift for a huge NASCAR fan. I was weary at first about the low price tag but bought it because it was a hardcover and would look nice on a coffee table. The book weighs about 5 lbs and full of pictures and history. Great price for it!

See all 20 customer reviews... NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

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NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International
NASCAR The Complete History 2015 Edition, by Greg Fielden, Auto Editors of Consumer Guide, Editors of Publications International

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction),

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

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The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

PDF Ebook Online The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

A Three-time Christy Award–winning AuthorForsaking security and the marriage her stepfather forced upon her, Tamsen Littlejohn enlists frontiersman Jesse Bird to guide her to the Watauga settlement in North Carolina. As they face hardships that test the limits of Tamsen’s faith and endurance, her wealthy suitor and stepfather follow, convinced she’s been kidnapped. With trouble in pursuit, thrust into a conflict among settlers, Tamsen must adapt to a life for which she was never prepared.

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3987596 in Books
  • Brand: Benton, Lori
  • Published on: 2015-05-20
  • Format: Large Print
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 1.30" h x 5.70" w x 8.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 623 pages
The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

Review Praise for The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn“Reminiscent of the The Last of the Mohicans and equally as stirring, The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is a rare book that kept me up late into the night. Ms. Benton is an exquisite storyteller whose majestic descriptions, suspenseful plot, and passionate romance are not soon to be forgotten.”—MaryLu Tyndall, author of the Escape to Paradise trilogy“Founded on a fascinating little-known moment in early American history, The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is one of the most beautiful love stories I’ve ever read. In this tightly paced flight into fear, hope, and mystery, author Lori Benton emerges as the quintessential artist, able to pull her readers into the story through her well-drawn, multidimensional characters, their emotions, motivations, and dreams.”—Sue Harrison, international best-selling author of the Ivory Carver trilogy “Benton has created another masterpiece. With rich historical detail, she brings to life the early frontier with all its beauty and danger. Her descriptions are unique and often breathtaking. She creates realistic dialogue, vibrant characters, and an intriguing plot. Benton has quickly become one of my favorite authors.”—Jody Hedlund, best-selling author of Rebellious Heart“The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is a beautifully written novel, rich in historical details that will transport you back to the mountains of North Carolina in the late eighteenth century. The characters are so real and their circumstance so compelling, they jump off the page and into your heart. Readers of historical romance will be captivated, and those who read her debut novel, Burning Sky, will be thrilled with this new story.”—Carrie Turansky, author of The Governess of Highland Hall and The Daughter of Highland Hall “Seldom has a tale swept me away so powerfully that I’m left both breathless and bereft at its end, reluctant to let go. The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is such a book, a gentle masterpiece destined to be treasured and acclaimed.”—Julie Lessman, award-winning author of the Daughters of Boston and Winds of Change series“With gorgeous prose and characters that will steal your heart, Benton has breathed live and passion into history. The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is a captivating example of excellence. Flawless!”—Roseanna M. White, author of the Culper Ring series“A breathtaking novel from start to incandescent conclusion. Lori Benton portrays the rugged North Carolina terrain in such vivid detail, readers will feel they’ve followed Tamsen’s journey every pulse-pounding step of the way. A must-read!”—Ann Shorey, author of Love’s Sweet Beginning“In this sweeping colonial saga, author Lori Benton has crafted a powerful tale wherein every element of storytelling is vividly woven together. Poetic, emotional, and rich in historic detail, The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is a stirring page-turner.”—Joanne Bischof, award-winning author of Be Still My Soul and Though My Heart Is Torn

About the Author Lori Benton was raised east of the Appalachian Mountains, surrounded by early American history going back three hundred years. Her novels transport readers to the eighteenth century, where she brings to life the Colonial and early Federal periods of American history. When she isn’t writing, reading, or researching, Lori enjoys exploring the Oregon wilderness with her husband. She is the author of Burning Sky, recipient of three Christy Awards, and The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Western North CarolinaSeptember 1787To Jesse Bird’s reckoning, any man charged with driving forty head of Overmountain cattle to market best have three things in his possession—a primed rifle, a steady horse, and a heap of staying power. Jesse had the first two, one balanced across his thighs; the other tired, fly bitten, and dusty between them. As for staying power…with miles to go before he’d be shed of those forty beeves, he was making a studied effortto let patience have its perfect work in him.Looking back across their brown and brindled ranks, he spotted Cade and the packhorses rounding a bend in the river trace, where sunlight still speared the hazy air in moted streaks of gold. Riding behind the drove at the mercy of its dust, Cade had a kerchief tied across his mouth and nose, hat pulled low to shield his eyes. Though Jesse hadn’t ridden rear guard since midday, the choke of that same dust gritted histhroat. Grime coated the foot drovers too, spread out through the summerfattened herd, armed with rifles and staves, eyes darting glances at the crowding wooded slopes. Grasshoppers whirred beside the trace, leaping clear of trampling hooves that crackled the weeds. The sun hung to westward, its warmth fading, leaving rivulets of sweat drying on Jesse’s neck, sticking his shirt where the straps of bullet-bag and knapsack crossed. He was thinking they’d reach their next camp a nip ahead of dark, with time to pen the cattle before swimming the dust off his hide, when something with the force of a slung stone clipped his hat brim. Thinking a deer fly had marked him for a meal, he reached for the hat, meaning to swat the pest. The hat was gone clean off his head. It dangled from a nearby tulip poplar, pinned by a feathered arrow.Jesse gave a whoop, then was out of the saddle and ducking behind a clump of rhododendron, putting his horse crosswise between himself and the beeves. From across the river came a spotty rain of arrows, pinging off rocks, thunking into trees along the bank. The drovers ducked behind the cattle on the hill-slope side of the trace, rifles shouldered.Jesse’s mind raced. Was it Creeks or Chickamaugas? Either held an everlasting grudge against the Overmountain settlers. Hang it all, it could be Shawnees. With a wordless prayer that it wasn’t, Jesse aimed his rifle at a tawny flash across the river and fired. Powder smoke plumed out white from the barrel. On the tail edge of the report, he heard Cade’s war whoop. An answering ululation came shrill and defiant from across the water, raising the hairs on Jesse’s arms.The cattle milled and bunched, kicking up a dust blind. One took an arrow in the flank and went down in the middle of the trace, bawling in pain but thwarting the bulk of the herd’s bolting.Rifle shot cracked. Powder smoke hung on both sides of the river now, sharp and sulfurous. For the moment they had the water for a buffer. The attacking warriors wouldn’t risk exposing themselves to cross unless sure of taking them down. Surprise was a weapon spent.A brindled cow broke from the jostling herd. It plunged down the riverbank and crumpled in the shallows, shot through the neck. The front of the herd not blocked by the downed cow pressed up against the hillside and then shifted in Jesse’s direction, threatening to stampede off down the trace. More broke for the river. Busy reloading, Jesse could do little but pray his horse stood its ground.A musket ball ripped through rhody leaves near his head. Back down the trace Cade’s rifle fired. A warrior across the river fell through brush, lay thrashing, and was dragged back into cover. Another such loss and the warriors would likely break and run. If they could hold them off a few more seconds…New voices shattered a lull in the firing. Tremolo cries like the warble of crazed turkey cocks sounded up the slope behind them.Fear jarred through Jesse. Faster than thought, he yanked free his belt ax and whirled to throw it—and almost too late recognized the two Cherokee warriors. He shouted to the drovers to stop them firing on the blueshirted figures leaping down the rocky slope, dodging frightened cattle.The Cherokees took cover on the bank, both with rifles, and commenced to putting them to use.Jesse blazed a grin of welcome at the younger of the two now at his side, rammed patch and ball to powder, and fired across the river. A final arrow sailed over the cattle’s backs. Then stillness fell, with smoke and dust drifting high on the river breeze.The drovers moved among the beeves, soothing them with staves and words, settling their own nerves with rapid glances toward the river. The warriors had melted back into the forest, taking their wounded with them. It had been a hunting party, taking their chances on an unplanned raid. If it had been a tracking party out for scalps, there were far better spots to stage an ambush along their steep and winding route from  Sycamore Shoals. A second attempt was unlikely. Jesse knew the thinking of suchmen as well as he did his own.After sliding his rifle into its saddle sling, he mounted and wheeled his horse after the few cows that had bolted up the trace. By the time Jesse had them headed back, Cade had sorted the herd and ridden up through their ranks, leading the packhorses. His gaze raked Jesse head to heel, relief deepening the creases beside his eyes. He took in the cow with the arrow in its flank, then the dead one reddening the river shallows, and yanked down his kerchief to show a mouth narrowed in regret. “That dead onelooks like Tate’s.”“’Fraid so,” Jesse said. It was always a risk, pushing beeves down the mountains under the noses of Chickamauga warriors eager to cripple the Watauga settlers who depended on the sale of their stock. Jesse and Cade had hired on for this drove each September since the war with the British ended, tracing the Watauga River east to its mountain headwaters, then down to the Catawba River and the Carolina piedmont. The beeves were bound for the market cow pens, Jesse and Cade for Morganton to barter furs and hides for supplies and then hire on as guides for any settlers heading back Overmountain before snow fell.“We’d have lost more’n cows had these wild turkeys not flushed from hiding.” Jesse nodded at the late arrivals to the fray, both Overhill Cherokees. While the drovers cast half-wary looks at the two, Cade and Jesse slid off their horses to greet them.“Friends of yours, Cade?” asked the white drover, owner of ten head of cattle and the two slaves helping drive them.“Yours too, I’d say.” Cade looped his mare’s reins around a sapling and grasped the arm of the elder Indian, a stocky man with gray threading the hair flowing from under his turban. “Whatever brings you across our path, brothers, you’ve our thanks.”Despite Cade’s half-breed Delaware blood, little distinguished his looks from the men he greeted, save that his black hair was tailed back, not plucked to a scalp-lock, as was the younger Cherokee’s. Cade’s hat brim, pinned with a hawk’s feather, shaded eyes one expected to be as dark as the battered felt but were instead as golden brown as Jesse’s—nothing to remark upon for a man of Jesse’s coloring. In Cade’s tawny face, they often drew a second look.“Thunder-Going-Away,” Cade said, naming the elder Cherokee first, by way of introduction. “And Catches Bears, his son.”The drover gave a wary nod. “Elijah Rhodes.”“Jabez and Billy,” Jesse added, with a nod at Rhodes’s slaves. Billy, fourteen and on his first drive, was shaking in the wake of the attack—with excitement as much from shock, Jesse thought. “Think one them Injuns was Dragging Canoe? Them bad Injuns, I mean,” Billy added with a sidelong look at the Cherokees.“Doubt it.” Jesse grinned at the boy, who’d prattled on about the infamous Chickamauga war chief since starting from Sycamore Shoals.“Dragging Canoe would’ve crossed right over that river and lifted our scalps. Ain’t you heard? He can swim like a fish and fly like a raven.” The boy’s eyes whitened around the rims.Jabez, an old hand at droving, slapped Billy’s back, raising dust. “He pulling yo’ leg, boy. Canoe ain’t no demon-bird. Just a man like me and you.”“Huh,” Billy said, looking unconvinced.Cade was eying Thunder-Going, a question in his eyes. “You’re a long way from Chota.”Thunder-Going raised his chin, nodding back toward the northwest. “Tate Allard said we missed you by three sleeps. We trailed you.”“Not hard to do,” Bears said, nostrils flaring wide, “with the stink these cows leave.”Thunder-Going hid a smile in the lines carved beside his mouth. “We meant to catch you coming back from Morganton, to invite you to a feast. My daughter is to join blankets with a husband.”“White Shell? ’Bout time.” Three pairs of eyes turned to Jesse when he spoke. The Cherokees and even Cade were looking at him as if he ought to say more on the matter. “What?”Bears snorted. “You see? He does not know.”Jesse frowned. “What don’t I know?”“My sister wanted you,” Bears said. “But you had no eyes to see her, so she chose one who does.”“My daughter was not the one for you,” Thunder-Going said and shrugged away what looked to Jesse like mild disappointment. Then the Cherokee inquired of Cade, though he still eyed Jesse, “Is it to be Allard’s girl, who follows this one like a puppy?”Jesse cut in before Cade could answer that. “I have not found the one. I will know when I have, and maybe then I will tell you about it.” They’d fallen into Tsalagi, the Cherokee tongue. Switching to English, he said, “Oughtn’t we to be pushing on?”Rhodes was in agreement. “How far to the next camp?”“Mile or two,” Cade said. “Have to tend the downed cows first.”Bears and his father exchanged a look. Thunder-Going said, “You go on with the herd. We will skin out the dead one. Better the hide than nothing, eh? For a share of the meat, we will bring that along as well. As much as we can carry.”The plan agreed to, Jesse mounted up. Behind him Cade said, “Where’s your hat got to, Jesse?”It still hung from the poplar, neat as on a cabin wall. Cade reached it first. He wrenched out the arrow, his face gone a shade like greened copper. In his eyes a heap of words clamored to be said, but he handed Jesse the hat and went to deal with the wounded cow on the trace. Fingering the hole in the hat’s brim, Jesse watched Cade snap the arrow nearer the wound, leaving enough to grasp. Cade urged the cow to its feet. If the cow made camp, he would take the arrow out there.Thunder-Going descended the bank toward the cow lying dead at the river’s edge. With a wolfish grin, Bears drew the hunting knife from his belt. “If the other cow does not make it, leave it lying. We will see to it as well. Then you can tell Allard and the rest you got every one of their stinking cowhides to market.”

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Absolutely wonderful! By Rosie Wow!The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is Lori Benson's sophomore novel, but it is my first novel I've read by her. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Generally I don't go for novels set in the late 1700s, but knowing Benton's debut was highly praised, I snatched up the chance to review it. Goodness, I'm glad I did! Benson's writing style is so fluid and the effort she put into research is obvious- but the information isn't shoved in your face. It was presented as the need arose.There are so many reasons I adored Tamsen and Jesse, but I'll only mention a few each. I'll start with Tamsen. That girl is so strong! And I'm not talking about physical prowess here. She may have felt in shambles, or even like porcelain, for a couple weeks but she persevered. She never gave up. Jesse was a perfect hero. No, I don't mean his character wasn't flawed but the guy had his priorities straight. He was willing to give up Tamsen if God told him to. I love the trust he expressed and willingness to follow God's will.All I can really say is: wow. I will definitely be going back and reading Burning Sky in the near future, no questions asked. Benton has an addictive style writing that captivates you until the last page. This one's a keeper! I recommend to readers ages fifteen and older who enjoy the late 1700s American setting. I also recommend to those looking for an inspirational read.I received an ARC copy of this book from the publisher in return for an honest review of my opinions, which I have done. Thanks!

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Great Writing...Distracting Romance By It'sLiz! (and family...) The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is a book focused on lost and found, adventure, and romance.Tamsen Littlejohn finds herself in a desperate position as her stepfather and suitor team up to find her...and her only resort is to head into the deep unknown with Jesse Bird, a white man raised Native American.Tamsen, born into a life of privilege and honor, finds herself challenged in new ways: not only abandoning her charmed life, but also getting comfortable around this skillful, strong man who seems to have no problem taking care of her. This forced alliance slowly turns into a love Tamsen never could've imagined for herself. But can Tamsen and Jesse forge a new life together in hiding? Will God help them through?Benton answers these questions perfectly.I enjoyed this book immensely. Benton has a way of anticipating the reader, and making every scene interesting without it seeming tediously long. This novel is 378 pages, and surprisingly very thick, which kept me entertained during long days.Although I loved the adventure and surprise that constantly hovered around Tamsen and Jesse, I felt that the romance was more secular instead of Christ-honoring. It was like the romance was the center of the story- not part of God's love, like it should've been. I would have preferred to have less of the romance, and more of God's leading Tamsen in the book.The romance element was the main issue I had with this book, everything else- the writing, style, and story pace, was right on point. I would recommend this book- but only to certain age groups.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A Thrilling Historical Love Story By candidkerry Lori Benton's sophomore novel, The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn, came with sky high recommendations in the wake of her Christy Award-winning first novel, Burning Sky. I was eager to find out if Tamsen, Jesse Bird, Cade, and the other characters would leap off the pages and stick with me long after I closed the book as had the characters from Burning Sky.I wondered if The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn would be filled with lyrical prose that enthralls and an intriguing plot that mesmerizes. Could it be just as good as Burning Sky?Yes, yes, and yes.The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn is what great stories are made of; a sweeping historical novel based around a short-lived and little-known period in American History when the State of Franklin was declared and upheaval threatens the mountains of North Carolina. It's a breath-taking romance and a thrilling journey into the rugged frontier and into two strangers' hearts as they battle together to outrun the danger pursuing them.The author does a meticulous job weaving historical details of the unrest occurring in that timeframe (1787-88)without weighing down the story. Indeed, Lori's writing is so smooth and supple that it seems the perfect mix of thrilling storytelling and vivid description. The reader truly feels they're traveling through the North Carolina mountains right along with Jesse and Tamsen.Much of the beauty of this story is in the relationships the author created between characters. Real, vibrant, emotional, Tamsen and Jesse's love story is truly captivating. As she did in Burning Sky, the author introduces an antagonist I would cross mountains to get away from, too. And the story wraps beautifully with an honest examination of why we do what we do and what secrets we choose to keep for the best of those we love.Lori has quickly become a must-read author for me. I highly recommend Burning Sky and The Pursuit of Tamsen Littlejohn, and I'm eagerly looking forward to her next book.

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The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton

The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton
The Pursuit Of Tamsen Littlejohn (Thorndike Press Large Print Christian Historical Fiction), by Lori Benton